Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Spain welcomes refugees from Greece – Prensa Latina

May 24, 2016, 4:38 Madrid, May 24 (PL) The first 20 refugees from Greece arrive today to Spain, where they will be welcomed by several non governmental organizations (NGOs) as their request for international protection is processed.

 These 20 citizens, Syrian and Iraqi origin, belong to the group of 150 agreed by the Spanish government in place within the European program of relocation of people in Greece.

In this nation processed the application for international protection with goal of entering the System Reception and Integration, which guarantees them accommodation, meals and social and psychological care.

from his arrival they will live in centers and floors of the Spanish Committee for Refugee Aid (CEAR) , Red Cross and NGOs Accem, receiving grants for this host while the order of protection, which sometimes lasts up to two years is resolved.

at least 10 are groups of families of Syrian origin, so the first process of support for them will be nine months.

During that time will be installed in homes supervised by specialists from NGOs to facilitate their integration process and welcome, according to sources of social organizations .

the autonomous region of Catalonia will host 10 of these emigrants, announced the day before Interior Minister acting Jorge Fernandez, who confirmed that the purpose of the executive is that in late June have reached Spain a total of 586.

10 days, Fernandez recalled that all countries participating in the program of the European Union (EU) relocation, created to address the humanitarian consequences of the war in Syria, they agreed to receive a total of 160,000 immigrants within two years.

the announcement of the outgoing conservative government came after thousands of people demanded in Barcelona legal and safe means of entry to Europe in one of the statements made by the global day of action for refugees.

Patricia Martorell, spokesman Cry for the -a Refugees of convocantes- organizations, urged people not to look for other side as “not to repeat what they did the majority of Germans with Jews”.

Meanwhile, Ferran Aragon, platform Stop Mother Mortum and volunteer in the fields of Greek refugees from Lesbos and Idomeni , lambasted the agreement between the EU and Turkey to deport immigrants.

the CEAR reported that although “the situation in Greece remains dire for thousands of families who fled the war and persecution, the recent measures from the EU they seem more focused on giving back to Turkey that offer refuge to which they are entitled “

lam / edu.


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