Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Young film cause panic in Madrid pretending to be terrorists – RPP News

A group of vandals entered a movie theater in Madrid (Spain) pretending to be terrorists and caused panic among viewers who had to be treated by the emergency service.

With balaclava and shooting. The five subjects balaclavas stood and entered a movie theater Fuenlabrada mall for the emergency exit shooting firecrackers in the air and uttering cries of ” Allah hu ackbar “(God is great) as if they were terrorists of any Islamic group. Even some say launched backpacks.

Panic. When he saw them enter, the spectators, who were quietly enjoying his film, panicked and tried to leave the room jostling among themselves.

Finally, the subjects ran away but were later captured by police. Meanwhile the people who were in the hall were affected by the scare and had to receive immediate attention.

are known. According to security personnel mall, young people are known to generate disorder constantly in place. Annoy customers and to have been involved in robberies



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