As if they were in the boat Chanquete, activists of the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) of Santander have ‘camped’ this morning in an office Liberbank, former Caja Cantabria, in the center of Santander.
“this office will not move us’, sang with megaphones as were arriving the first agents of the National Police to evict them inside the office, located in Amos de Escalante.
The PAHs camping in Liberbank for not wanting to negotiate.
Previously, for more than one hour, have occupied the office with banners, beach chairs, stools, blankets, towels and music. The voice of Juan Luis Guerra singing ‘Bilirubin’ mingled with the beach version of Paquito Chocolatier, while activists claimed that they would not move until Liberbank receive them.
They want to denounce that the bank is He refuses to negotiate several cases the platform has been trying for months. This is the case of Gema, a divorcee unemployed who wants to accept payment in order not to drag debt interest has increased to 130,000 euros.
Liberbank not want to negotiate cases sold to vulture funds
Other affected who was at the protest are a marriage of self and a man of 64 years. In both cases tried to negotiate with Liberbank to negotiate its debt to the inability to pay whole, and the bank has responded embargándoles and auctioning the property to a vulture fund.
“We were told that pre-menopausal what we could and we did but at the same time they took us to court to take away the house “denounces marriage, which says that since then the bank does not want to meet with them and have proposed lowering the debt to 300 euros per month and charge another 400 rental social.
“I’m still paying default interest despite auctioned my home,” says a man of 64, whose debt is half the value of your home. “I do not want to be home free, I want to pay. But something that is reasonable, because it is beyond repair, can be solved but must do their part. “
Activists have been evicted and identified. Some have offered peaceful resistance.
After more than an hour inside the bank the National Police evicted activists, some of whom have shown peaceful resistance, ie have to be dragged and carried on wings.
the twenty activists PAHs have been identified in the eyes of fifty people who have joined their cries and protests against the banks. “I’ll get my money out of here,” shouted a woman at the head of the branch, while a young man protested: “This is Spain”
The identification has lasted several minutes, after which the activists. displayed a banner and donuts were distributed among those present. “Now everything depends on Samuel” said jokingly, referring to the Government Delegate, Samuel Ruiz, ultimately responsible Cantabria lead by far the ranking of communities more complaints Muzzle Law in Spain, and so you will have to answer in the Parliament of Cantabria.
Towards the end, there has also been a time when everything has fallen back five years in time and have repeated slogans of 15M, whose anniversary occurs this week.
“they call it democracy and it is not” have sung, as was done in May 2011 in the camps of protest in squares throughout Spain, and with the participation of activists PAHs and other social movements.
in fact, there are commemorative calls Sunday throughout the country. In Santander, it will be at 19.00 pm in the Plaza Porticada, where he encamped at the time (just before the headquarters of Liberbank), in an event where the intention is to offer microabierto attendees.
Part of 15M activists also are now involved in movements of refugees and support Safe Passage. This Saturday there is demonstration of support for this group, at 12.00 from the Plaza de Numancia until Alfonso XIII, in a global call.
The Office of Mortgage Brokerage and Emergency Habitacionaldel Government Cantabria is located in the street Juan de Herrera, 2-4, 5th floor, and you can also contact her by phone ( 942 31 89 82 and
942 31 89 80 ), email ( on the website www
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