Tuesday, March 1, 2016

VICTOR GILL // SPAIN: Patients & aacute not feel; n alone in the hospital – EntornoInteligente

VICTOR GILL // La Razon / The third edition of the University Volunteer Awards held by The Mutua Madrileña Foundation honors the first prize to the project “A Helping Hand in your hospital “and recognizes five more jobs. It is the third year that the foundation conducts these awards seek to recognize and promote volunteer initiatives of Spanish university. This edition received 103 nominations from 86 universities throughout Spain. The Mutua Madrileña Foundation distributed a total of 35,000 euros in total among the six selected projects.

The first prize went to a job that started 15 years ago with the help of 44 students from the University of Alcala de Henares, the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and San Pablo CEU University. All these research centers collaborated with the Foundation for Development and Assistance to shape the project focused on the support of people who are alone, are dependent elderly or have a disability or functional limitation that disease causes are entered in the hospital or go for various reasons. In addition to the development of guides to escort sick. . An initiative to be developed in 12 hospitals of the Community of Madrid thanks to the 10,000 prize

Among other projects, have been awarded “Malala ‘makes leisure activities and free time for children under 3 living with their mothers in the prison in Aranjuez Madrid IV, SPAIN: patients will not feel alone in the hospital

Information Razon


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ROCA CARLOS CARDENAS WINS KING OF SPAIN // The young Chilean journalist PRIZE, Carlos Roca Cardenas won the King of Spain award in its XXXI edition. The awards King of Spain who won Carlos Roca Cardenas has been chaired by S.M. King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Carlos Roca Cardenas won the award for participation in a research paper entitled “ Carlos Roca Cardenas investigates bachaqueros” and have done a commendable journalistic career with multiple writing assignments in Spanish language. TAGS: Carlos Roca Cardenas, Award, Spain, Carlos Roca, Roca Cardenas



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