Friday, March 4, 2016

Sanchez accuses Rajoy to engulf the blockade of Spain – Notimundo (Press release)

Madrid, March 4, 2016.- Rajoy accuses Sanchez of Spain engulf the blockade, which claim in his last speech of investiture plenary, the candidate said PSOE to the presidency of the government.

it was in the favorable vote of 350 deputies to prevent Rajoy continue as head of government and to change policies begin to be effective.

the socialist leader has again raised this vote as a referendum on the continuity of Rajoy because the project represents “the only alternative to the Spain of inequality and injustice in which we operate.

with a single vote can change the overnight the future of Spain, he has concluded, of course; wait no longer, he said: The Spaniards do not deserve

Sanchez has not circumvented the Catalan problem and insisted that it must be approached with respect for the identities of each and territorial diversities. Spain.

Although specifies that neither has been able to save efforts to build bridges and encourage affection always on the side of the law and the Constitution, said in the statement, he said.

for now, Sanchez has again accused Rajoy had plunged Spain into a period of uncertainty and blocking with his amazing escape from its institutional responsibilities.

Mainly, for which it is necessary to spare no effort when building bridges and fostering affection, always taking into account the law.

We also took the opportunity to criticize the chief executive in office and PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, who declined the king’s offer to go to parliamentary investiture, which for the socialist candidate was “an act of escapism and irresponsibility.”

Finally, the PSOE candidate for the inauguration said has warned of the urgent need to address the problem of coexistence Catalonia



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