Expand / Your goal is that parties and pro-right to decide entities can “join” the process.
The entity that promotes the drafting of a Catalan constitution, Restarts Catalunya, presented on Saturday against some 250 people and more than 30 agencies and organizations convinced Constituent Ciutadana of Catalonia (CCCC), under deliberation of citizen initiative it will be the first phase of a Catalan constitutional process.
Restarts presented the project with the aim of parties and pro-right to decide entities but not openly separatists to “join” the constitutional process and participate in the stage of discussion on a possible Catalan Constitution in a period of between one year and 18 months, the company reported in a statement.
The company has indicated that the Catalan constitutional process is divided into four phases: participatory democracy citizens’ initiative, which promotes Restarts and is based on thematic discussions to develop a green paper and a constitutional report; institutional initiative; drafting of the constitution and referendum to ratify the text.
The first phase has been divided into 14 areas, which will deliberate on what should be an independent Catalunya, results that are subsequently used as the basis for territorial debates to be held throughout Catalonia with the aim of incorporating entities and organizations that provide the maximum “transversality and plurality as possible” to the project.
The synthesis and final proposals for consensus to be reached in the first stage collected in two documents to be delivered to Parliament: a Green Paper with proposals for an independent Catalunya that “overflow” strict constitutional framework and a constitutional report.
The event was attended by the president and deputy JxSí Sumate, Eduardo Reyes; the coordinator of the National Pacte pel Dret Choice (PNDD) and president of the National Council of Démocrates de Catalunya, Joan Rigol; President Commissioned by the National Transitional Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer; the president of the ANC, Jordi Sànchez; President of Omnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart; Deputy CatSíQueEsPot, Lluís Rabell; EUiA coordinator and deputy CatSíQueEsPot, Joan Josep Nuet; Acord d’member Esquerres per the Catalan Republic (AExRC), David Companyon; the nun leader Constituent Procés, Teresa Forcades; the former deputy of the CUP, Antonio Baños, and Professor of Political Science, Ferran Requejo, among others.
Restarts Catalunya presents the first phase of the drafting of a Catalan Constitution
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