Friday, March 11, 2016

PP and PSOE in the Assembly together defend the role of the councils – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The initiative has gone ahead with the vote in favor of socialists and ‘popular’, and has been rejected both we as citizens.

The PSOE and the PP have together voted in favor of a parliamentary initiative made by the ‘popular’ at the plenary session on Thursday in the Assembly of Extremadura, and in which the “institutional value” of the provincial councils claimed provincial for the “territorial structure”.

the initiative, articulated in the form of proposed pronouncement, has gone ahead with the vote in favor of socialists and ‘popular’, and has been rejected both we as Citizens.

in the text adopted, the Assembly urges the Parliament and the central government to demand the “institutional value” of the councils “as governments fulfill the mission of cooperating in the territorial structure and to ensure equality and access for all citizens to needed services. “

it also urges Courts and the national Executive to” ensure the maintenance “of the councils as institutions that” contribute to the benefit “the rural world through the development of towns and cities,” essential “in a community like Extremadura” with vast territory and low population density, where greater efforts are needed to provide services on an equal basis. “

Similarly, PSOE and PP vote together in favor also claim that the reforms “necessary” are undertaken to “ensure” that provincial councils are “modern” and “effective” to “service” administrations citizens, “where no powers overlap” and who have “the same level of quality and self-sufficiency of other authorities of the state”.

PP Thus, the PP spokesman in the Assembly, Cristina Lieutenant, has defended the role of the councils as an element to “backbone” territories and “reduce inequalities” in areas such as Extremadura; and called for the unity of all extremeños parties claim maintenance of these institutions.

“In a few regions such as Extremadura it is so justified its existence,” he said, and criticized those from “A office in Barcelona “unknown in his opinion the” efforts “to be made in areas such as Extremadura to provide services in rural areas.

” We must stop stepping on asphalt and stomp mud “, has broached Teniente who has lamented the “opportunism” of the PSOE to share the approach that the councils are “useless” –indica– only by the national agreement reached between Pedro Sanchez and citizens.

PSOE a in turn, the deputy of the PSOE Miguel Angel Morales stressed that “the development of Extremadura would not be what it is if it were not for the provincial councils, which have meant equal citizens”; and has defended the “possibility” of “change” the current model but –ha explicado– ensuring equality of resources in rural areas.

“We have to move in a new model of inter-municipal government to ensure that municipalities can fulfill all the functions they have, “he has broached the socialist, who has argued that” all the inhabitants of rural areas have guaranteed equal all services “.

After showing” in against “the” waste “and” corruption “in” some provincial councils, “he insisted that” the key is to get agreement on new models to move forward “.

it has emphasized, so that the Socialist Group in the Assembly “will be and will defend the model that has been a fundamental advance in Extremadura as a result of work done in the deputation of Cáceres and Badajoz”; while has stressed that “obviously” his group is “against models caciquiles councils that have achieved instrumentalized corruption and that somehow have not benefited the citizens,” he said.

“we will vote yes this (proposal PP) because we understand that an inter-government, an instrumental government to benefit the municipalities is necessary in this region,” he said to argue the support of the PSOE parliamentary initiative of the PP .

Citizens for its

part, the parliamentary spokesman for Citizens, Maria Victoria Dominguez, has denied that will be deleted “at a stroke” county councils, while for that constitutional reform is required.

you have so opted for “dialogue, consensus, covenant and agreement” to be carried out “reform of the provincial administration” to remove the “political structure” but “no” the “technical structure” deputations.

“We advocate the abolition of county councils provided that the provision of services to citizens is guaranteed”, has broached Dominguez, who has warned that “the cost of the councils is unconscionable” that “no” corresponds to the services provided.

“people no longer have autonomy to be held hostage by the provincial councils and many politicians deputations cases hostages,” he lamented.

we can turn, can spokesman in the Assembly, Alvaro Jaen, has argued that “deputations were thought thinking of the asymmetric territorial model”; while acknowledged that they “have” functions and added that, in any case, “no” is “a State which has opaque administrations and are configured through indirect elections” needs.

After also regrettable that the resources of the councils “too often managed back to citizenship”, he has also advocated the articulation of a Local Autonomy Law in Extremadura.

also, Jaen has warned that the PP “has too many administrations, officials, public services, public” and that the party wants to keep the provincial people as “functional personal interests” entities.

Final Turn Finally to close the debate, parliamentary spokesman for the PP, Cristina Lieutenant, has praised the “consistency” of the PSOE to support the ‘popular’ proposal Thursday in the Assembly in defense of the provincial councils.

Ha considered that “we must attack with all the strength corrupt”, while rejected that groups like Citizens indicado– –ha ask the suppression of deputations arguing that contain “corrupt” attitudes in certain territories.

“We have to defend from this parliament all institutions that impact and strengthen our rural areas”, concluded Lieutenant.

PP and PSOE defend together in the Assembly the role of the councils

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