Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Members surprise kiss between Congress Spain [VIDEO] – Trade

Members Pablo Iglesias and Xavier Domènech surprised more than one a kiss on the mouth in the Congress of Spain.

Churches, leader of Podemos, I winging down the stairs of Congress to embrace fraternally leader in Comú Podem, who had just launched his first speech in place. Amid the embrace, both one kiss on the lips were given.

The scene was like spectators privileged to various government ministers in office, including Economy, Luis de Guindos, the Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, and Health, Alfonso Alonso.

according to Spanish media, it is not the first time the two leaders greet this way, however it is the first time that the television cameras capture it.

The incident occurred during the investiture debate in a world transformed by the entry of emerging parties as we, who was preparing to vote very broadly “no” to the candidacy of the Spanish Socialist leader parliament Pedro Sanchez .

Sanchez, a former professor of Economics 44, elected secretary general of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) in primary less than two , he received in February commissioned by the king of trying to form a government.

With 90 deputies, their training came second in the legislative elections in December, but the leader of the first force, the head of the outgoing government, Mariano Rajoy of the conservative Partido popular (PP, 123 deputies), refused to try the investiture for lack of support.

Pedro Sanchez will undergo a second vote on Friday , which no longer need an absolute majority, only a simple majority. If no one changes its position, it should not get it.

If within two months neither he nor other candidate has managed to be invested prime minister, Spain call for new elections, in principle . June 26

Source: Agencies


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