Expand / The President of Aragon defines the agreement as “the most important of those held this government.”
The Minister of Innovation, Research and University, Pilar Joy, and the rector of the University have signed a financing agreement until 2020, an act that the president of Aragon, Javier Lambán, described as “the most important of few held this Government “and has already anticipated it is called to be” one of the most important of this legislature. “
the University is, according to Lambán, an irreplaceable reference for culture, engine of economic development of the region and considered “inconceivable” the future of Aragon without a “vigorous and well-funded” university.
In this regard, he reiterated that “betting on our future is to bet on the University”, which portrays as a transmitter of knowledge to the productive apparatus and to the social fabric. “The productive apparatus depends on the efficiency, sustainability of the production system and the quality of employment generated and the transfer of knowledge to society depends on the democratic quality of conviviality and good passing of social relations” –
the president of Aragon recalled that the priorities of the autonomous government announced at the beginning of the legislature passed to combat social poverty, restore public services and reconcile with the University of Zaragoza after four years of contentious relations “and little edifying “who came to the door of the court.
in this same vein said, the Minister of Innovation, Research and University, Pilar Joy, for whom it was vital to start a new path with a different present that commitment to knowledge and the University. Joy, who thanked the management of the current Rector that soon ends his tenure as head of the academic institution, agrees with him that the signing of this financing agreement is a beginning and that “there is a future for transit”.
the rector of the University, Manuel Lopez, has indicated that it sees this agreement as a solution, but as a commitment to the Aragonese society through the autonomous government, “as a challenge and as a service to others either contributing to the productive economy or society in general. ” For Lopez, this agreement is important because facilitate stability and forecast spending and
the agreement, which guarantees core funding of 780 million euros until 2020, includes the assumption of long-term debt of 14 million euros by the Government, which also allows the university to go amortizing debt short term. with this, a line opens recovery in the medium term and can better support research.
in addition, collect a minimum investment of 2.5 million in infrastructure each year, which already provides address infrastructure costs, “some very deteriorated” as the restoration of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, also today celebrated its 75th anniversary.
Government of Aragon and UZ signed financing 780 million 2020
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