Friday, March 4, 2016

Create a machine that destroys tumors without chemotherapy | Peru Trade – Trade

A team of scientists from the Spanish universities of Zaragoza and Pompeu Fabra University have developed a generating high voltage pulses can destroy tumors without using chemotherapy

with this system of irreversible electroporation, which is already patented, may destroy solid tumors more quickly, less toxic and invasive than chemotherapy and radiotherapy, according to a statement from the University of Zaragoza.

This phenomenon causes the death of cells, then using high electric fields, generates irreparable damage to their cell wall .

the irreversible electroporation has important benefits for the patient against other more aggressive treatments because it is neither heat nor uses drugs, but could also be applied in combination with standard medical therapies to achieve greater effectiveness and improve recovery times.

This new technology biomedical application, which has been published in the journal “IEEE journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics” has attracted interest from several companies, which will advance the use of this system in the fight against cancer.

at the moment, highlighted the university center, the generator, which can apply voltages up to 12 peak to peak and currents up to 400 amps kilovolts, it has been successfully tested in studies “in vivo” and has demonstrated its ability to destroy large volumes tissue.

Oscar Lucia, researcher of the Group of Power Electronics and Microelectronics, said that compared with chemotherapy, this system is “more localized and less harmful, because it does not involve thermal heating unlike . radiotherapy or radio frequency “and, therefore, recovery is faster and with fewer side effects

Source: EFE


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