Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cospedal: “more corruption than before are known, but … –

Cospedal: "more corruption than before are known, but … –

María Dolores de Cospedal

The general secretary of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, during the press conference after the meeting of the steering committee of the party which has ruled out changes in the internal structure of his party. (Angel Diaz / AP)

The general secretary of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, recognizes the concern of citizens by corruption has grown and now “more cases known that before,” but argues, however, “that now there is less corruption than ever “.

In a interview with The Sixth Night , Cospedal has defended the good work of the prosecution, the courts and the rule of law and emphasized anti-corruption measures that the Government will put underway. “There are 85,000 councilors in Spain who are honest, hardworking people,” he noted.

He has insisted that there have been Many more resignations in the PP by corruption than other parties politicians, “even people who certainly were not guilty.”

W hen people are accused of committing a crime and found to be innocent, have the right to be know your true The general secretary of PP ensures that the extesorero Luis Barcenas has been an “unpleasant surprise , has deceived many people and has taken advantage of the Popular Party.”

On the procedural reform adopted by the government, limiting to 6 and 18 months judicial instructions, Cospedal noted that the reduced training times is very important because citizens want that when someone has committed a crime is known regarding to what he has done, “and pay”.

You have stressed that when ‘people are accused of committing a crime and found to be innocent, entitled to its truth “is known. “The instruction can not last eight or ten years,” he said.

The presentation for re-election as a candidate for president of the Government of Mariano Rajoy, is defended by the general secretary, who acknowledges that “Rajoy He found a country with many difficulties, and today these problems are being solved “, so is a president” very credible “.

About Rodrigo Rato, the leader of PP replied that “minister of Economy was a great minister” and their performances in the professional field that have nothing to do with politics “I will not comment” .

On a possible PP-PSOE, coalition María Dolores de Cospedal said: “I think that as ruling parties -PP-PSOE we have been and are, have a responsibility to uphold the General in our country and act benefits of Spanish interest above political party, firmly believe “interests.


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