Pablo Iglesias, during their meeting in Barcelona. / BAUTISTA CONSUELO / ATLAS
Paul Iglesias has become Sunday can defend the right to decide on a case against the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas. The secretary general of the formation has tried to stage a dialogue between Madrid and Barcelona defending Spain as “country of countries” against the only sovereignist debate. It has been linked to CiU with austerity and corruption and has asked the Catalans travel to the capital on January 31 [the "March for Change" that the party has called] “to tell those who govern in Madrid Barcelona and your time is up “.
Before about 3,000 people gathered in a sports hall of Vall d’Hebron-including the president of the Generalitat Pasqual Maragall and the deputy of ERC in the Joan Congress leader can Tardà- gave its first meeting since his election rejecting the “patriotic bracelets” and calling them “traitors, Pujol or call Rodrigo Rato” who have accounts in Switzerland and Andorra. “I want that Catalonia becomes independent? No, but I know the Spanish breed has insulted the Catalans,” he highlighted. “To me you’ll see me me a hug nor Rajoy nor Mas” she added, referring to hug David Fernández, leader of the CUP, gave the president of the Generalitat last November 9.
The idea of right to decide can involve, say their leaders, “decide everything.” “We need to open a constituent process to open doors and windows, which open the locks,” proclaimed Iglesias, who started his speech with a reference to their emotional ties to Barcelona, represented by the detective Pepe Carvalho and novels Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. The leader can have abounded in his concept of sovereignty. “Sovereignty means that the people’s representatives do not represent funds. Sovereignty means that the articles of the Constitution when a call from Mrs. Merkel received are not changed”, has been influential in reference to the reform of Article 135 of Fundamental to enshrine the principle of budgetary stability Act
HERNANDO:” CAN ARISE AS CLEAN BUT DON It is FULL OF DIRT, CACA BY SAYING NO “. The new PP spokesman in Congress today expressed one of his first posts on the party of Pablo Iglesias.
Before him, Gemma Ubasart, secretary Plurinationality of Can, referred to the “Catalan” of training, which has kept a low profile before consultation 9-N and has maintained an indefinite position on the sovereignism. “In Unionists nor can we not independence,” he said. “We are Democrats. The future we want for Catalonia is that the Catalans decide,” he said.
Remove the speech of the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, and “the idea of country” that has driven CiU is the priority that can be fixed in Catalonia in a scenario of early elections. And this is the context in which Pablo Iglesias, leader training, has traveled to Barcelona to try to bolster its presence in Catalan society.
The identity debate, an issue particularly sensitive for training, it was located far from the principles of independence but is in favor of the “right to choose”. “We are in a process of democratic radicalization” Ubasart, Professor of Politics at the University of Girona and party secretary Plurinationality explains. In the process we defend the right of Catalans recognition to determine their relationship with the state. And from that course, engage in dialogue. “We find ourselves in the context of common sense 85% of Catalan society,” maintains.
This strategy is to show that not everything is related to the sovereignty pulse and CiU leaders are representatives of the “caste” as the leaders of the PP and the PSOE. The Secretary General and the head of territorial political party, Secretary of Plurinationality, Gemma Ubasart, intervened on Sunday with these arguments in the first rally since last November 15. The dome shall meet thereafter TV3 workers, representatives of movements in defense of public health and Ada Colau spokesman Guanyem Barcelona municipal platform, to ascertain the impact of the Government of CiU, which, in the words of Ubasart ” It is the party that rode the first laboratory of neoliberal policies “. “This is where the first cuts before applied in other territories,” he continues. We may be charged against a linked “to austerity and corruption” formation, to try to draw a bridge between Barcelona and Madrid has started in Catalonia’s campai gn “pace of change” a demonstration on January 31.
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