Sunday, December 7, 2014

Catala justified listens without permission and PSOE speaks of ‘great … – Noticias de Álava

Catala justified listens without permission and PSOE speaks of 'great … – Noticias de Álava

Madrid – The Justice Minister Rafael Catala yesterday justified the possibility of intervening communications in some cases without prior judicial authorization and hoped that this measure has the support of consultative and consensus of parliamentary groups organs.

The draft organic law amending the Criminal Procedure Act dealt Friday by the Cabinet allows for reasons of urgency, they can intervene communications of all kinds in the investigation of crimes of particular gravity without asking permission of the judicial authority which is now mandatory. Catala stressed that there is a practice that can be generalized and is intended only for very specific issues and stressed that if an intervention of communications in any event be effected should be reported to the judge within 24 hours.

The justice minister insisted that this is a measure provided “so exceptional” and “singular” that can not be thought that Spain could become “a police state” and, therefore, trust that the matter does not generate much controversy. After revealing he has already talked about this and other matters on the draft Law on Criminal Procedure judges, Catala wanted to make clear that the Government’s proposal is at an early stage and still remains for the Council of State and the General Council of the Judiciary are pronounced.

However, the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, this “sort of Big Brother generates much distrust of citizens” represents another “cutting rights and freedoms”. Socialist leader stressed that during this mandate, the Government of Rajoy has turned to measures affecting social rights, laws like the Public Safety or his attempt to reform the abortion. – Efe


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