Monday, December 8, 2014

A poll gives the PSOE 27%, for 25% and can … – Faro de Vigo

A poll gives the PSOE 27%, for 25% and can … – Faro de Vigo

The PSOE would impose legislative elections, if held now, with 27.7% of the vote, followed by Can, with 25% and well above the PP, which would be relegated to 20 %, according to a survey prepared by Metroscopia and published by the newspaper “El País” in its Sunday edition. IU would remain at 5.6% and 4.8% UPyD. The newspaper reveals that, despite his success, training leading Iglesias has suffered a slight decline from the previous survey of the medium. A month ago, we appeared as first force, with 27.7% of the vote, followed by the PSOE (26.2%) and PP (20.7%). However, the newspaper said in voting intentions can still in the lead, with 18%, although in November he won 22.2%. Chapter valuation leaders who receives more support is Pablo Iglesias, with -17, the result of subtracting 34% of supports 51% of disaffection. Followers Pedro Sanchez (-24, 29% vs. 53%), Cayo Lara (-27, 33% versus 60%) and Rosa Díez (-29, 32% vs. 61%). Emphasizes support for the ma nagement of Philip VI (+43, 67% vs. 24%).


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