Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pedro Sanchez uses the name ‘Big Brother’ to criticize … – Vertele

Pedro Sanchez uses the name 'Big Brother' to criticize … – Vertele





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Pedro Sanchez uses the name ‘Big Brother’ to criticize the government

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leader PSOE was referring to the subject of plays, the Government intends to impose without permission of the judge




12/07/2014 <- - author info!> | Car






The Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, expressed his outright rejection of “the sort of ‘big brother’ ‘that the government wants to implement, authorizing the interception of communications of all in the investigation of particularly serious crimes without prior permission from the judge.

In an informal conversation with journalists during the reception by the Constitution Day held in Congress, Sánchez has reported that it is “a twist more cutting rights” that has been carried out in this term, Efe reported.

The draft Law on Criminal Procedure approved by the Government anticipates that for reasons of urgency , can intervene communications of all kinds in the investigation of particularly serious crimes, without prior authorization of the judicial authority as necessary today.

For Sanchez, this “sort of ‘big brother’ generates much distrust of citizens “and represents another” cutting rights and freedoms “. The socialist leader has stressed that during this mandate, the Executive has turned to measures affecting social rights, laws like the Public Safety or his attempt to reform the abortion.













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