Monday, December 8, 2014

We can present your project tomorrow Madr … – ecodiario

We can present your project tomorrow Madr … – ecodiario

Servimedia <- - google_ad_section_end (name = noticia_titulo)!> | 12/08/2014 – 11:30

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This Tuesday will be presented at a press conference in Madrid’s candidacy supporting the Secretary General can, Pablo Iglesias, for municipal elections in the capital. This is one led by a team set up under the programmatic and political strategy of the leader of this training list


The list will likely be led by Jesus Montero, who participated in the creation of the United Left (IU) in 1986. Currently, Montero is listed as one of 63 members can call the Citizen Council Statewide, body to go shelling and structuring the different political strategies of the game.

Even the option of Juan Carlos Wallet, strongman Pablo Iglesias in can be present as possible cartel leader this option is not contemplated, although it has been postulated as a more than feasible name try to win in the Palacio de Telecomunicaciones.

At the moment, this municipal candidacy for Madrid will be integrated under the name of ‘Sure We Can Madrid’, ie the same name already used Iglesias and his team to dispute the General Secretariat and the steering of training statewide.

According to sources this nomination, tomorrow the political and organizational document which will be submitted ‘Sure We Can Madrid’ configure their strategy for mayor of the capital in May 2015.

In addition to this option to Madrid, another figure called ‘Madrid Yes Can’, which has already submitted its structure.

In addition to Madrid, the general secretary wanted to make their mark in cities like Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Seville, with candidates who will get to know during the month of December.

In the case of ‘course can Sevilla’, this application is already established and led by Begoña Gutiérrez, law graduate and member of the decision-making body can statewide.

In the case of Barcelona, ​​the party is led by a graduate in Political Science, Marc Bertomeu, who is already in contact with the platform of Ada Colau, ‘Guanyem Barcelona’, and other social actors, order to define the municipal strategy can in Barcelona.

The configuration of these municipal bodies, which will be structured with a particular computer in early January, will therefore programmatic wake of Churches.

In this way, the party aims to create some groups of municipal leadership to integrate with other applications of “popular unity” (as Ganemos) to attend the municipal elections



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