Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Margallo: Spain will be represented at a very high level in the signing of the peace – Terra Peru

The Spanish Foreign minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, said today that Spain will be represented “at a very high level” in the signature of the peace agreement in Colombia and denied any parallel between this conflict and the terrorism of ETA in Spain.

Before journalists at the headquarters of the UN, Garcia-Margallo thanked the colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, of statements that is willing to correspond with their help to that of Spain, although he said that this country does not pass through any “similar situation” to the colombian.

“Try to find parallels between the conflict of the ETA and the colombian conflict is to lose the perspective,” he stressed, after arguing that Colombia had “a civil war, with significant parts of the territory occupied by two guerrillas”, the FARC and the ELN”, while “in Spain there were a few gentlemen that they murdered and others who were killed.”

with Regard to who will represent Spain in the signing of the peace in the colombian city of Cartagena de Indias, the next day, 26, said that the decision is still “in the ‘we’ll see’”, but, in any case, the representation will be of a “very high level”, because in their judgement it is an agreement “absolutely historic”, of which Spain feels “share and lead”.

The Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) reached a peace agreement last month, which puts an end to 52 years of armed conflict.

The agreement, however, is conditional on approval by popular vote in a plebiscite to be held on 2 October.


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