Saturday, September 3, 2016

Cardinal Cañizares announces the creation at the Catholic University of Valencia of a Chair for Women and other … – NoticiasReligiosas (press release) (blog)

VALENCIA, 2 SEP. (AVAN) .- Cardinal Archbishop of Valencia, Antonio Cañizares, has announced the creation in the Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr two new chairs: one dedicated to the study and promotion of women, and another aimed formation in public life.

Thus, during the official opening ceremony of the course 2016-2017 at the Catholic University of Valencia has been suggested that the first could be called ?? ?? Santa Teresa of Calcutta, who will be canonized by Pope Francisco on Sunday, and the other bearing the name of St. Thomas More ?? ??, for training in public life.

for the cardinal archbishop is necessary to the truth, man and his life ?? in the center of scientific and educational concerns of college ??. So, knowledge is ?? indispensable condition for real progress ?? and ?? can not be separated from his anthropological and ethical roots ??.

?? Not at all or very little would be the presence of media and cultural instruments, including the most prestigious, if they were not accompanied by a clear vision of the goal of the university, which is the overall formation of the human person, considered in its constitutive and original dignity, as well as an end ?? he asserted.

in the Chancellor of opinion the Catholic University of Valencia, the society asks the university not only specialists learned ?? ?? in their fields of knowledge, culture, science and technology but also ?? promoters of justice, because they are oriented to truth ??.

Similarly, the Chancellor has indicated that the Catholic University of Valencia continues its journey in which the UCV must be present in this reality ?? in truth, freedom and in defense of man and woman. “

also, the Cardinal welcomed the celebration next October at the UCV an international congress dedicated to analyzing the problem of hunger and poverty in the world as well as emerging research in food.

hunger is a ?? basic problem of humanity that must mark the course of the research, teaching, style, insertion in the Church and publications ?? University, said

SÁNCHEZ CAMERA. WHEN ?? FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS violate our duty to go to court ??

Meanwhile, Ignacio Sanchez House, rector of the Catholic University of Valencia, said about scholarships and practices of the students, who ?? UCV attitude is always dialogue ??, ?? but believes that when fundamental rights of citizens are violated, and specifically students and the university, we have a duty, which is not pleasant, of ?? go to court.

So, he assured that ?? is reasonable to think that this resource is not a gesture of aggression but normal when there is discussion about whether or not certain rights violated? ?. Therefore, Sanchez Chamber has argued that ?? will always be ready to resume the dialogue and try to solve all problems with due respect for the rights of people ??.

In addition, the rector said that VCU works to improve the four missions of the university: teaching -about which stressed the establishment of a ?? transparent, clear and objective system ?? profesorado- for promotion, research and complete formation of the person and the role of the university as an authority in society.


the Catholic University of Valencia spent during the past year a total of 5.4 million euros to scholarships, according to the memory of 2015-2016.

This amount was distributed in various types of study aid ranging from the assumption of the full economic cost of education or reducing a percentage thereof, to the awarding of grants for collaboration in various departments or university services.

the UCV, which according to the report last year had 13,650 students registered in official qualifications, increased by 6.6% the volume of such funding in their budgets for this course for any student who is entitled to grant stay unstudied at the Catholic University of Valencia.

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