Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Turkey: towards the civil war? – Journal Armenia

LEBANON-TURKEY-POLITICS-DEMOIn the early morning of November 4, 2016 were imprisoned, the co-chair and co-chair of the Democratic Party* of the Peoples (HDP) Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, days ago Fırat Anlı and Gültan Kışanak, coalcalde and coalcandesa of Diarbekir (Amed), emblematic city of the Turkish Kurdistan (Bakur) ran with the same luck. These arrests add to a wave of repression that resulted in more than 80,000 imprisoned after the failed coup attempt of the past 15 July, focusing its attention on organizations prokurdas, organizations, human rights defenders, women’s organizations, sectors, progressive and democratic, critics of the dictatorial regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey.

The war that the Workers ‘ Party of Kurdistan (PKK) began in 1984 to liberate Bakur of the Turkish State, dangerously again make sense for a good part of the kurdish people, who considers it to these heights for peace with the Turkish State "a joke in bad taste". Militarily a victory against the second largest army of NATO (Turkey has more than a million troops) is almost impossible, even if the Liberation Movement of Kurdish can muster more than 80,000 combatants in the four regions of Kurdistan (40% would be composed by women). The kurds and other minorities like the alevíes, yezidis have entered into a violent crossroads, probably in the short term Turkey will lead to a new civil war until now not declared.

A victory paid with blood

The HDP*, third electoral force in Turkey wrested the hegemony of the Party for Justice and Development (AKP) of Erdogan in the recent elections of June and November of 2015. The heat of this victory and under the example of the revolution of Rojava (Kurdistan syrian), the kurds in Turkey decide to boost the democratic autonomy, a system of self-government and self-defense that extends for a large part of southeast Turkey. The Turkish government responded in a way devastating to occupy militarily large population centers kurds; they were reduced to rubble the cities of Cizre and Nusaybin, and the district of Southern in Diarbekir, among others. According to the NGO, International Crisis Group, a specialist in armed conflicts during the operations of the Turkish government in kurdish territory 307 civil, 653 members of groups of self-defence kurds, 219 young people "without affiliation" (probably activists of youth organizations kurdish) and 582 members of the se curity forces in Turkish were killed in clashes.

The war is not declared

Erdogan-ISIS-Kurds-960x500Beginning in January of 2016 Denis Bagok fighter Units of Civil Protection (YPS) of Nusaybin, in an interview for the German website Low Klass Magazine mentioned the possibility of a new open war between the Turkish State and the Liberation Movement of Kurdish, if there was not enough political will for signing a peace agreement: "If this war continues, we will have to separate ourselves from Turkey. If the Turkish State does not accept us, we will build our own democratic autonomy. And if you do not accept our autonomy, we’re going to pursue each officer, gendarme, and military here. This is the land of our grandparents, anyone we can out of here. In the years '90, our families were expelled from the country and had to migrate to the cities. Such cult ural genocide does not happen again, we’re not going to accept something like that. The kurds of today are not the kurds of old. We will resist to the death".

Months later I was able to interview in Istanbul, the lawyer of kurdish Aras Aslan, who repeated a similar sentence: "The kurdish issue in Turkey cannot be solved if there is enough political will on the part of the Turkish government, the military way is not possible for any of the two parties, and may increase the conflict without solving the underlying problem".

There is in Turkey a non-declared war against the kurds long-standing (if you want to since 1923, the year of foundation of the Turkish Republic), the current facts is nothing more than your expression recent. In spite of the will of Abdullah Öcalan, the secretary general of the PKK and the leader of the Liberation Movement of Kurdish by settling the kurdish issue in Turkey, the Turkish state has done everything possible to avoid any peaceful solution. The administration of Erdogan has not been the exception, initially in the capacity of prime minister between 2003 and 2014, and now president since 2014, the new "sultan" has become the representative system Turkish court medieval moves to his whim, in his delirium neootomanista has launched again and again against all those whom he considers his adversaries.1

The constant military operations in Turkish that violate the high-fire unilaterally that the PKK was proposed in 2013, the lack of knowledge of the Agreements of Dolmabahçe 2015, a document that provided for the disarmament of the PKK and a peaceful solution of the kurdish issue, have accentuated the conflict, while the Movement for the Liberation of Kurdish faces a constant escalation of violence.

what A civil war in progress?

Kiss Hozat, co-chair of the PKK few weeks ago expressed the willingness of the PKK to carry out operations against the Turkish State if this is not for the siege against the kurds. "We are fighting against the policy of genocide of the AKP, they will continue to move forward. We’re not going to kneel. The acceptance of these policies means to accept the genocide. The kurdish people and the PKK militants are not lambs for the slaughter. We’re not going to limit the war in Kurdistan in the North, we’re going to spread it through Turkey. Everywhere is a war zone for us now,".

The kurds in the 1980′s and 1990′s, as said Bagok, are not the kurds of now, the Movement for the Liberation of Kurdish is a vast movement of social and political transnational and cross-border that brings together millions of people. The Turkish State faces not only to thousands of guerrilla fighters can easily "come down out of the mountains", also makes it to the systems of self defense urban massively supported by the kurdish population, but has in front of it to a society, with women at the head, that it will not surrender easily for any reason, in the same way that Öcalan in his last public statement once again emphasizes his commitment to his people: "I’m a democrat and a revolutionary. I’m not going to surrender to the State or to anyone else, even if I have to stay here so many other tens of years. I can continue living like this until the end of my life without breathing a single breath. I have clear this subject."

Carlos Pazmino

Summary Middle East

*The HDP and the Regional Party Democratic (BDP), they are the only two parties legal in Turkey which implement the system of co-presidency on all levels (political and institutional), linking equal terms to men and women. The HDP and the BDP come from a long tradition of political organizations, legal pro-kurdish since the 1990 constant illegalized.



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