Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The new minister of defense is Cospedal Do you Or your husband? – Blasting News

The new minister of Defense, María Dolores of Cospedal, is not a #Politics any, but that is a heavy weight of legislature of Rajoy. In his career as a policy, your limited experience is contrasted between their modest achievements and the numerous scandals #Corruption that have been harmed in Castilla la Mancha and at the national level. The few relationships that Cospedal has had with his new ministry are scarce, and above all ridiculous. An example would be the occasion in which the Union of Teaching the required to give back when he tried to enter the military education in the classrooms of Castilla la Mancha . While in his party were opposed to the course education for citizenship, she sought to teach children from la mancha to distinguish between missiles americans and russians. Carme Chacón, as defence minister with a Cobbler, also left to Cospedal in ridiculous, after its first intervention in the house after 22 months. In the response of the minister Chacon, le recrimina to Cospedal, not only do not know the laws, but not if you want to have been reported in the press.

Ignacio López del Hierro is the husband of Cospedal, is an economist and famous for corruption scandals. While studying in Madrid he joined the Liberal Democrat party where he met the oligarchs of the transition, which catapulted him into the UCD, Adolfo Suarez winning the elections in 1977. Former president of public company (Soprea) and director of estate management (Itínere, Amper), leading up to the board of directors of Caja Castilla-La Mancha in 2007. Marries Cospedal in 2009 and in 2011 she wins the elections of the autonomous community itself with an absolute majority for the PP (1st time). Then a company of Ignatius began to earn 19 times more than before that his wife was president of the community. In 2011 Cospedal was invited to the Bilderberg Club.

from here we begin to investigate the suspicious activity economic of the husband of Cospedal. The office of the prosecutor investigates claimed as a counselor in the shadow of Liberbank, a company that he joined Caja Castilla-La Mancha, and that continued charging of Caja Cantabria 7.000€ per month without doing anything. Ignacio López del Hierro is also involved in the bankrupt airport of Ciudad Real, in the nuclear repository of Basin, in economic operations in Eastern Europe surveyed by the CNI (The confidential), and even in the case Barcenas. The extesorero the PP Luis Barcenas has always maintained that Ignacio paid as a donation to the #Government Rajoy 114.000€ between the years 97 and 98.


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