Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The DNA test that will force dog owners to pick up excrement from the street – The Race

Tired of having the dirty streets, the authorities decided to put science at your service

"He would. Never forget to pick up the droppings of your pets." It is used to promote the Spanish town of Mislata, near Valencia, spain, its campaign to finish the unpleasant situation of finding themselves with the feces of pets in the streets.

As part of the same, announced that create a gene bank of DNA for all dogs in the municipality with the aim to identify those owners who permit to n their pets to befoul the town, and not clean.

Officials of Mislata reported that the local police will take samples of dog excrement collected by cleaning staff to the streets and brought to a laboratory for analysis.

The owners have until December 31 to take their dogs to a vet for them to take a blood sample free of charge. Those who do not register the DNA of your dog will face fines of 300 euros ($ 331 usd).

Animación of a dog cleaning up his own feces.
"He would", is the name of the campaign of the Municipality of Mislata.

There are similar schemes, but more limited, in the united States and the United Kingdom.

The municipality of Mislata warns homeowners who are facing a fine of €200 (US$ 221) if you do not clean the dirt of your dog of the streets.

once the pet is registered in the DNA database, the owner will receive a tag that must be put on the dog.

Valencia has also introduced another method for keeping the sidewalks clean: tweezers, disposable carton which allow the dog owner to remove the stool more hygienic, reported the Spanish newspaper ABC.

A dog with its dueñor in a park.
officials of Mislata believe that there is a strong public support to control owners of dogs.


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