Wednesday, November 2, 2016

SPAIN: Carmena want to limit the speed of the M-30 to 70 Km/h – EntornoInteligente

Five Days / The area of Environment and Mobility of Madrid city Council is working on a plan to reduce the speed to 70 km/h on the M-30 and in all the accesses to the capital, since that is the speed that “less polluted”. This proposal is in addition to others such as creating a large area of restricted traffic in the central core or the creation of dissuasive car parks. “Download speed” to “pollute less”, explained Carlos Corral, deputy director of Sustainable Mobility of the City of Madrid during the presentation of the draft Plan on Air Quality and Climate Change.

This measure would be complemented with others, such as strengthening the pedestrianization of streets , including the Gran Via . In this way, the reduction of the speed in the main accesses to Madrid will be “structural” and not only will be effective in the implementation of the protocol against pollution, which is activated between the last Sunday and Tuesday. However, the PP considers that both the extent to create a large Area of Priority Residential (APR) as the restriction of speed to 70 km/h will generate a “lock” and isolation in the central core. The APR in the center of the capital would be set up in a perimeter marked by the streets Alberto Aguilera, Carranza, Sagasta, Genova, Paseo de Recoletos, Paseo del Prado, calle Atocha, Ronda de Valencia, Ronda de Toledo, Gran Via de San Francisco, calle Bailén, Cuesta de San Vicente and Princess. Access to this large perimeter of restricted access to a private vehicle would allow, according to the Consi story, to create a zone in which “prioritizes pedestrian mobility, cycling and public transport”.

SPAIN: Carmena want to limit the speed of the M-30 to 70 Km/h

With Information of Five Dias

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