Grace Oria .- Agents of the National Police in Spain arrested three people responsible for a criminal group dedicated to the capture transvestites and transsexuals, mainly of Venezuelan origin and economic needs in their country.
the modus operandi of the gang was to offer victims the trip to Spain, with expenses paid, prostitution, promising to win large sums of money in a short time, as reported by the Directorate General of Police.
research began just over one year, through a call to the hotline for victims of trafficking conducted by a person who claimed to be being forced into prostitution.
“immediately specialized in the fight against human trafficking agents they made contact with the victim and, after providing assistance and protection which required, in accordance with current legislation on the matter, proved the veracity of the allegations and launched an investigation that led to the criminal group, “reported the Spanish daily El Mundo.
Among the documentation receiving victims, it was including a letter of invitation that allowed victims to enter Spain without any problems.
the leader of the band had an agreement with a Spanish citizen also arrested, who was in charge of formalizing an invitation letter to the police, which allowed the victim to justify the reason for his trip to Spain and have no trouble getting in.
“the victim had learned several
aspects of personal life investigated and feign a friendship with them in case it was questioned in border control, “the research.
once in Spain, the criminal informing them their victims of the debt they had contracted , about 8,000 euros , and that to settle it must prostitution for him, completely giving all the money you win.
to do this, the victims were forced to be available throughout the day without any day off , being controlled at all times by the “cool”, which demanded all the money they earned to end of each day.
in the course of the investigation, agents also discovered that members of the organization, which adopted continuous and extreme security measures were equipped with a laboratory installed in a safety floor, in which cut and elaborated various narcotic substances, with which then traded .
The current chairman of the Government of Spain and leader Mariano Rajoy Popular Party (PP), can not govern in minority with only the support of its Members.
A survey of Metroscopia reveals that 55 percent of Spaniards believe that after the general elections on June 26, Rajoy corresponds take charge of Spain, but with the support of parties Citizens (C’s) and Spanish Socialist Worker (PSOE).
& gt; & gt; Rajoy will hold talks with Sanchez and Rivera in search of his investiture
The poll for the local newspaper El País and published Saturday, also finds that 66 percent of respondents think that the Socialists should abstain in the election of President of Government, and thus prevent a third round of elections takes place. They also estimate that the PSOE Rajoy should stop govern in exchange for a series of agreed reforms. A 29 percent instead prefer new elections .
87 percent of respondents, on the other hand, believes that if the PP finally manages to govern with a minority, will not comfort. This data shows that 94 percent of the sample thinks that Rajoy has to seek support from other parties in everything he intends to do during his tenure.
Despite two calls for elections in a short time and long months of political and institutional blockade, 61 percent of respondents reaffirm their predilection for the multiparty system. They think it is much better for the democratic system in Spain there is a parliamentary representation of several parties of similar size, a bipartisanship, because it “enhances pluralism”.
& gt; & gt; Spain: Iglesias proposed a coalition government left
Rajoy takes up the challenge despite the difficulty
for weeks Mariano Rajoy has established all contact with leaders of his party and other formations and social sectors to contrast different views on how to break the political impasse is Spain.
decision gained strength for him and finally accepted the request of King Philip VI of seeking alliances to finally form a government without the need to go to third round of elections, after that, first, I understand in front of him a majority against Congress despite winning the elections with 123 seats; and second, after Pedro Sanchez, leader of the PSOE, had expressed its willingness to stand as an alternative if Rajoy fails.
& gt; & gt; King accepts custom Rajoy to undergo investiture
href=”” target = “_ blank” & gt; & gt; & gt; States can insist on forming progressive government in Spain
The second round of the general elections on June 26 gave similar results to December 2015: without an absolute majority for any party. PP president and his party, but are clear that the proposal of a grand coalition between the PP, the PSOE and C’s will not walk, hold out hope that the Socialists to abstain and to form a government.
However, after Rajoy accept the challenge of king Philip VI of trying to gain support to form the government, this did not offer assurances that will undergo an investiture session should not get the necessary support.
Junts pel CUP Yes and recorded the second Catalan law disconnect Spanish State
This is the standard that includes the proposed Catalan hacienda and was presented despite the warning of the Court constitutional.
amid the controversy with the TC and the government of Mariano Rajoy, Junts pel Yes and CUP wanted to demonstrate that the roadmap goes ahead and recorded today in the Catalan Chamber the second of the three laws of disconnection.
This is the law of the tax code of Catalonia , a standard that must create his own tax administration and it comes two days after the two-independence groups tramitasen breaking the first law, which includes a Catalan social protection agency. The draft presented today figure shows the architecture of what would be the future Catalan hacienda. Agencia Tributaria de Catalunya, the Board of Tributs and Attorney Consell
With regard to the first law breaking, the creation of the Catalan agency social protection, the Parliament rejected amendments to all that had submitted Citizens and PPC and also joint the PSC and Catalunya Yes which is Pot , posed an
alternative text.
the initiative still to be approved in its final written, creates the Catalan agency social protection agency that would have the centralized management of social benefits , would manage system resources and social services represent the government to international institutions for social protection.
Barcelona. (INCAT-ANC) .-
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Madrid . Although 55 percent of Spaniards think that the president of the caretaker government, Mariano Rajoy, will not achieve its aim of governing with only the support of its 137 members, this same majority does believe that after the elections of 26 June, belongs to the government Popular Party (PP) the formation of an executive to lead the country, says today a survey of Metroscopia for El Pais newspaper.
according to the survey, 69 percent of respondents predicts it will be a shorter term than normal and up to 87 percent ensures that the PP, center-right, can not govern with comfort and the government would have to seek parliamentary support from other formations to finalize any proposal .
the daily El País indicates that the Prime Minister in office, Mariano Rajoy, will have to make a great effort to try to convince formations which hopes to obtain clear support or abstention, Citizens and Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE).
in recent weeks, both parties have maintained their positions on a rejection of the investiture of Rajoy. In a second vote of investiture Citizens would abstain, but it would be insufficient because the Socialists would vote against.
In this way, the survey Metroscopia clarifies that “the simple calculation of votes that each party, and the very insistence of PP to point out what would be the solution to untangle this knot, have led the majority of respondents convinced that the
answer is in the hands of the socialists “.
the survey indicates that a 66 percent of Spaniards believe that to prevent third had elections, the PSOE should abstain and let Mariano Rajoy govern in exchange for a series of agreed reforms; however, so far the Socialists radically rule out this option.
However, the survey highlights that most socialist voters (63 percent) are those who defend “the option of abstention to change to require the PP concrete reforms to allow thus to take to walk a new government “.
in short, except for voters Unidos Podemos, supporters mostly that elections be repeated before there is a PP government (59 percent), the electoral base of the main political parties as the most desirable option notes abstention of the socialists can govern for the Popular Party.
Euskadi forward its regional elections for September 25
the lendakari justifies its decision to avoid matching a third hypothetical general election Spanish State
lendakari Iñigo Urkullu decided to forward the regional elections to September 25 , given that the stalled negotiations in Spanish politics could suppose a third general elections in late October.
Urkullu justified this decision describing it as “very thoughtful and shared” and based on prevent disagreement between the main parties constrains the Basque process. Chosen by the Basque president date is very significant for the PNV , since September 25 is celebrated the Alderdi Eguna , game day.
the lendakari criticized the inability of the main Spanish to reach agreement after the repetition of the general election parties and lamented that “we have already lost a month.” In addition, he described as “unaffordable” which speculates on the possibility of returning to the polls.
For him, Spain
through the “most serious in recent history” institutional crisis, not only because of the inability to form a government, but also “for social and territorial fragmentation model” and the inability to take measures against the economic crisis.
Barcelona. (INCAT-Agencies) .-
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The president of Catalonia called ‘antidemocratic’ the Spanish government for ‘conspiring against citizens’ and states that the Parliament will adopt resolutions.
Carles Puigdemont was speaking in reference to the request of the Government of the sitting president, Mariano Rajoy, that the Constitutional Court (TC) open a criminal proceedings against the president of the Catalan Parliament, Carme Forcadell, for disobedience and for being “the person clearly involved and affected” by the adoption last 27 of the conclusions of the Study Group for promoting a “constitutional process” in Catalonia.
” this is the difference between the Democrats as we and anti-democrats, who conspire against the will of the citizens with the instruments of the State although some of these the wish to promote the altars of the Vatican “, he said Saturday the president of the Generalitat in reference to the Spanish acting Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz.
This is the difference between the Democrats as we and anti-democrats, who conspire against the will of the citizens with the instruments of the State although some of these the wish to promote the altars of the Vatican, “said the president of the Catalan, Carles Puigdemont, referring to the Spanish acting Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz.
The court will meet on Monday, exceptionally in August, to agree on the measures taken, although the State Bar has described the adoption of the resolution as “a real
plan for secession”.
according to Puigdemont, the authorities of the Spanish Government “this time will again be wrong, but it will certainly be the last”, and assured that the Catalan Parliament will adopt resolutions “whatever it says the TC, the Spanish Government or whoever. “
it has also explained that next September with the question of confidence the will mark” the first milestone “on the last stretch towards independence and be rolled subsequently to the policy debate general.
The Catalan independence project gained momentum with a mass demonstration in Barcelona in September 2012 and reached its climax last November 9, 2014, when an informal popular consultation brought 2.3 million people to vote in favor of independence. According to a recent survey the majority of Catalans support the idea of independence from Spain.
MADRID (Reuters) – The group anti-austerity CUP wants to introduce the requirement that an independence referendum would be held in Catalonia in the negotiations to allow Carles Puigdemont to continue at the head of the Catalan government <. / p>
Puigdemont announced Wednesday that on September 28 there will be the motion of confidence to be subjected to after failing to approve budgets by not having the votes of the CUP. With timely support, this training had enabled the group Puigdemont (Junts Pel Yes, JxSí) starting the legislature earlier this year despite not having majority in the regional congress.
This Saturday the regional deputy CUP Benet Salellas said will require Puigdemont “a date to finally resolve the exercise of the right of self-determination” through a referendum in the first half of 2017, as explained in an interview with Europa Press.
reviews Salellas come amid a new episode of tension between the Spanish central government and Catalan, after the regional parliament redouble his challenge on Wednesday when forces independence of JxSí and CUP voted to promote a constitutional process in Catalonia against the warnings of the Constitutional Court.
the Spanish government announced on Friday it would ask the same court to investigate whether the president of the Parlament de Catalunya, Carme Forcadell, committed a crime when he allowed vote in the House a resolution on the independence path undertaken.
the new confrontation is also at a time of uncertainty about governance in the whole of Spain after a second election in six months without an absolute majority won the PP, which is encountering many difficulties in achieving support for government
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MADRID (Reuters) – the group anti-austerity CUP wants to introduce the requirement that an independence referendum would be held in Catalonia in the negotiations to allow Carles Puigdemont to continue leading the Catalan government <. / span>
Puigdemont announced Wednesday that September 28 will take place the confidence motion which is to be subjected after failing to approve budgets by not having the votes of the CUP. With timely support, this training had enabled the group Puigdemont (Junts Pel Yes, JxSí) starting the legislature earlier this year despite not having majority in the regional congress.
This Saturday the regional deputy CUP Benet Salellas said will require Puigdemont “a date to finally resolve the exercise of the right of self-determination” through a referendum in the first half of 2017, he explained in an interview with Europa Press.
reviews Salellas come amid a new episode of tension between the Spanish central government and Catalan, after the regional parliament redouble his challenge on Wednesday when the independence forces JxSí and CUP voted to promote a constitutional
process in Catalonia against the warnings of the Constitutional Court.
the Spanish government announced on Friday it would ask the same court to investigate whether the president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Carme Forcadell, committed a crime when allowed to vote in the House a resolution on the independence path undertaken.
the new confrontation it is also at a time of uncertainty about governance in the whole of Spain, after a second election in six months that won without absolute majority, the PP, which is encountering many difficulties in obtaining support for the formation of government.
Mercedes launches this car Color “Green Hell AMG Magno”, making the German track of Nurburgring the “Green Hell” allusion. SPECIAL / Mercedes-Benz.
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the most spirited GT variant with name Mercedes R is ready to devour asphalt
GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (30 / JUL / 2016) .- the Mercedes-Benz AMG GT R is a version more normal GT, but with several modifications that make it more suitable for the development of speed automotive, better cornering and, as expected, with more power.
the external design has all the influence of the German house. Respects the qualities of the car on which it is based, but receives functional aerodynamic modifications.
The front and rear fascias are home new air intakes and, in the case of the front, grows a little in size. The headlights remain elegant and give rise to a central protector in conjunction with a top strip of LED and LEDs. The grille is wider and pattern design was changed to vertical chrome lines, crowned by the star of the three peaks. The chest remains as generous in size, as it is from this car there. The side show sensual expressive
lines running toward the back and near the front backsplashes a pair of air outlets are positioned expressing deportivismo. The sides are accented by 19-inch wheels forward and 20 reverse. Finally, the rear leads to a downline and bulges toward the trunk, all adorned by a sports spoiler.
mention, Mercedes decided to launch this car color “AMG Green Hell Magno” , referring to the German track of Nurburgring the “Green Hell”. That color generalizes the deportivismo of this car. This car combines two concepts inside. Elegance and sportsmanship coexist looking for a unique balance for the driver. Bucket seats type will grip and comfort for those traveling on them. These components will be covered in Nappa leather and microfiber. The board will also be lined in leather and yellow stitching apparent extend along benches; side panels and center console.
To make this faster car, the automaker reduced weight with the implementation of carbon fiber and aluminum components. In turn, the engine received more power.
The driver of GT R will be a V8 with a turbocharger per bank. This block will help generate 585 horsepower, attributes that would accelerate this automotive 0-100 km / h in just 3.6 seconds, according to official data of the brand. The box will cufflink with the engine will be the same as the GT AMG Speedshift DCT name-7. This transmission seven relations reached their first speed and shortened the seventh, for better performance on track.
Among other things, AMG improved suspension, added various modes of operation and used a stabilizer bar thicker .
the German firm has not disclosed details such as price and if they come to our continent. But he says that is one of its best cars in history.
The opposition parties and the Spanish government functions embroiled yesterday in a legal debate in Spain about the possibility that Mariano Rajoy is not subjected to a vote of investiture if you do not get enough support, even though the Constitution so provides. the head of the caretaker government agreed Thursday the order of king Philip VI of forming a new government, but promised to be submitted to the session investiture in the Congress of Deputies. in response to questions asked that no events were kicked out. the vice president of the Executive, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, said yesterday that it is not the time to claim an investiture debate, but to form the executive who needs Spain .
the Spanish government considers that Article 99.2 of the Constitution does not require Rajoy to submit to the vote in the lower house despite having committed itself to the king to try to form a government. But the main forces of the opposition (Socialist Party Unidos Podemos and the liberal Citizens) require Rajoy to take a step forward considering that the Constitution so provides.
” If Rajoy said that now accepts resignation or not, at the time he did, would have to irrevocably resign as acting president, “said socialist deputy Margarita Robles. “Can not they do anything other than the law,” they said from Citizens. Also from Izquierda Unida, integrated in the coalition Unidos Podemos party, there was criticism. Its leader,
Alberto Garzón, said he “can not accept the mandate of the Royal House without going to the inauguration.” On February 12, in the previous process of government formation, in which the socialist Pedro Sanchez accepted the king’s command, the spokesman for the PP in Congress, Rafael Hernando, presented to the House a letter demanding a prompt inauguration.
the PP claimed that the then Congress president, Patxi Lopez, should immediately convene the full investiture but Sanchez had not secured sufficient support, since the Constitution so ordered. This argument was used by the opposition yesterday. Apart from the controversy, the clock will negotiations back on track. Sources of Citizens and the PSOE reported yesterday that Rajoy phoned Rivera and Sanchez and that will meet next week to discuss the investiture.
Spain is experiencing a period of uncertainty policy since December last year, after the election results offered no clear majorities. The failure in the formation of government led the country to the unprecedented repetition of elections, held in June.
On the fourth day of his tour of Poland, the head of the Catholic Church preside visit two temples and religious vigil international youth event held every three years
asked the Constitutional Court to approve drastic measures against the highest authorities of the region
The president of Spain, Mariano Rajoy. Photo: Reuters
MADRID Spain’s government yesterday launched sharp Catalan separatists ultimatum to promote judicial remedies battery that open the door to fines, suspension of duties until the start of criminal cases to the highest authorities of the region.
and replied to approval in the Catalan Parliament last Wednesday of a resolution that sets out the steps to create an independent republic, a process that had been explicitly banned by the Constitutional Court (TC).
Determined to show harder than ever, President Mariano Rajoy requested the TC to take drastic decisions. The hardest. To consider opening criminal proceedings against the President of Parliament, Carme Forcadell, for allowing the House will vote the secessionist plan knowing that failed to comply with a court order
In addition, the government asks that the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, personally warn his ministers and all legislative authorities that can be sanctioned with destitución- even if running any of the measures included in the resolution of the controversy.
“they violated flagrantly the rule of law and constitutional order. Do not let it pass,” said the vice president, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, announcing the legal counterattack.
he explained that only asked to consider criminal proceedings against Forcadell, because “at the moment is the person clearly involved” in the disobedience of the judgments of the TC. If the court vouch that idea, the prosecution should act in the appropriate bodies. The official could accuse her of crimes punishable by prison sentence
Forcadell, former leader of the most involved in promoting independence NGOs, was quick to respond. “The Spanish government is curtailing freedom of expression Parliament. it is profoundly anti-democratic ask someone to give up their ideas. “
The government Puigdemont also was defiant. “Spain threat, but we will not move out of our way,” said spokesman Minister Neus Munté.
The separatists have a majority of seats, although it did not reach 50% of the vote in regional elections held last September.
the text adopted this week endorses the conclusions of a legislative commission created ad hoc to design the program of “disengagement” from Spain by the unilateral way, without negotiation. He argues that
“the people of Catalonia has the legitimacy to start a constituent process itself” and outlines a series of steps that would lead to a referendum to ratify the founding of a republic. In four years of independence boiling is the most concrete toward breaking step.
The current court case began on November 9 last year when the Parliament voted a statement which declared sovereign and established their willingness to move towards separation.
a month later, the TC considered null and demanded the regional authorities refrain from taking measures related to this plan. The separatists went ahead, albeit with less fanfare. In June the judges again intervened to demand the dissolution of the commission created to mark the steps toward independence.
The court will meet in an extraordinary way after tomorrow to discuss the appeals filed by the government of Rajoy. So far they tried to exercise caution not to enlarge the institutional clash.
With the offensive this week, the Catalan independence strengthens its unity at a time of internal crisis. Discrepancies between the ruling front, Together for the Yes (JxS), and the anarchists of the Candidacy of Popular Unity (CUP) foiled the budget approval and endangered the continuity of Puigdemont as president.
the timing challenge also takes into account the political uncertainty in Spain, where Rajoy faces the difficult task of forming a government after seven months of blockade and two general elections without conclusive results.
the opposition parties and the Spanish government functions stranded yesterday in a legal debate in Spain about the possibility that Mariano Rajoy does not submit to a vote of investiture if you do not get enough support to form a government, although the Constitution so provides. Vice President Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said that “it is not time to claim a” investiture debate
Madrid, Spain .- King of Spain on Tuesday began three days of meetings with political parties to study their willingness to form a government. Thursday will determine whether the options of Mariano Rajoy to be elected president or continue the “poker game” as defined these endless negotiations the leader of United Left, Alberto Garzón are ripe.
Philip VI began the round of contacts with leaders of small regional formations and Garzón. It is the fourth time in seven months that this ritual is repeated at the impossibility of reaching a president after two elections. Tomorrow the process ends with the leaders of the major parties: Albert Rivera (Citizens), Pablo Iglesias (We can), Pedro Sanchez (PSOE) and Mariano Rajoy (PP)
On Tuesday one month was met. the election in which he won the PP with 137 deputies. However, the party of Rajoy, who is acting prime minister, has not convinced any training to achieve 176 supports you need to win the vote of investiture. Rafael Hernando, a spokesman of the party, repeated on Monday that its formation would that Congress would vote to Rajoy as president in the first week of August, but that “does not make sense to go to an endowment without the necessary support.”
the PP accuses Citizens (32 deputies) and PSOE (85) to block the situation by not lend their support. Conservatives hope that Felipe VI convince any of the two parties to support Rajoy for reasons of state. The two formations believe that the PP should make concessions and threaten
not to convene third elections in November.
The parties opposing the PP not agree to present an alternative candidate for president. Alberto Garzón on Tuesday asked the PSOE to boost a leftist government with training and can, and leave “poker game” that considers playing with Citizens and PP for President Rajoy without assuming the “cost of image” imply.
One of the deputies who met the king was Ana Oramas, the only representative of the party Canary Coalition. Oramas, who until now had shown its willingness to support the PP, complained about the inflexibility of Rajoy to gain support from other formations.
Pedro Quevedo, New Canary Islands, ruled that Philip VI go to force a release of the situation nominating Rajoy or Pedro Sanchez to be voted by Congress against their will. Quevedo, an ally of the PSOE, lamented the paralysis that politicians keep the country but said he could not support the PP after a legislature with “many cases of corruption.”
# Pablo Iglesias has remained strong in the last round of contacts with Felipe VI. Dwelling training does not want a Popular Party government and much less than Mariano Rajoy, are diametrically opposed parties and churches still proposing the left alternative. There has been talk of international politics, the situation in Spain and the Catalan political situation after the decision of the Parliament to continue the disconnection with Spain.
The intention of Pablo Iglesias continues to be “the formation of a government of progressive coalition” but it is somewhat complicated since, as has commented the Secretary General of # can , “who appears to be struggling to govern Unidos Podemos and the confluences is the Socialist Party and, therefore, the initiative the should have them because when someone expects to be Prime Minister should take the initiative. ” According to Pablo Iglesias, training will be willing to negotiate with the PSOE but believes that “would much resistance in the Socialist Party” .
However seems complicated a progressive agreement because all parties are quite distant, the PSOE has not communicated with can and nationalist forces they are no longer in line with the training dwelling as in the previous investiture. “After seen on the table in Congress, where we made a proposal that aimed to open that possibility, that is, a Congress with a progressive table chaired by Xavi Domenech would certainly have served to rationalize the relationship between Congress and the Parliament. It
was a difficult but possible alternative. in view of the failure, what happened in Parliament, said by the PSOE and the opinion of the deputies of Junts Pel Yes, considered delegates of the Generalitat, is a complicated combination “.
the opinion of Pablo Iglesias is clear about the option to have third election:” If Mariano Rajoy is proposed and the PSOE does not seek a coalition government with us we would be in a situation lock unprecedented, but I do not think there is a third elections : Citizens would change their abstention by a vote and would be the excuse the PSOE to facilitate PP government “
therefore, Pablo Iglesias has told Felipe VI there are only two options for a third will not occur elections. Or be a government headed by a candidate of the PP , which as has expressed the Popular Party Mariano Rajoy will or a progressive government with PSOE and can be created as the main forces.
A Madrid court has acquitted five activists of the Femen organization were tried for disrupting an anti-abortion march half-naked in Madrid in November 2013, in the first trial in Spain against members of the feminist collective.
Young were charged with public disorder offenses, exhibitionism, another against the exercise of fundamental rights and one more resistance to law enforcement.
The prosecutor requested nine months in prison and a fine of 1,800 euros (about $ 1,994 at current exchange rates) for each of them, and the prosecution asked for up to six and a half years in prison but the judge agreed to his acquittal.
The judge considers it proven that the five stormed the route of the demonstration with the naked torso and tried to approach the head of the march chanting slogans in favor of abortion.
But do not believe established that “interrupt or seriously disturb” the demonstration, nor did “obscene gestures” would show contempt or agents of authority.
The judge stressed that no crime of exhibitionism in teaching breasts without sexual purpose, but as vindictive act of womanhood and without even stating that minors would see them.
The judge also remember, that does not appear that one is used violence or consist injury to
persons or damage to property.
also saw crime of public disorder and resistance to agents of authority, as the testimony of the agents was “not convincing nor conclusive.”
against the ruling may be appealed to the Provincial Court of Madrid.
Femen has a second open in Spain cause, in which two activists chained themselves to the crucifix on the high altar of the Almudena Cathedral with the slogan investigates “Altar to abort “written on his naked torso in June 2014.
This case is awaiting the filing of the indictment of the prosecution and defense processed to fix the trial date.
The Civil Guard arrested Wednesday two Moroccan brothers living in Girona (Catalonia), who are part of the financing structure of the self-styled Islamic State and are linked the economic apparatus of the terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq.
both crimes he is accused of funding terrorism, collaboration with a terrorist group and autoadoctrinamiento. In any article, anyone can remove the comment that you find unpleasant marking it as inappropriate.
According to research, those arrested, along with a third person, which was the brother of them and died in Syria, it did get funds to economic managers DAESH using the intermediation of false identities attributed to the managers of the extremist group.
According to the ministry, it is the first investigation in Spain in which “achieve concrete evidence demonstrating the use of remittances from Europe to facilitate the operation of the terrorist group Islamic State and especially to facilitate movements operating for integration in the ranks of the terrorist group “.
researchers, which entered the homes of the detainees, they have found that this activity
had a permanent basis providing financial support to terrorist group .
the detainees had managed to capture gives dozens of people with radical messages through social networks, where spreading videos inciting hatred of the West, according to investigative sources quoted by radio Cadena Ser .
But until now Spain has been relatively safe from the phenomenon of foreign fighters linked to jihadist groups, compared other European countries like France and Belgium.
Spain it is in the 4-of 5- Counterterrorism Alert level from the June 26, 2015 .
the criminal court number 19 of Madrid has considered that the five accused did not commit the crimes of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and a crime against the right to demonstrate when they rammed provident up in 2013. November 17, 2013 five activists of Femen burst half-naked in the celebration of the IV March for Life to They attended by thousands of people to defend human life in the exercise of their freedom of expression. A right that was interrupted by c inco women who, after removing his shirt, jumped on the head of the demonstration with shouting and threatening gestures pro-choice.
This attack on peaceful demonstrations in defense of human life cost them these radical feminists face a trial in which they were charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and a crime against the right to demonstrate . The prosecution asked for them to nine months in prison and a fine of 1,800 euros.
However, finally justice has decided to rule in favor of those who, according ensured security officers present during the events, they rammed and they attacked the pro no matter were children and elderly people among the demonstrators and firmly resisted the police action.
the statement issued by criminal court number 19 of Madrid has acquitted at five activists arguing that criminal law “to protect the most fundamental legal rights only against the most intense and intolerable attacks.”
“Do not exhibited genitals, only breasts”
the ruling recognizes that the images of the facts adduced as evidence during the trial show that the accused “stormed walk with naked torsos ahead lace front safety of the demonstration shouting with a upraised arm that abortion is sacred “and slogans like” we give birth, we decide “.
However, the magistrate head of criminal court number 19 has been considered that the statements of the witnesses are partial and mismatched and justifies that the accused “did not display
genitals, only breasts, no sexual purpose and only as vindictive act of the female condition of the accused”.
the text of the judgment also points out that there is no evidence that feminists employ physical violence and declares that its action is part of the right to freedom of expression “that can not be way of fact or illegitimate procedure.”
the private prosecution appeal the sentence
the private prosecutor has decided to appeal the judgment before the Provincial Court of Madrid. Poland Castellanos, president of Christian Lawyers which holds the legal representation of the prosecution of the Rooted association, expressed his astonishment at the decision of the court.
“We are in a state of law in which all must submit to the laws, institutions and individuals. If you violated a right of assembly and demonstration illegally and violently justice must act “, has defended Castellanos.
Since the association Rooted have also expressed their outrage at the sentence. “It is shameful that institutions accept the fact that a violent group, as FEMEN, attacking the right to demonstrate and concentration in an event that is properly organized,” he denounced José Castro, President Rooted.
‘We’d do’
One of the accused, the leader of Femen Spain Lara Alcázar , minutes before the hearing of July 19 told the media: “We would do.” Inside the hall and to the judge, with a much less defiant tone, she said she and her companions did not intend to disturb or disrupt the prolife march and they just wanted to “take a picture and wake a debate “.
This version of events has been the one that has taken on the head of criminal court number 19, despite statements during the hearing of witnesses and police officers. The officers called as witnesses refused feminists seem to “be comforted” with their presence and have said they resisted the police action.
The three officers called to testify as They agreed that witnesses were members of Femen who pounced on protesters. One of the officers deployed at the rally said that the activists “pounced on the head” and “rammed people who were at the rally in a way that was neither peaceful nor dialogue”.
One of the witnesses claimed he was assaulted by one of the feminists: “ I tore the flag and elbowed me in the ribs, I do not touch “. He also assured that the accused insulted them, made them cut sleeve and kicked them while shouting: “The abortion is sacred, joderos”. “Another of them was to beat my mother and a policeman grabbed her and could not paste” , added.
The Spanish Civil Guard arrested in Gerona two people accused of collaborating with a permanent funding structure of the self-styled Islamic State (Daesh in Arabic), the Ministry of Interior.
Those arrested two brothers Moroccans, are charged with crimes of terrorist financing, collaboration with a terrorist group and indoctrination.
the two detainees were sending funds to managers of the economic apparatus of the terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq, which were used to finance the operating transfer to conflict zones.
& gt; & gt; Hollande: The Daesh declared war on us
This research is the first in Spain in which concrete evidence demonstrating the specific purpose of use of remittances from Europe to facilitate the operation are achieved the Islamic State.
the researchers, who have registered addresses of detainees, have found that this activity had a permanent basis providing financial support to the terrorist group.
& gt; & gt; Dejected men who took hostages
in church in France
From the lift to level 4 of the terror alert on June 26, 2015 in Spain, the security forces have strengthened all related investigations both operational structures and logistical transnational character.
the Spanish Interior Ministry has stressed the importance of interrupting circuits capture and sending jihadists and financial flows that allow the maintenance of structures and development operations in Europe
A young man waves a labaro in a launched in March 2014.
What is celebrated this Thursday? It is a common question every July 28th between those who see it is a holiday in all Cantabria without noticing much the motives or acts that make it party, beyond some informative references in the suits and ties abound in which institutions held themselves.
what is celebrated is that a July 28, 1778 in the House of Meetings of San Miguel Bridge nine valleys were articulated in a common unit to defend and represent under the name of Cantabria that, centuries later, in 1982, would own autonomous community with statute of autonomy and its own institutions.
it’s a tough party ‘sell’ because in a moment of profound institutional discredit, bears the word institution in its own name, and because the acts are mainly concentrated in a single town hall, the Reocín, with the news that this year the City of Laredo has organized acts propios-, and are also in full time summer.
the president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla, will preside on Thursday the act of the Day of the institutions, to be held at the Casa de Juntas Bridge San Miguel (Reocín) with various developments that seek to strengthen the commemoration of the establishment of the Province of Cantabria by the union of the Nine Valleys.
the event will begin at 12:30 pm with the arrival of the leading authorities in the region, the hoisting of the flag by the president Revilla and welcome the mayor of Reocín, Paul Right. Subsequently, there will be a historical re-enactment by the Association ‘Lawsuit of Nine Valleys’
Then the Clerk of the intervene Merindad, Manuel Bartholomew.; the government delegate in Cantabria, Samuel Ruiz; President of Parliament, Dolores Gorostiaga, and to close the ceremony, the president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla.
Finished speeches, and as another novelty of this year, a copy shall be deposited them in the bunker of the Three Keys, the original furniture that served as the file of the minutes of the General Meetings of the province of Cantabria and remains guarded Villapresente.
the various moments of institutional act will he enlivened by the group of Bagpipes Cantabria, the Choir of Puente San Miguel and the ‘Son de La Robleda’ group.
This Thursday will celebrate specific Day Institutions in Laredo, organized by the pejino City Hall.
Begin at 12.00, with a concentration in the City, to go through the streets Avenue of Spain and Marques de Comillas to the Park Fishermen, on Avenida de Cantabria.
There the official ceremony and completion, performances by the participating associations will develop
PROTEST excavated <. / h2>
the event, traditionally too institutional, come, to a greater or lesser extent, social groups with claims that (try) are lowered to the ground political speeches.
Protest in defense of excavated at City Hall d Torrelavega
Here , there will be the Assembly in Defense of Dug, a group that tries to protect the agricultural land in Torrelavega against the project of an industrial and technological polygon, with an investment of 45 million euros, arguing that in reality the capital of Besaya there is a problem of lack of industrial land in the region (with empty space for selling 123,764.96 square meters in Tanos-Viérnoles polygons and Besaya- Park and a model, industrial, in crisis) but believe it is a project that responds more to speculative interests.
on this issue, we Wednesday impinged on the need for a Plan Reindustrialisation Besaya and the revitalization of the town of Torrelavega to enhance its commercial sector with additional public funding.
excessive institutionalization of this event has led to Cantabrians groups and cantabristas as Cantabria No Sale and Left Cántabra to organize the weekend, an alternative date.
it will be Saturday, from 12.00 in the Park La Robleda, in Reocín, and wants to put the emphasis on popular participation in construction of Cantabrian identity through formulas such as councils, as well as culture and traditions.
so in the planned events have been organized workshop Cantabrian dances for those who want to approach this style besides parade, popular meal of railway pots and a concert by Marcos Bárcena and Ana Conde, at three in the afternoon.
at four o’clock in the afternoon there will be a talk by historian Daniel Lobete, under the heading ‘a critical view of the history of Cantabria against myths and manipulations’, which will attempt to demystify the image of a submissive people to other powers as Castilla to put the accent on participatory antecedes and combative that have occurred in Cantabria during its history.
there will Cantabrians sports, hoisting Lábaro in the Casa de Juntas and finally, at 20.00, a festival with performances by folk groups Cahórnega, Clann and Cambalua.
Another classic summer is the complaint of the City of Santander that the feast of St. James, which leads to their parties the Semana Grande, not regional party throughout Cantabria, forcing the Consistory to choose two days to their holidays when aspires to it are three dates. Santiago, the Virgen del Mar and the Holy Martyrs
on Wednesday the schedule of public Cantabrians 2017 was known, which has earned the Consistory to reiterate its demand that their main local holiday is considered regional that is a party involved thousands of Cantabrians who are “deprived” of . participate in the big day of the holidays
the next year the day of Santiago, the great Week of the city is dedicated, will be Tuesday; Martyrs, patrons of the city, commemorated on August 30, will fall on a Wednesday; and the Virgen del Mar, Santander patron, held on Whit Monday, will be on June 5 In total, in 2017 there will be seven long weekends in Cantabria. Reyes will be party, which falls on a Friday; Thursday and Friday (13 and 14 April), May 1 (Monday) Day Institutions (Friday, 28 July), Assumption (Tuesday, 15 August) and the Bien Aparecida (Friday September 15), in addition to the October 12 (Thursday), All Saints (Wednesday), Constitution Day (Wednesday), the Immaculate (Friday) and Christmas, which falls on a Monday. On January 1 it happens to be held on Monday also, while on Easter Monday will be working. These appointments must be added the two holidays they are entitled each municipality
The Spanish Supreme Court has confirmed the sentences of ten to twelve years in prison that the High Court imposed the first members of a jihadist cell in Spain sentenced for sending fighters to Syria for jihad eleven o’clock.
The Wretched operating in Ceuta, Spanish city in north Africa, in connection with another cell of Morocco.
The high court dismisses all convicted and ratified the sentences of twelve years in prison for Karim Abdeselam Mohamed and Ismail Abdellatif Al-Lal as leaders and ten to rest as active members .
In addition to the illegal possession of firearms to one of them, Rochdi Abdeselam, which was imposed a year and a half in prison more is confirmed.
According to the proven facts, the terrorist cell recruited and sent to Syria from 2012 until its disbandment by the police in 2013 to twenty ceutíes volunteers and Moroccans who arrived in Syria on scheduled flights after go through Turkey.
At least eight fighters were killed in suicide bombings and the first of displaced blew himself driving a truck loaded with explosives into a military barracks in Syria.
The High Court considered proven that among the activities performed by the eleven defendants were the recruitment and indoctrination of volunteers and arranging travel from Spain and Morocco to border Turkish cities with Syria .
From there the recruits went to training camps of the terrorist organization Islamic State (EI) and then to the
armed struggle.
also monitored and controlled travel, financial assistance to widows and if necessary raising and sending money to the displaced, communicating deaths families.
In addition, spreading videos “acts of martyrdom” and attacks by the displaced and claimed by the EI.
The Supreme rejects the 45 grounds within the resources of those convicted, including the violation of fundamental rights such as the secrecy of communications.
The high court states that the wiretaps and information obtained from them “met all the requirements” to achieve probative value at trial.
It also rejects that had violated the right to effective judicial protection or the presumption of innocence of the appellants.
Expand / The Law has received the vote against the PP and UPyD, while EH Bildu abstained.
The Basque Parliament approved, with the support of the PNV and PSE-EE, the Law on Recognition and Repair Victims of Political Motivation, including the victims of police forces are included.
The law, which covers the period between 1978 and 1999, received the vote against the PP and UPyD, while EH Bildu has failed, and aims to respond to the situation of a group of victims who “have not been recognized or repaired” to date.
on the other hand, the text stresses that it intended to “undermine” the rule of law and institutions, but “the opposite”, and which it aims to contribute to the “strengthening” through “a commitment and a willingness to repair the consequences of inadmissible behavior in a democratic framework.”
The text provides for the allocation of compensation to people who recognized your request to them. Aid are 135,000 death, 390,000 serious disability, 95,000 euros for permanent total disability, 45,000 euros for
total permanent disability and 35,000 euros for permanent partial disability.
Basque Parliament adopted the Law reparation for victims of police forces