Friday, June 10, 2016

USA It highlights the “strong alliance” with Spain one month of Obama’s visit – Terra Peru

The US State Department today highlighted the “strong alliance” with Spain to a month after US President Democrat Barack Obama, visit the Iberian country next July.

“We have a strong alliance with Spain”, today stressed the deputy spokesman of the State Department, Mark Toner, in a press conference in Washington.

Obama will visit Spain from 9 to 11 July to meet with King Philip VI and acting Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said today the White House on Monday.

Toner said today that the US leader “will transmit the message that we remain a committed partner with Spain as we address a number of global issues together.”

“Spain is a member of the European Union (EU) and the European Union is itself a US ally in many multilateral issues, whether refugees, Syria, Iran’s behavior … “said the spokesman.

“There are a number of issues that we review with the EU and certainly with Spain as a member of the EU,” said Toner.

In particular, he said, US seeks support from Spain in various front including “Afghanistan and other NATO operations in which Spain plays a very productive and constructive role.”

class="text"> On the campaign for the Spanish general election on June 26, the spokesman said only that the US is “respectful” with the “democratic process currently taking place in Spain”.

The July trip will be the first of Obama to Spain since his arrival at the White House in 2009 and also the first by a US president in fifteen years.

The last official visit by a US president to Spain was made by Republican George W. Bush in 2001.


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