The full City Council of Santander has approved the withdrawal of the municipal public subsidy bulls.
He had raised Santander If you can, through your councilman Antonio Mantecon, who has found support all opposition (with change of position Citizens), and the votes against the Popular Party, insufficient to meet most totaling other opposition parties.
Santander Yes Can proposing bring bullfighting to a referendum in Santander.
However, what has not come forward is the idea of a popular public consultation on the bulls in the city.
the approved motion included public information of fertilizers given away and the prohibition of distributing more fertilizers.
from Izquierda Unida, Miguel Saro noted that no gifts or subsidies are not understood in a time of crisis and intervention of the local authorities.
the proposal sparked an argument between the two partners group, Antonio Mantecón and Tatiana Yanez (considered by the PP official representative of Ganemos), who accused his former colleagues of block him that proposal when it raised (besides pointing out “mistakes” in the motion, however, supported) .
from the PP, Ramon Saiz Bustillo told that bullfighting is included in the culture because that was decided through an ILP (a popular legislative initiative, to which he responded by reminding the ILP antidesahucios)
also argued its massive nature and its profitability, which answered him to do the test to see if “enduring a year without subsidies.”
Citizens, who supported the motion ( although initially defended its profitability), he introduced the nuance that were not jeopardized the jobs in the Plaza. The PSOE recalled that the motion does not mean a ban, but remove the subsidy.
Last summer, experts predicted the end of bullfighting in just eight years.
The owners of social housing affected by irregularities and construction defects are studying constitute a platform affected.
So be discussed at a Board of Proprietors, as revealed in plenary councilman Santander If you can, Antonio Mantecón.
during the plenary, Mantecón recalled the irregularities denounced by his party and by the owners in promotions of protected PEÑACASTILLO South housing, Cavaduca, the Prado San Roque …, of which eco eldiario was made. is
and the PSOE impinged it had not been necessary to take the matter to plenary if he had heeded his request to be addressed within the own society Housing and Land.
Miguel Saro, Izquierda Unida, asserted that the aim with this is to prevent the Society of Housing and Land have to pay more money for the damage.
from the government team, Councillor Cesar Diaz accused the opposition its “forward” to “discredit” to the Company for Housing and Land (SVS), to which Mantecón replied causing stress that complaints started from owners and are supported by expert reports .
Diaz defended the successive controls by passing sheltered housing in both technical and external, city of SVS own or the Government of Cantabria.
the mayor was carrying against opposition reproach, that had not been worried ever by neighbors and the need for housing.
and Tatiana Yanez (Ganemos) focused his intervention reproach his former teammate Mantecon, assuming the charge of the PP that tried City Council to divert money to the account of the party ( “I stopped,” he said)
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