Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Orlando shooting comes amid a growing climate of intolerance – La Prensa

The slaughter perpetrated in a gay nightclub in Orlando in the context of a growing barrage of measures against homosexuals in the United States .

the antigay hardening is particularly noteworthy since a year ago. on June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, a historic decision resisted by millions of conservative Americans

the conservative movement adopted a tactic also used against abortion: try to open new paths through local legislatures, appealing to the great principles of religious freedom

This strategy recently crystallized a case about transgender people, who represent a tiny portion of the American population, but are strongly associated with homosexual area by the inclusive term of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans).

a dozen states, mostly run by a governor of the conservative Republican party, litigate in court against the government of President Barack Obama on the question of how bathrooms should wear transgender people.

There are still many unanswered questions about the shooting that enlutó on Sunday morning the disco Press Orlando (Florida, south east), who left 50 dead and 53 wounded s.

The attacker, Omar Mateen , an American citizen of Afghan origin 29, pledged allegiance the jihadist group Islamic State (EI) in a 911 call before the shooting, the FBI said.

But according to statements from his father to the string NBC , the suspect was furious recently see two men kissing in front of his wife and son. “This was an act of terror and hatred,” Obama said.

But Republican officials who reacted to the attack appeared to rule on purpose the assumption of hatred against homosexuals, and instead favor the jihadi attack.

No doubt they fear being seen as responsible have contributed to a poisonous climate antihomosexual.Esos reproaches came to light after an attack in late November 2015 against a federal family planning center in Colorado.

That attack followed the violent controversy over the release of a video allegedly showing the sale of fetal tissue by those responsible for the center.

conservative leaders have insisted in recent months that government rules against discrimination against transgender people seek to “introduce men in bathrooms girls” a danger of fact disputed by many associations and experts.

Hours after the slaughter, a man was arrested possession of an arsenal in Los Angeles.

the authorities reported that they wanted to “hurt” Gay Pride parade in the city. but these are not the first violence against the gay community in the United States.


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