Friday, June 3, 2016

Crisis: Justice favors refugees in a Europe that seeks to expel – Daily Express Formosa

judicial and bureaucratic barriers in Greece and Germany delay the expulsion of refugees without shelter from the EU, where five countries achieved the European Council authorized yesterday to maintain border controls for six months.

the implementation of the migration agreement between Turkey and the European Union (EU) is hampered by the large number of Greek judges who consider the Eurasian country is not a “safe third country” for refugees and grant asylum to refugees easy that request.
therefore, Athens can not return to his neighbor all migrants and refugees entering the country illegally agency reported DPA news citing sources coastguard.
to this is added that in the absence of judges and processing asylum applications are moving slowly.
Based on these difficulties, five countries (Germany, Austria, Denmark, France and Sweden) achieved the European Council (EC) authorizing them six-month extension of border controls put in place within the Schengen area of ​​free movement since the transit of refugees peaked the year past.
Until now, should require authorization monthly to keep them running.
addition, in Germany itself, bureaucratic obstacles and lack of cooperation of countries of origin seriously reduces the number of refugees are rejected and expelled from the country, said Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.
the EU-Turkey agreement provides for the return to Turkey of all migrants and refugees who have arrived illegally in the Greek coast from March 20 . However, before they are allowed to apply for asylum in Greece.

In Germany, one of the favorite refugees trying to reach Europe from regions ravaged by wars, economic destabilization or government persecution countries countries, not processed the expulsions the pace desired by the authorities.
According to De Maiziere, not only internal obstacles but the “lack of political will” and little cooperation from the countries of origin remain low the number of expulsions of immigrants without the right to stay in Germany, the newspaper “Bild” cited by the news agency EFE.
in a report that was scheduled to present yesterday at the Council of Ministers, De Maiziere indicates that the execution of expulsions hampered by the lack of “political will in implementing the right of asylum” in the states and “very limited human resources in immigration offices.”
this “lack of cooperation from persons subject adds to an expulsion order “and poor cooperation from the countries of origin, for example, when issuing provisional documentation.


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