Just before the presentation of the budgets of the Generalitat, the Department of Foreign Affairs announced this morning to open ten new branches abroad.
On the eve of a crucial for the Catalan political day in which the Parliament faces its first plenary session on budgets, and in full intrigue about whether they will be approved or not, Raül Romeva, head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Generalitat, has announced the opening of 10 new delegations abroad, ten new ‘embassies’ Catalan that would expand the diplomatic network of the Generalitat, adding to the existing ones in London, New York, Paris, Berlin and Brussels.
the issue does not seem He is having much impact as before, but in essence reveals an important tactical move
The new delegations would be in Lisbon, Rome, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Geneva and Zagreb, Rabat, Seoul, Buenos Aires and Mexico DF .
in recent years, similar announcements by the Generalitat have generated reactions from the central government (which at the time was raised even bring an administrative appeal to avoid opening new ‘embassies’) and strong criticism from the media more conservative.
RT has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation an assessment of the announcement of the Generalitat, but have declined absolutely to comment.
from the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Generalitat, a spokeswoman explains that the importance of expanding the network of delegations now is that “if Catalonia wants to be a country must have delegations, embassies, like any country. And if we want to have a voice in international discussions, there has to be representation abroad “.
If Catalonia wants to be a country must have delegations, embassies, like any country
asked whether the government expects foreign presence that translates into international support for progress towards a self-determination referendum, responds that “one thing is Catalan and otherwise process is foreign policy action. “From this counseling we are creating these structures of State to be a country, that’s what we’re doing strategically. These countries were chosen based on various analyzes and criteria that match an expansion strategy”.
This time, perhaps in the shadow of the crucial issue of budgets is at issue tomorrow, the matter does not seem to be having much impact as before, but essentially could reveal an important tactical move in the political performance of the current Catalan executive .
so at least suggests Dr. in Political Science Joan Ricart, Catalan who lives in Indonesia, which clarifies that this extension of the Catalan delegations abroad “taking into account the objective of the new Catalan government, is open path to independence, responds to the need for support abroad, because from Spain nobody will facilitate their work, they need support abroad to force a little to Spain access to carry out a self-determination referendum ” .
they need support abroad to force a little to Spain access to carry out a self-determination referendum
Asked if he is a good use of public money, Ricart states that “it is clear that there are other priorities, but when a government has been elected with a road map and determined and has been voted the most part, the citizen has to understand that to fulfill this agenda must make decisions that might impact less directly on the citizen “.
The opening of these offices does not appear explicitly in the draft budget submitted to Parliament, which only mentions generically reinforcing the external network.
David Romero.
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