Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cuban opposition presented in Madrid transition project for the island – Terra Peru

A group of Cuban dissidents presented today in Madrid his project “# Otro18″ with aspiring to a political transition in Cuba by transforming the current law, with the active participation of society.

“We seek to transform the law to reach a state of law,” said Manuel Cuesta Morua (Arco Progresista), which together with Yusmila Reyna (UNPACU), Rolando (Fantu) and Boris González (journalist), presented the new political project, which arises primarily to the reform of the electoral law in order to participate in political life.

And from the National Assembly, proposing the “essential changes” that in Cuba “the rule of law is established” and, among other things, to elect the president, Ferrer said.

They consider it a process for establishing a first “minimum agenda”, which demand a reform of the electoral system, freedom to nominate candidates and proselytize, independence voter registration, extension of the rights of voters and elected, and the legalization of civil-political associations.

In a second step, a “top agenda” would include reforms regarding fundamental rights and public freedoms, structural reform of the political system, administrative decentralization and a new electoral calendar, include the election of President of Cuba.

According Morua, on the island there is a situation “that can ensure the viability of a proposal of this nature,” and gave as examples the withdrawal announced by Raul Castro, the future new law election and the opening of dialogue with the United States, which “no longer enemies.”

So, have opened a process of discussion with the public, so that the future state “resembles the country and not to power,” said political Arco Progresista.

Asked if there are sectors within the Castro regime would be willing to support a political transition, Morua said yes, but “require pressure citizenship.”

“We are not able to bring thousands of people to a public square, but there are other options social pressure,” said Reyna.

The “#Otro 18″ initiative refers to the year 2018, in which Raul Castro

leave power, as announced by the Cuban president himself, in addition to the year in which it is provided a new electoral law is passed.

This project involves more than 45 political and social organizations, which comprise much of the opposition.

When asked about the differences between different groups who oppose the Castro government, Boris Gonzalez acknowledged that “we are not the only alternative,” but that circumstance is enriching and “non-excludable “.

“We all want free elections, but we see different ways of reaching the same goal,” he said Reyna.

On the other hand, he asked Morúa Europe and Spain who “join in this process of gradual transition from law to law”.

He said that the international community has seen so far the opposition as “part of a resistance group” claiming rights under an oppressive state, but insisted that “this is a demand policy, which responds to a growing demand “of citizenship. “It is a political process, not a revolution,” he said.

All participants agreed that the reform process undertaken in Cuba must not only be economic, but also political, so that ruled out the so-called “Chinese option” of a state two systems, first because the Cuban government has not allowed the economic opening, and in the Caribbean country because there is a “Cuban relaxed” compared to the “vertical” structure of Chinese society. EFE


Moroccans are manifested by the unit and the Saharawis fighting for independence after Ban Ki comment … – Global Voices in Spanish (blog)

 Screenshot of an Al Arabyia video report on the  protests in Morocco.

Screenshot of a video of Al Arabiya demonstrations in Morocco.

for more than 40 years, the tense relationship between the kingdom of Morocco and the people of Western Sahara has been a latent conflict over the government of the region. Earlier this month, tensions resurfaced when the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon flew to southern Algeria where he visited refugee camps populated by Sahrawis indigenous.

On Sunday March 13, tens of thousands of Moroccans took to the streets in a particular sample of outrage, complaining of comments by Ban Ki-Moon on the disputed territory. The Moroccan government accuses Ban of violating the neutrality of the United Nations describing the Western Sahara as a territory ‘under occupation’. A spokesman for the Foreign Minister of Morocco told reporters that the UN official had ‘attacked’ the ‘feeling’ national.

Morocco claims that the Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, is its territory . On the other hand, the Sahrawi Polisario Front led by indigenous demanding independence for what they call Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. Both fought a bloody turf war from 1975 to 1991, when the UN managed to negotiate a ceasefire.

As a result of the conflict, thousands of Sahrawis were deported and live to date in camps refugees in Tindouf, near Algeria. 165,000 Sahrawis live in camps, according to UNHCR. Opportunities to fend for themselves are rare and depend largely on humanitarian aid.

The people of Western Sahara, a population of 570,866, they want a referendum to determine their independence as was promised in the ceasefire, but Morocco rejected the idea

Morocco believes that the integrity of their country is at stake.; Western Sahara independence believes is rightfully his. As expected, the passions surrounding the issue are incensed.

‘not renounce or molehills’

Annoyed with Secretary General of the UN, a prominent member the Moroccan parliament, Idriss Lashkar urged people to attend demonstrations across the country.

Several political leaders supported the marches that began in Bab Chala, in the center of Rabat, encouraging young people to that they borrowed. In the teeming streets, the protesters termed the protests’ Milyoneya’-an Arabic term for a demonstration of millions of people. Moroccans chanted slogans and carried banners to promote the fervent national environment. The leaders also strongly criticized Ban Ki-Moon, vindicating the unity of the people and the Moroccan sovereignty.

In social networks, some Moroccans turned their frustration towards Algeria, which supports the Polisario Front and the rest of the world for what they perceive to side with the Western Sahara.

in a Facebook post, Hajar Maky posted a photograph of a group of Moroccan with the country’s flag on the back. He stressed the importance of unity:

“نحن لسنا أفضل شعوب العالم من ناحية التسامح و احترام و تقبل الآخر. نحن أصلا لا نملك مواقف نحو قضايا شعوب العالم و لا نعلم عنها الكثير إن لم نستثني القضية الفلسطينية .. كذلك أغلب شعوب العالم لا تعلم شئ عن قضيتنا. و تأخد مواقف نتيجة جهلها بالواقع. والشقيقة الجزائر حفظ الله شعبها من كل شر مهمتها الديبلوماسية الاولى توفير الامكانيات اللوجيستكية بشكل مستمر لقيادات البوليساريو لنشر اكذوبتهم التاريخية …
لا تنتظروا من شعوب العالم ان تبرمج في مقررات مادة التاريخ لتلامذتها تاريخ تحرير المغاربة لارضهم من يد المستعمر الاسباني

we are not the best nation in the world with respect to tolerance, respect and acceptance of others, etc. Not even have opinions made of problems that occur in many states, we do not know much about them, except Palestine. Similarly, most states are not aware of our situation, and say about the subject based on his ignorance of the facts and reality. Our neighboring country, Algeria God to protect his people from all evil attempts to maintain its diplomatic behavior by offering logistical

material to leaders of the Polisario Front, the Saharawi armed movement to promote a historical lie.

Azhar tweeted:

like it or not, it pleases or not to Algeria and its allies, the Sahara is Moroccan …

Saad lmjarrad, famous Arab singer posted a picture on his Facebook page saying “the Sahara is Moroccan ‘and supported the demonstrations commenting:

المغرب في صحراءه و الصحراء في مغربها, قسما بالله ايمانا و احتسابا, لن نتنازل عن ذرة رمل من ارض وطننا.
نسأل الله العظيم ان يحفظ بلادنا من الفتن, وأن يعم الأمن والسكينة ربوع وطننا العزيز من طنجة الى الكويرة.

Morocco exists in its desert and the desert in Morocco. We swear by God not renounce or molehills of our land. We pray the Lord to keep our country of disputes and granting security and peace to our beloved country, from Tangier to Queira

Fatma Ezzahraa enable Moroccan Twitter user, published tweets and photos solidarity with the demonstrations:

Oh, my city. Oh, people of my land. Demonstrations in Rabat. Moroccan and proud of it.

The Saharawi resist

It was reported that Ban Ki-Moon was angry demonstrations. For its part, Morocco announced that it would cut aid to the mission of peacekeeping UN in Western Sahara.

However, the visit of Secretary General of the UN refugee camp seems to have imbued with some hope in the Sahrawi struggle for sovereignty.

in a reaction to the demonstrations in Morocco, several Sahrawis expressed outrage against what they called ‘Moroccan occupation’. Malainin Lakhal tweeted:

Morocco is a colonial power. Recall the Moroccan government and the world that Morocco is a power of military occupation in Western Sahara.

Lakhal is a human rights activist who claims to have been forced to forced in Moroccan prisons disappearances. He considers himself as a fighter for the independence of Western Sahara.

Abdullah Saleh posted a picture on Twitter showing a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. The group hoisted flags of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, calling for the release of Western Sahara.

The international solidarity campaign for the Saharawi political prisoners outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain

the former diplomat Polisario Emhammad Alghazi, encouraged the people of Western Sahara to unite against the Moroccans in the following words:

Mille Neumann published a photograph with activists Afrika Kontakt, a solidarity movement with Danish headquarters cooperating with African movements, expressing support for the people of Western Sahara and calling for a referendum on secession:

@Afrikakontakt Supports Referendum now. Liberate Western Sahara.

Ghaly Ahmed personalized describing his land occupation as a person suffering. I said so:

When you were rid of your prolonged pain? Oh, my land. Peace be with you.

Meanwhile, the Sahrawis were planning a peaceful demonstration on March 19 requesting the release of political prisoners in the jails of Morocco.


But he admits that “we have the absolute certainty of success” – Pysn People and Society News

More admits that “we have the absolute certainty of success”

The CDC leader calls for “determination, courage and firmness”

the former president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, has encouraged militants CDC to work for the ‘yes’ to independence exceed 50%, while acknowledged that “we have the absolute assurance of success. ” In any case, the CDC leader was keen to stress that “determination, courage and firmness” there “enough pluses to get it right.”

In this sense, he has warned that “we will not solve this majority setting ourselves if we spent every day between sovereignists”. “These suspicions and sobregesticulació Catalonia have always led to the impasse, we must stop speculating and add” clinched the leader of Convergencia, during the Federation Council that the party was held in the surrounding region.

On the other hand, regarding the process of refounding is living CDC, Mas has spurred militants training to participate. “We have already training a political formation capable of harnessing the

tools of the new country for Catalonia is the country we always wanted, a country worthwhile,” the former president of the Generalitat.

Finally, Artur Mas, has rejected the proposal of former Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, returning to the Statute of 2006 as a solution to fit between Catalonia and Spain. “That was ten years ago, can not speak as if in ten years nothing had happened,” said the leader of CDC, adding that “the other side there is only one project: to make an increasingly thin and weak Catalonia” .


Santander claims the MUPAC, from the ‘pancartitis’ and Ophthalmology – The Farad

A few months ago the mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna, said that Santander suffered from ‘plataformitis’, referring the ‘flood’ of citizen platforms that have been created in the city, many of them to defend their interests against the General Plan, as the pylon, Prado San Roque or the Coastal Path.

on Thursday, March dying, has had a replica of the statements in the monthly municipal council of Santander. Miguel Saro (IU) has been accused of “pancartismo” referring to the City Council put on the facade of the building to replicate the MUPAC stay in Santander.

 Banner in defense of MUPAC in the City Hall

Banner in defense of MUPAC in the City Hall

a banner that criticized all opposition parties for a motion that was approved, and in which the City Council requests the Government of Cantabria to close the debate on the location of the Museum prehistory and resume collaboration with the Consistory for expansion. A debate that the opposition has insisted she has opened himself.

In fact, referring to the Gag Law (which has also been in full), Councilman Ganemos, Antonio Mantecon, you has warned jokingly about the risks offered by the public Safety Act on hanging banners of public buildings.

it has not prospered the motion presented by this group to ask for explanations from the CEO of Cantabrian Government, Samuel Ruiz, on fines in the region. As published in its time, Cantabria leads the ranking of autonomous communities in complaints based on this regulation.

The votes of PP and Citizens have prevented this request is approved, which also included the application of create a social amnesty to those accused in protests. Since the government team, the Councillor for Citizen Protection, Pedro Nalda, said that in Cantabria there is not a single complaint regarding protests, but all have focused on consumption and possession of drugs. The farad and advance in August that the first complaint was a member of the PAHs during a bank protest.


The government team has submitted a motions battery to make several requests to the regional government. There are several applications

that fall within a block that could call City Hall vs Government, and that this legislature is being very common.

 the mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna,  during the plenary on Thursday.

The mayor of Santander, Inigo de la Serna, during the plenary session on Thursday.

on the one hand MUPAC request was followed by another motion urging the Executive to amend the Rules and call for grants to local governments for hiring unemployed. Specifically requested that the funds differently distributed, because apparently the money granted by the Government fails to cover the salary costs of collective agreements.

has also been a motion, passed with votes PP and Citizens, which claims that the Department of Ophthalmology Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla Santander continue. As he recalled the regionalist spokesman Jose Maria Fuentes Pila, “Valdecilla is the hospital of all Cantabrians, not just the santanderinos” but since the government team insisted that “it is a health service now and who do not want to lose. ” Citizens has supported it “unacceptable” considering the transfer.

And also approved with the support of several groups ask the government of Cantabria to comply with a commitment acquired to finance the construction of the civic center years Cazoña. A claim from the PRC have charged that “stuck in a drawer during the four years of the government of Ignacio Diego”


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Citizens admits there is “a political problem in Catalonia” – Pysn People and Society News

the president of the parliamentary group of citizens, Inés Arrimadas, acknowledged that “there is a political problem in Catalonia and has to fix from politics “and he believes that” we must talk “.

Arrimadas, told Els matins de TV3, said that “has to come here to talk to the president of the government and recognize that there are legitimate claims that can be assumed by the government of Spain. ”

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“I am convinced that a good -HA apuntado- constitutional reform would win in Catalonia. If this does not occur, it should seek a solution, it is clear; It would be a political solution, as we propose now. ”

Finally, the

leader of Citizens refused to negotiate with we and decided that the agreement between the PSOE and the formation of Albert Rivera ” you can make more extensive to the PP, because we can not make the reforms needed Spain unless we have the support of the PP. ”


The Cathedral of Cordoba is owned by the Catholic Church, say lawyers – Aica On line

Madrid (Spain) (AICA): about 800 years ago, after the expulsion of Muslims, the mosque of Cordoba became Catholic cathedral. Now, leftist parties and Muslim refugees sectors in Spain, intended to take her from the church and turn it into a mosque. After the failure of other attempts, political groups left the municipality of Córdoba now claim that being a unique and exceptional monument is “public supradominio”, ie, that belongs to all citizens of the world and thus, his opinion, would not belong to the Church.
800 years ago, after the expulsion of Muslims from Spain, the mosque of Cordoba became Catholic cathedral. Now, leftist parties and Muslim refugees sectors in Spain, try to take it from the Church and return to turn it into a mosque.

After the failure of other attempts, now the political groups left the municipality of Córdoba claim that being a unique and exceptional monument is “public supradominio”, ie, that belongs to all citizens of the world and so, in his opinion, would not belong to the Church.

However, Mercedes Mayo, head of the Legal Department of the City of Cordoba, issued a report which stated that “the city of Córdoba has no legal possibility of registering your name Mosque-Cathedral “since the property is already registered in the name of the Catholic Church in the land registry.

From the legal department of the City of Córdoba itself confirmed that the report in which the ownership of the Catholic Church refused temple, was invalid.

The Cathedral of Santa María de Córdoba, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1984, it is owned by the Catholic Church since 1236, almost 800 years ago.

Sources Chapter of the Cathedral of Cordoba explained to CNA that repeatedly over the years contributed countless documents and arguments demonstrating that the property of the Mosque of Cordoba belongs to the Catholic Church.

“Many historical and legal arguments which the council has provided were ratified later and used by other experts to prove ownership of the temple by the Church”.

This time was not the Cabildo “but agents external to us, as lawyers and other experts,

who ratified the ownership of the cathedral by the Church,” they said and assured ACI that by keeping this debate alive “nonexistent in the reality of the Cordovan society, a negative image of the city of Cordoba and the temple is generated”.

There is no legal basis to intervene ownership of the cathedral of Cordoba

Meanwhile the European Commission rejected calls MEPs PSOE, Podemos and Izquierda Unida to rule on the ownership of the Cathedral of Cordoba and further states that there is “no legal basis to intervene.”

Leftist MEPs asked the Commission to its intervention in a letter which contained serious allegations against the Church without any evidence and that had previously been rejected both by law and by the Spanish authorities.

According to them in the council of the Cordovan cathedral, the European institution responded “forcefully to these issues even in writing, it says there is no legal basis to intervene, nor has jurisdiction in the matter by referring to national legislation on issues relating to ownership of the temple. ”

Earlier, the Spanish Ministry of Finance had already noted in 2014 that the church was the owner of the Cathedral of Cordoba and did not appear that the temple had been owned by the state.

After the answers given by the European Commission, the Ministry of Finance in 2014 and for justice around the ownership of the monument, the Cathedral Chapter of Cordoba hopes that an end to this controversial campaign artificially fed by different political groups and by certain Muslim sectors. +


Antonio Recio, new president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The CGPJ has appointed Antonio Recio Cordova new president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona replacing Pablo Llarena, current Supreme Court justice.

The full General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) has appointed Antonio Recio Cordova new president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, ​​which replaces and Paul Llarena, current judge of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Antonio Recio has earned ten votes while the judge Angeles Vivas has eight votes and there have been three blank ballots, according to the Judiciary.

the vocal Roser Bach has announced a special vote , which the vocal Clara Martinez de Careaga, Victoria Cinto and Concepción Sáez, and vocal Enrique Lucas will join. This voice also present another dissenting opinion in relation to the system of majorities established by law. The vocal Rafael Fernández Valverde has announced a concurring opinion.

The new president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona entered the judicial career in 1990, being its first legal fate the court of first instance and instruction of La Bañeza in the province of Leon.

in March 1992, went on to play the district court 19 of Barcelona, moving in April 1994 the district court 30 of the same city.

Since December 2004, Antonio Recio Córdova is judge of the first Section of the Provincial court of Barcelona.

It is an elected member of the Governing Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, as part of its Standing Committee, uninterruptedly since November 2009 to the present.

in the educational field, Antonio Recio has been tutor of judges in practices of the Judicial School promotions from 51 to 55, associate professor of Organic law of the Judicial School in promotions 61 and 62, and professor of the Master in Catalan Civil law Advanced professor, organized by the University of Barcelona.

He has participated as principal or speaker at more than forty training activities, he has collaborated on several legal publications and has been a member of the Court of competitive examination for obtaining the title of Notary between March 2015 and February this year.

Antonio Recio, new president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona

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Open restaurant on the street Gonzalo Morales Expansion America / Ramon Gomez de la Serna, Galdós or Hemingway have excelled in their works the traditional cuisine of Gonzalo Morales, restaurant founded in 1725 on the street that bears his name in Spain.

Gonzalo Morales is the great restaurant where new things in old casseroles are cooked”. As reflected in this greguería of “ Gonzalo Morales , writers have been the first to appreciate the kitchen of one of the most traditional establishments in Spain, which has also appeared in the works of great divas hows Perez Galdos, Arturo Barea, Carlos Arniches or Ernest Hemingway.

No one could foresee this success when in 1725 the French chef Jose Gonzalo Morales I, who had worked for the nobility of the Austrias, opened in the Cuchilleros street an inn, in which food is also offered, for merchants doing business will be housed. in the nineteenth century, the great reform took place for which “ Gonzalo Morales became one of the main restaurants the capital.

Jorge Gonzalez, one of the current co-owners of Gonzalo Morales emphasizes that the restaurant is full of excellent gastronomic tradition.


ERC believes that beyond the theatricality, the PSOE-can agree is impossible – Yahoo Finance Spain

Madrid, March 30 (EFE) .- The deputy spokesman of ERC in Congress, Gabriel Ruffian, considered today that the staging of the meetings held the leaders of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, and we, Pablo Iglesias, is part of its “theatricality” but believes it is impossible or very difficult to reach an agreement.

at a press conference in Congress, ruffian has indicated that it is a meeting between “a questionable leader of a party questioned” as is Sanchez, and a leader like Churches, “who was born in a TV studio.” “So maybe part of normal to make this kind of theatricality.

On a possible agreement between the two, Ruffian believes it is” impossible or very difficult “because if Sanchez pact with can receive the call” Felipe González or Ms. Botin immediate serious “to remind that” Citizens is

the party of Ibex 35 to follow. “

” And above all, he added, the debt of the PSOE banks believe it impossible to return to be a leftist party “



Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spain and Morocco for the exchange of information against terrorism – Terra Peru

The governments of Spain and Morocco agree on the importance of the continuous exchange of information in the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, “based on trust”.

This was expressed today the interior ministers of Spain, Jorge Fernandez Diaz, and Morocco, Mohamed Hassad, supporters of the need to further strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism jihadist, illegal immigration and drug trafficking, as reported in a statement.

Spain and Morocco have cooperated in joint operations that managed to dismantle terrorist cells, such as those dedicated to recruitment and transportation of foreign terrorist fighters into conflict zones.

According to the Spanish Ministry since 2014 and so far have been developed jointly eight operations against jihadists, with a total of 68 detainees: 42 of them in Morocco and 26 in different Spanish localities.

During the meeting at the headquarters of the Spanish Ministry, the two delegations expressed satisfaction with the effectiveness and results at the operational level between the two countries, especially in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, as emphasized in the joint statement to the media.

stressed on drugs has been substantially reduced drug trafficking using light airplanes in the Strait of Gibraltar.

The management of migration flows has been also analyzed at the meeting of the two ministers, who reiterated “their determination to promote, together, an overall

approach, integrating dimensions security, humanitarian and development “.

In this sense, Fernandez Diaz highlighted “humanitarian approach” to the new Moroccan immigration policy, especially with regard to regularization, integration of immigrants and the protection of vulnerable.

Convinced of the “inseparable” nature of security in the Mediterranean basin and the Sahel region, now marked by endemic instability that different factions are nurtured and terrorist organizations and criminals, both ministers expressed the “urgent” need for broad regional cooperation, added the note.

A collaboration that could be “in the initiation and operation of collective action to stop the currently real terrorist threat and increasingly worrying”.

so / agc / jgb / ie


NATO created an air combat unit near the border of Russia – MDZ Online

NATO should turn their air patrols in the Baltic state into a force capable of defending Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia of a hypothetical aggression, as declared on Tuesday the commander of forces in Europe, General Philip Breedlove and publishes Reuters.

the multinational NATO Air Force, which is in service and patrol the skies over the Baltic region of Europe, is composed of eight aircraft. “I think the Alliance must be ready to carry out missions of air defense,” said Philip Breedlove.

“The air surveillance and air defense are two different situations. The air patrol Baltic is a mission for a period of peace, “stressed the US general.

Before 2014, the Atlantic organization only had four fighters in the region, but doubled that amount when the population of Crimea decided to meet Russia by referendum.

The commander of NATO in Europe also argued that the iconic spy plane Lockheed U-2 that used during the cold war is necessary to “counter effectively increasing the threat” posed Moscow after decades in which they had declined the US military resources in the region.

According to Breedlove, that ship should return to Europe to monitor the movements of Russia, because it believes it represents an “existential long-term threat”

to the United States

Lavrov. “The NATO exploited to hysteria myth about the Russian threat “

” the leadership of NATO and a number of European countries, especially the United Kingdom, the Scandinavian countries, our neighbors the Baltics, of Poland, Romania and other countries inflates to hysteria the myth of the Russian threat and the fact that we plan to threaten with nuclear weapons to Sweden and the Baltics, “said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in early February.

“it’s an information war. we see and we understand”, but “we do not intend to respond to hysteria hysteria and try to go it alone with facts,” said the Russian minister.



NATO will create aerial combat zone border with Russia – Telesur TV

Russia rejects the charge of NATO on the alleged threat posed by the government of Vladimir Putin to the Netherlands.

The Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) approved the creation of an air combat unit near the Russian border under the guise of protecting Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia of an alleged assault by the Russian government.

The information was released Tuesday by the former commander of NATO forces in Europe Philip Breedlove, who also added that the Alliance must be ready to carry out missions of air defense in the borders close to Russia.

“the air surveillance and air defense are two different situations. The air patrol Baltic is a mission for a period of peace, “stressed the defender of the alleged Russian military threat.

Breedlove, who was replaced by another general, US Curtis Scaparrotti last March 11, 2016, held that the iconic spy plane Lockheed U-2 that used during the cold war is necessary to give against the alleged threat posed by Russia to the Netherlands.

Breedlove, the spy plane Lockheed U-2 should return to Europe to monitor the movements of Russia. “Moscow is an existential threat to long-term US” reiterated the US general.

The Russian response

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov questioned Philip Breedlove’s statements and reiterated that “NATO hysteria explodes to the myth about the Russian threat.”

He regretted that the leadership of NATO and its European allies insist sow hatred in the Baltics for the alleged threat of Russia in their territories. “We planned never threaten nuclear weapons to Sweden and the Baltic countries,” Lavrov said.

In mid-2015 NATO strengthened its military presence near Russia despite claiming that wanted to “avoid unnecessary tensions” with that country as a threat to the security of the Netherlands.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spain condemns the lack of cooperation from US in a research antiyihadista – RT in Spanish – International News

The judge of the Spanish National Court José de la Mata lamented the lack of US cooperation in an investigation of a cell suspected jihadist high “dangerousness” disjointed in early 2015 in the autonomous city of Ceuta, according eldiario .com.

Read more

the judge stressed that despite “the urgency and relevance” of research that the Spanish authorities have asked to make the United States to evaluate the potential danger of the group and find out if other people associated with the cell existed, “all requirements have been unsuccessful”.

the magistrate had to thus close the case unable to wait any longer for the situation in prison provisional of the

six involved who are committing crimes incriminated integration and cooperation in a terrorist organization and possession of weapons. Also it considered that the cell was dedicated to the recruitment and indoctrination of followers to carry out jihad.


FBI warned about the brothers Netherlands The Bakraoui 6 days before the attacks in Brussels – RT in Spanish – International News

On March 16 the Dutch police was informed by the FBI of the danger posed Ibrahim and Khalid el Bakraoui, suicidal brothers who participated in the bombings in Brussels and that information was provided to Belgium .

The FBI informed the Dutch police on criminal records, the jihadist character and the threat posed Ibrahim and Khalid el Bakraoui, suicide bombers days after perpetrated the attacks in the Zaventem airport and Maelbeek Metro station in the Belgian capital, reports ‘La Derniere Heure’.

the contact took place on March 16, as stated before the Parliament of La Hague Dutch Justice Minister Ard van der Steur. The next day, the minister said, the Dutch police gave all the information obtained to their Belgian colleagues

On March 22 the Belgian capital was rocked by two explosions. One at the airport of Zaventem , followed by another in the subway station Maalbeek.

the Belgian prosecutor identified the two suicide as Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui brothers. The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks. 32 people died and over 250 were injured.


FBI gave reports on two kamikaze –

(ANSA) – BRUSSELS, 29 MAR – The FBI sent the police Dutch information on criminal records and extremists two kamikaze, Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, on March 16, six days before the attacks of Brussels.
March 17 was established a contact between the Dutch and Belgian police, the Dutch Minister of Justice informed, Ard van der Steur before Parliament in the Hague. The official explained that the FBI had warned that “the two brothers were wanted by the Belgians” and had added information on its precedents and the fact that they were extremists. The day after, that is on 17 March, Bakraoui brothers were at the center of a dispute between the Belgian and Dutch authorities. Ibrahim El Bakraoui was forwarded by the Turkish authorities to the Netherlands on 14 July 2015. The Turks warned Holland expulsion, but that information does not follow any action and Ibrahim El Bakraoui was not registered in the system of international research. And from the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol she remained undisturbed their way. Meanwhile, the FBI had placed Ibrahim on the list of terrorists to monitor since last Sept. 25. Despite these extended, the Belgian Federal Judicial Police (PJF) denied having received information about the “brothers The Bakraoui” by the FBI on 16 and 17 last March, on the occasion of a working visit by a member of the Dutch police.
the CEO said the Pjf, Claude Fontaine, in response to statements made by the Dutch Minister

of Justice.
“on March 16, the federal judicial police received no information FBI regarding the brothers the Bakraoui. Moreover, this was confirmed today by the FBI to Pfj “reads a statement released by the Belgian agency.
” the March 17, 2016 -is written in the statement of the CEO of Pfj- held a working visit of a member of the Dutch police in Pfj. on the occasion of this meeting were communicated some information from an operation on Forest March 15 “. “During that discussion no mention was made of information that would have been given by the FBI to the Dutch police, as the latter,” he said today. DEF-ADG / MRZ
00:11 03/30/2016


The FBI had warned days before about possible attack in Brussels – Blasting News

The Dutch police received notice of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) about the imminent danger posed by Bakraoui brothers. The Dutch authorities contacted the Belgian police the next day, causing them to get the information supplied by the FBI, according to statements by Ard van der Steur, Dutch Justice Minister, in a speech in Parliament in The Hague. The report provided by the establishment American Research warned the Dutch from the existence of criminal record in the history of the two brothers and real danger that these entrañasen threat of terrorism jihadist, so now activated by the self-styled Islamic State . Just six days after the announcement, suicide bombers detonated their explosive belts at Brussels airport and the subway, causing dozens of casualties and spread terror in the European capital, as stated today the newspaper “La Dernière Heure” in its online edition.

If this information added that Belgium was advised of the results of a police search last month of January 2015 in the apartment Abdelhamid Abaaoud ( chief designer of the terrorist operation that cost the lives of other 129 people in the attacks in Paris), where they were found among other tests some plans and sketches Zaventem Airport News and events has transpired this same Monday- closes a circle that we

invited to ask ourselves what is happening with security, or who must manage it properly. Especially when those drawings and maps were immediately sent by Athens to Brussels. Especially when the Islamic State benefits greatly from these errors . And this will takes us back to 2015.

All these faults are generating great distrust and, above all, a crisis of some magnitude between the rows of Belgian Government , which are producing some near misses resignation of some ministers – “Justice” and “Interior” – known have not been accepted by the head of government . Safety is permeable, and this has been revealed, highlighting mismanagement of actions and resources, but above all, information security.


Greece: Government delays implementation of the EU-Turkey agreement – Deutsche Welle

The Greek Government has postponed the introduction in Parliament of the necessary law to implement the recent agreement between the European Union (EU) and Turkey, which provides for the return to the country of all refugees and migrants arriving at Greek islands in the Aegean Sea.

It was initially expected that the draft law was submitted to Parliament tomorrow, but spokeswoman Olga Yerovasili heleno Executive said today (29/03/2016) in a press conference that this will happen “in the next days”.

The delay is attributed to the criticisms made by several members of the ruling party Syriza, in a statement, they have rejected the return of refugees to Turkey because believe that this provision violates international law for the protection of persons refugees. Furthermore not accept characterize Turkey as a “safe third country” or the transformation of registration centers in detention centers.

Yerovasili stressed that the draft “does not recognize Turkey or another country”, as “third safe country “. The government spokesman stressed that each refugee “may seek asylum and get it,” adding that the law will as a condition that a third country can only be considered safe “must respect the Geneva Treaty and not to return refugees (country of origin) “.

Although the law is a necessary condition so that it can begin the process returns under the agreement, it has not yet finalized a date for submission to Parliament or to vote. Yerovasili added that the Government continues to prepare new shelters to accommodate 30,000 more refugees and expressed satisfaction with “the relative reduction in arrivals in recent days.”

Lately the daily rhythm of arrivals to the Greek islands of the Aegean from the Turkish coast it was reduced from more than 1,000 people from 100 to 300, with days in which there has been no arrival, although this may be due to bad weather of the last week.

False hopes Idomeni

Regarding the situation in the camp Idomeni, located on the border between Greece and Macedonia, where according to new data released today , there are 11,370 people, Yerovasili announced that in the coming days the voluntary transfer of refugees to shelters.

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 Griechenland Mazedonien Idomeni Grenze  Flüchtlinge Menschen im Rollstuhl vor der Polizei

People in wheelchairs blocked train tracks in the refugee camp Idomeni .

the refugees await the opening of the border to continue their journey to Central Europe despite the agreement between the EU and Turkey makes definitive closure of the so-called Balkan route. daily rumors, mainly spread by Arab social networks about an imminent reopening of the border helps fuel the hope of refugees and undermine their willingness to move to shelters.

Today, migrants and refugees reoccupied the railway border crossing Idomeni demanding that the borders are opened and allowed to continue their journey to northern Europe. The police had succeeded in breaking this morning peacefully blockade that had lasted ten days, Greek media reported. But when just withdrawn the past, about 50 new protesters sat on the tracks.

The center crisis management Greek government ruled again against the use of violence in Idomeni, considering that sooner or later migrants voluntarily go to go to reception camps organized within the country. Throughout the Greek territory there are currently 50,364 migrants and refugees, 192 of them arrived over the past 24 hours.

JC (EFE, dpa)


“Why do not you fight to Westerners?” the viral message to young people of Molenbeek – Clarí

On Sunday night, mobile phones of dozens of young Muslims from neighborhood Molenbeek (one aguantadero of criminals linked to Islamic terrorism in the heart of Brussels) sounded at the same time . Had received a message. “Brother, why do not you fight to Westerners? Make the right decision “, he said, in French. Came not signed.

When investigating from where they sent the police a prepaid card without any trace identifier information that would allow the responsible was found. But there is a clear suspect. L a local network of ISIS, acting at full capacity after the attacks last week

How did the telephone numbers of these young people? According to the newspaper “The Guardian” , community activists believe that members of ISIS downloaded all contacts cell of the new members who join the organization, and select those of North African origin – those who consider more easily recruitable – to try to approach them

See also:. Cae in Brussels most wanted terrorist for attacks in Paris

See also: contradictions Brussels: headquarters of the European Union and bastion jihadist

See also: ISIS won a fierce series of attacks in Brussels: 34 dead and 200 wounded

the message on Sunday was not the only . Nex coming . So today the Brussels deputy Jamal Ikazban, warned the federal police and

the Interior Ministry, Jan Jambon, that are spreading short text messages to young men multiracial district of Molenbeek with jihadist propaganda.

“@ JanJambon @PolFed_presse Our young people are victims of SMS propaganda. We must act and incapacitate these recruiters,” he said in a message he also leading social network Twitter the group of opposition parties socialist in the communal council of Molenbeek.

in another message reminds the message on Sunday. And warning: “our young people are in danger from predators!”

One of the messages published by the Guardian is about parents concerned. “. Message received by my son This becomes disturbing” , say

the messages following the twin bombings in Brussels, claimed by ISIS, and in which at least 35 people died and over 300 were injured

Source:.. agencies


The PP calls Maestre ‘Rita trolera’ and calls for his resignation – Infovaticana


Percival Manglano, PP councilor, said that” a spokeswoman for the Madrid City council can not be a trolera “. Master refuses to resign and shows “proud” of his “activist past.”

PP councilor Percival Manglano has intervened in the full city Council of Madrid to ask the spokesman Rita Master why not resigns after being convicted of a crime of desecration in offense the

religious feelings for his assault to the chapel of Somosaguas. Manglano has contradicted Maestre, after hearing his sentence, he appeared to declare he would not resign considering that the judgment against it did not affect the exercise of public office. However, the PP councilor has said that conviction does affect the work of Master as a councilman and spokesman for the City Council and has lambasted the “torturous relationship with the truth.”

“a spokeswoman for the Madrid city Council can not be a trolera serial” , said Manglano in his speech in full after listing the occasions Now that Councilwoman Madrid- which has referred to as “Rita trolera” -. would have lied about his involvement in the assault to the chapel of Somosaguas

the councilman PP has raised in plenary the question a journalist esRadio made Maestre news conference and was censured by the mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena: “at trial he admitted that participated [in the assault to the chapel] but, why did not recognize who was involved from the start? “.

” you did not recognize him because knew he had not been a peaceful protest and had committed a crime

“he has held Manglano, while it has maintained that the ethical code Now Madrid force Maestre to resign from office and recalled a statement by Carmena:” E l politician, when he knows he has a complaint, has to say that resignation. “

Maestre, meanwhile, has returned to argue that never intended to offend with its participation in the assault to the chapel somosaguas. In its response to Manglano, Councilwoman Now Madrid recalled that apologized to Archbishop of Madrid , Carlos Osorio, and received his understanding: “It’s a little sad that these apologies are accepted by the highest authority Catholic in the capital and do not give you alluded s “.

the Madrid City Council spokesman has remained firm in his decision not to resign and alleged that the acts for which he has been convicted are prior to his election as councilman, when it was not “going through my head sitting one day in this city” .

also, Maestre has shown “proud” of his “past activist” , despite the conviction for offending religious feelings, and concluded his speech by ensuring that members of its formation are “proud inheritors of 15 M”

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The direction of the PSOE asks Congress postpone until government is formed – Reuters Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – the leadership of the PSOE prompted the postponement of next Federal party Congress until a government is formed in Spain, said Monday the socialist formation in a statement, a delay that would eliminate internal pressure its leader, Pedro Sanchez, as he tries to form a new government.

“the direction of the PSOE has agreed to the advisability of this postponement to help facilitate the process of forming a government of change that leads the Socialist Party, giving priority to the political and institutional calendar above organic, “said the PSOE on its website.

The Socialist Party allied with the regeneracionista party Citizens to try to form government but it was rejected by a fragmented Congress of Deputies to the investiture as Prime Minister Sanchez earlier this month.

Under the legislation, political parties have two months from the session failed investiture to try to form government before new elections are automatically convened, what would happen in early May .


PSOE had initially planned to hold in mid-May 1st Federal Congress choose secretary general in which the leadership of Sanchez could be challenged by the Andalusian president Susana Diaz, a heavyweight of the game.

with the initial timetable, negotiations to form government coincide with the process of submitting applications to the general secretariat of the PSOE, which would complicate the negotiating position of Sanchez.

in its statement, the PSOE said that after finding a “broad consensus in the set party “about the delay of Congress, the address is officially propose to the Federal Committee on Saturday.

© Thomson Reuters 2016 All rights reserved.


Monday, March 28, 2016

The direction of the PSOE asks Congress postpone until government is formed – Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – The leadership of the PSOE prompted the postponement of next Federal Party Congress until a government is formed in Spain, said Monday the socialist formation in a statement, a delay would eliminate internal pressure its leader, Pedro Sanchez, as he tries to form a new government.

“the direction of the PSOE has agreed to the advisability of this postponement to help facilitate the process of forming a change government led by the Socialist Party, giving priority to the political and institutional calendar above organic “, said the PSOE on its website.

The Socialist Party allied with the regeneracionista party Citizens to try to form a government, but was rejected by a fragmented Congress of Deputies to the investiture as Prime Minister Sanchez earlier this month.

Under the legislation, political parties have two months from the investiture session failed to try to form government before new elections are automatically convened, what would happen in early May.

The PSOE had initially planned to be held in mid-May 1st Federal Congress to elect Secretary General in which the leadership of Sanchez could be challenged by the Andalusian President Susana Diaz, a heavyweight of the game.

with the initial timetable, negotiations to form government coincide with the process of submitting applications to the general secretariat of the PSOE, which would complicate the negotiating position of Sanchez.

in his statement, PSOE said that after finding a “broad consensus throughout the match,” about the delay of Congress, the address is officially propose to the Federal Committee

on Saturday.

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The TSJC declared inadmissible layoffs Ecomasa – The Farad

 image denunciation of the situation of the  factory

image denunciation of the situation of the factory

the Social Chamber of the High Court of Cantabria has declared inadmissible layoffs Ecomasa (Nestor Martin).

a judgment which has accessed the farad, partially upheld the appeal of the first group of nine workers dismissed from the factory Maliaño, and revokes the decision of judgment of the Labour Court number three.

in this way, condemning the company Ecomasa World Investments SL, which pordrá choose between reinstatement, with the corresponding payment of lost wages, or compensation, ranging between 22,000 and 58,000 euros depending on each case.

However, absolves TEKA, the undertaking from workers who tried to relocate in Ecomasa, considering that this first company did not breach the agreements or conditions.

Ante the sentence, which can anticipate the pending court decisions for the rest of workers affected, it should appeal to the Supreme Court.

the sentence, which describes the sequence of changes in the corporate network launched by managers Ecomasa refers to the dismissal of 2015 (the factory sacked last February to all staff and ceased its activi).

and warn the company that the money gave from the public company SODERCAN (a participative loan worth 3 million euros) was not for freely available, but for quue had liquidity necessary to meet the Viability Plan agreed.

in addition, impacts that the fate of these expenses are not credited, and not made available to the workers their share in the firing, why must be considered irrelevant.


the courts dirimen several causes at the moment, such as the dismissal of the factory, executed for the entire

Export Team last February.

But also other aspects such as alleged fraud in training subsidies for employment in a cause they are accused of Lavin and De Leon managers, and the factory director, Mario Palacio Martin.

in total, they were invested in factory order of 18 million euros of public money, and also the workers who came from Teka contributed 3.2 million of their dismissals, to a factory that has closed finished with layoffs and doubts about the fate of those amounts.

a court edge that adds to the political, with the imminence of a Commission of Inquiry in Parliament.

Precisely Monday have taken the first steps, with the meeting of the Board of Spokesmen. On Monday the deadline for the appointment of representatives will open.

The investigative body will consist of four members of the PP, three from the PRC, two in the PSOE, one can and other citizens.

all of them will be given the documents in the possession of the Government and after study, each group will require the hearings as appropriate, as well as the timing of them.

the deputy Podemos Cantabria, José Ramón Blanco, explained that “in the coming weeks will begin to move this committee with the appointment of Members who will take part, appearances etc”.

the opinion of the Commission and debate and a vote by the full Parliament shall be completed within two months from the date of the constituent session of the Commission of Inquiry

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