Saturday, April 25, 2015

Mas expects a “great quorum” in the next election – EntornoInteligente

ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / The Public Ministry achieved deprivation of liberty for a sergeant in the National Guard and five other men for their alleged involvement in the burglary of vehicles, a situation that was detected on April 11 this year 404 parking court operating in the intercommunal Avenue Turmero – Maracay, Aragua state Girardot Municipality.
 At the hearing presentation, 21st and assistant prosecutors in that jurisdiction, Rolando García and José Arreaza, charged to military cash Wilky Cardenas and vigilantes Robinson Herrera and Jose Oviedo for alleged embezzlement of intentional, vehicle burglary and conspiracy.
 Similarly, Yhonny Araujo, Jesus Araque and Erick Pulgar were charged with the same offenses. Additionally, Sergeant Cardenas was charged for allegedly engaging in improper use of organic weapon and induction corruption, the latter crime also was imputed unto him Araque. For Oviedo, they have also prequalified counterfeiting offenses of stamps, illegal possession of a firearm and use of facsimile firearm.
 Assessed the items of evidence presented by prosecutors in the case, the Tribunal 5th Aragua Control issued the order of arrest for six men, who were sent to the detention center on July 26, in Guarico state.
 According to preliminary investigation, in the early morning hours of that day, members of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service were on patrolling when they saw a van leaving the parking court Turmero, where Oviedo and Cardenas were.
 Then officials that security made them signals to men to stop the car, but these omitted the application and re-entered the parking lot.
 Shortly afterwards, the police agreed to the place where they could corroborate that today charged two other vehicles carrying amount of spare parts and automotive parts without documents that would support, presuming that belonged to vehicles parked on the site.
 Under this situation, effective intelligence arrested the six men, even though Cárdenas and Araque were offered a large sum of money for not taking them arrested.
 Furthermore, in the process they were seized people, cellular, wet seals prosecutors and the land register of the municipality Marino, also two guns, two poplars, among other elements of criminology interest.


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