Thursday, April 30, 2015

GLOBAL: Varoufakis and Tsipras become allies … – EntornoInteligente

GLOBAL: Tsipras Varoufakis and become allies of the speech of Rajoy / Information .com / Rajoy has a new ally?. It’s called Tsipras. Who was going to say after this he blamed the deadlock in negotiations with Europe? In the debate over tax amnesty (we know that the flame adjustment Montoro but the minister has already proven to be a master of language when you call reality with another name) will Syria and announces a total tax amnesty for free!

The left does not know now where to go and no one can, and Pablo Iglesias, the same as in the European Parliament has given up for Varoufakis partiéndosela, incidentally, to Guindos. A Spanish politician trying not another Spanish president of the Eurogroup. Spain things.

But go to the event at the time. That amnesty has been put on mute by many and has been an electoral gift Tsipras and Varoufakis to Rajoy.

More damage we can to Wallet Syriza is doing more damage we can to purse, at least and you are outside Congress, disappointed with politics. Paul does not force you to continue, no. The left would change Europe (remember Hollande, the man who would stand up to Merkel? Points to amnesties to see if some rich want to put some money in the country close to bankruptcy. No payroll money.

Varoufakis, the man perched type ‘Hello’, has been ousted, although he says he remains at the forefront. And Tsipras is now talking about a referendum to relieve trágala (Remember Gonzalez referendum with NATO. “) When do the opposite of the promised referendums are more than useful. Lavan consciences. That or use as Kleenex the inheritance, the Rajoy style.

The president already has artillery to combat the demagogy of Pablo Iglesias (the man who is going to pay all the money they pay the rich do not pay now. I get a smile and convincing them that they are true patriots. He has said so literally, without blushing. Good luck.

Red lines for now we can already put tax amnesty defend his friend Tsipras. Teresa Rodriguez has scored red lines, which are so fond, “PP amnesty benefited friends of the government, as Rodrigo Rato”. And watch out, this is to point comparison is demagoguery!

It is not the same for Teresa “tax amnesty raised to 20 percent in Greece-with-the Montoro, who stayed through three percent “and has deepened in the Greek” only affects the capital flight that has been, not with the government of Syriza, but since the crisis began in 2008, with Montoro, who even posed could include cash, which can come from any illegal business, and that benefited friends of the government as Rato “. Teresa also knows friends or boyfriends, whatever you want to see with his own in the top of the charts.

The reality is that Syriza commitment amnesties and has become an ally of Rajoy. And the greatest enemy of Paul. Things policy

Information Information .com

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