Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spain: We in crisis after resignation of Juan Carlos Wallet – Journal Perú21

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UN criticism of Spain by impunity for torture – HOWEVER

Geneva, Apr 29 (Notimex) .- The United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) criticized the government of Spain for the impunity that exists towards the perpetrators of this crime, who mostly belong to the police .

CAT experts also questioned by Madrid incommunicado detention and the situation of Spanish prisons and the Centers for Temporary Stay Immigrants (CETI) in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa.

The CAT analyzed for two days at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the implementation by Spain of the Convention against Torture.

The 10 experts who form the team criticized the Spanish government for not providing concrete data and figures on torture, investigations into such crimes, convicted persons and compensation to victims.

One of the members of the CAT, Jens Modvig, protested to the Spanish delegation for not answering your question about what happened to the 300 cases of alleged torture reported in the past four years, how many were investigated, how many people were punished and how many are compensated.

For his part, President of CAT, the Chilean Claudio Grossman, expressed concern about the repeated use of pardons in cases of torture in the Iberian country.

Grossman recalled the pardon granted by the government five elements of Autonomous Police (Catalan autonomous police), three of whom were convicted of torture perpetrated against Lucian Padurau in 2008.

He asserted those pardons are incompatible with the United Nations Convention Against Torture and stated that “not a single policeman in prison for torturing”.

Similarly, Grossman and the rapporteur of the committee responsible for monitoring the situation in Spain, Senegalese Abdoulaye Gaye,

questioned the government on the mechanisms of redress or compensation for victims of torture and asked whether “there is someone in jail for the crime of torture in Spain “.

Another of the issues discussed at the meeting is that of incommunicado detention against suspected terrorists.

The Committee inquired about the measures implementing the Spanish state in order to review and abolish this regime, since the guarantees of fundamental rights of the detainees are not insured.

The expert Satyabhoosun Gupt Domah delegation asked what were the reasons of solitary confinement and he noted that “no other alternative” to those measures of detention.

Grossman asked the Spanish government whether they had approved changes in its legislative framework to prohibit the use of incommunicado under age.

The Committee expressed its concern about the situation in prisons in Spain and in the CETI in the Spanish enclaves in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla.

The Italian expert Alessio Bruni and Abdoulaye Gaye said the penitential centers and reception facilities for migrants are overcrowded.

On October 15, 2014, it was also reported beatings in the shelters by agents of the Guard Civil denounced Gaye.


We left dome founder and complaint betrayed – The Nation Costa Rica


Juan Carlos Monedero, one of the founders of the emerging Spanish training Can we left on Thursday the party leadership after two months of controversy over his past as adviser to the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chavez.

Hours before the resignation, Wallet publicly criticized the strategy of his fellow an interview. Wallet said he felt betrayed and accused can copy some bad forms of traditional parties they try to replace.

Wallet, 52, is a political scientist and professor at the Complutense University Madrid. F UNDO can with his current leader Pablo Iglesias just over a year. The formation of the left has shaken the Spanish political scene. Surveys can situate as the second force in voting intentions in the general elections scheduled for later this year.

“I have submitted my friend Paul (Iglesias) resignation in direction, “Wallet wrote in his Twitter account. “They keep strong my friendship with someone as big and commitment can.”

tax controversy. Wallet output is first major internal earthquake can. The Spanish political scientist was involved in a high-profile controversy when the press revealed that he had filed a supplementary tax by an advisory work related to Chavez in 2010.

Wallet said then that I had not evaded tax and the supplementary declaration was to dispel

any hint of suspicion. Wallet admitted that he had claimed 425,000 euros ($ 476,390) for a study on the hypothetical implementation of a common currency in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua.

No one has been charged for tax fraud . But the case affected the image of Wallet, who spent appearing in several television programs daily to not comment. The former leader of Podemos said this week it did not look as deputy and shortly before resigning openly criticized his party and revealed tensions within the leadership on strategy.

We, who has moderating his speech in recent months, it has its first big real test to the polls in regional and municipal elections on May 24. The match was the third most votes in the regional elections in Andalusia in March, which won the Socialists. We can then admitted that the result was not as good as they expected.


Local and regional elections 24-M: the PSOE pact with … – Diario La Nube (Press Release)

The investiture pacts strategy outlining the PSOE after the municipal and regional elections of May 24 has “a red line: BILDU”, as reflected Today the newspaper El Pais.

Pedro Sanchez (Photo Flickr PSOE)

Pedro Sánchez (Photo Flickr PSOE)

The socialist leadership is reluctant to agree with the PP since they consider the only “enemy” capable of forming parliamentary majority. According to the newspaper, the socialist candidates “will not negotiate coalitions of government, but broadly to assist them in their endowments. Citizens can, IU, and some regionalist or nationalist forces. ”

The federal committee will have a “flexible position” and will address information and the position of each of the candidates individually, given the complexity and diversity

of situations that likely will occur.

For its part, ABC insists on the “battle for the PSOE” and notes that “ Sanchez recovery is entrusted to the local power after the May 24″. For the daily, “we fall in the polls reinforces his candidacy in the primaries.”

The Economist reported statements by the PSOE candidate for the Board of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernandez Vara “supporter ‘rethink’ the primary and Sanchez is a candidate”.


(Text homemade made from news summary press services Moncloa)


SPAIN: Detained for alleged lieutenant colonels … – EntornoInteligente

ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / A time to take stock, probably will not be many Venezuelans writers who have cultivated the genre of adventure. Victor Vegas (Barquisimeto, 1967) assumes that way in the novel “The age of rock and roll” (Ediciones Carena, 2015). However, the way that addresses gender Vegas goes beyond the provisions. “The age of rock and roll” is a choral novel that tells stories within a story. The rugged journey they undertake three teenagers in order to see play live to your favorite rock band, the British Yes, it’s just a deep opening half.
 The novel narrator changes from the perspective of memory. Under this work it is to place the reader in the shoes of the protagonists. Hence it reads like an own testimony. A memory game, a tribute to the child who unhesitatingly assumed the risks of growing up in their own way. “The age of rock and roll” adds many stories and different ways to count. The key that integrates narrative is the sense of adventure.
 The journey of the three teenagers have as a starting point the city of Barquisimeto, after passing through Caracas and culminates in Rio de Janeiro, its final destination. The protagonists aim to attend the legendary Rock in Rio concert, held in the Brazilian city in January 1985. The creator of the Venezuelan novel struck

Ediciones Carena Catalan seal, with whom he signed a contract for launch in Spain.
 Victor Vegas living in Spain since 2008, has published several books and narrative theater, including “messages on the wall” (2006), a collection of stories that one year after publication by Monte Avila Editores, obtained the Municipal Prize Caracas Literature references in the story.


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UN criticism of Spain by impunity for torture – HOWEVER

Geneva, Apr 29 (Notimex) .- The United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) criticized the government of Spain for the impunity that exists towards the perpetrators of this crime, who mostly belong to the police .

CAT experts also questioned by Madrid incommunicado detention and the situation of Spanish prisons and the Centers for Temporary Stay Immigrants (CETI) in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa.

The CAT analyzed for two days at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the implementation by Spain of the Convention against Torture.

The 10 experts who form the team criticized the Spanish government for not providing concrete data and figures on torture, investigations into such crimes, convicted persons and compensation to victims.

One of the members of the CAT, Jens Modvig, protested to the Spanish delegation for not answering your question about what happened to the 300 cases of alleged torture reported in the past four years, how many were investigated, how many people were punished and how many are compensated.

For his part, President of CAT, the Chilean Claudio Grossman, expressed concern about the repeated use of pardons in cases of torture in the Iberian country.

Grossman recalled the pardon granted by the government five elements of Autonomous Police (Catalan autonomous police), three of whom were convicted of torture perpetrated against Lucian Padurau in 2008.

He asserted those pardons are incompatible with the United Nations Convention Against Torture and stated that “not a single policeman in prison for torturing”.

Similarly, Grossman and the rapporteur of the committee responsible for monitoring the situation in Spain, Senegalese Abdoulaye

Gaye, questioned the government on the mechanisms of redress or compensation for victims of torture and asked whether “there is someone in jail for the crime of torture in Spain “.

Another of the issues discussed at the meeting is that of incommunicado detention against suspected terrorists.

The Committee inquired about the measures implementing the Spanish state in order to review and abolish this regime, since the guarantees of fundamental rights of the detainees are not insured.

The expert Satyabhoosun Gupt Domah delegation asked what were the reasons of solitary confinement and he noted that “no other alternative” to those measures of detention.

Grossman asked the Spanish government whether they had approved changes in its legislative framework to prohibit the use of incommunicado under age.

The Committee expressed its concern about the situation in prisons in Spain and in the CETI in the Spanish enclaves in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla.

The Italian expert Alessio Bruni and Abdoulaye Gaye said the penitential centers and reception facilities for migrants are overcrowded.

On October 15, 2014, it was also reported beatings in the shelters by agents of the Guard Civil denounced Gaye.


Wallet waiver can address after criticizing its dome – World

Pablo Iglesias, leader of the party that surfaced tackles the political scene in Spain for his speech against the bipartisanship that governs for years in this country, said Wallet renounced all instances of that awning.

The resignation comes after that purse has ensured that we no tension and that “should return to its roots”.

“We no longer have time to meet with a small circle because is more important a moment of television,” has secured Wallet. “This is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow,” she added.

This policy has argued that We can “should stop looking in mirrors that are not theirs.”

Wallet was speaking in an interview and n the The Coffee of program, which has said that he lives in politics but not the “party politics” .

“The concrete policy has rules and companies that want away from me,” he assured. “In recent months, have told me:

but do not know where you were getting into Nope.”, Said

“My party is the most decent “ of the Spanish political scene, he said, but” sometimes we look like we want to replace and that’s a reality, “she added.

In addition, Purse has also recognized that “Clearly there is a tension within Podemos, but not only in management but in all circles.”


A video shows a teacher mistreating children a year – Noticias SIN – National Information Services

INTERNATIONAL EDITOR .- The Criminal Court No. 1 of Manresa (Barcelona) has been sentenced to four years in prison by a master of Gironella mistreating two children one year, which must compensate with 90,000 euros. In addition, sentences another teacher at the center because it witnessed the events and not reported.

The attacks were recorded by a camera installed by the management. Esther S. B. He worked at the Annunciation School Gironella childhood education as technical manager of a group of students from one year old. As recorded by the judgment, which has had ACN access to two in the afternoon of day November 14, 2011, the accused “he was knocked down to less than a year old Violet way face up position and pinned the arms and legs forcing him to swallow food. “

Also, the November 18, 2011, took another child a year old and put him in a sleeping bag in the reverse position to the normal that is, with the head in the area of ​​the feet, and “then pinned him inside the bag.” The judge concluded that both agreasiones were witnessed by another employee of the center, Montserrat GC, that “no decision to prevent her partner’s behavior.”

The defense of Esther SB tried during the trial, held on 16 March in Manresa, the pictures recorded it with a camera installed by the school management in the classroom is invalidated, but the judge dismissed. In fact, during the trial they could watch the images where the abuses were visible.

The defense called

for the acquittal for his client to consider the behavior of Esther SB It was “inappropriate” but in no event constituting an offense. However, the judge condemning Esther S. B. to four years in prison for two crimes against the person with the aggravating circumstance of abuse of superiority, with the additional penalty of disqualification of teacher in early childhood education while in prison.

Also agrees to indemnify with 90,000 euros for abused children (25,000 euros each) and their parents (each parent 10,000) for moral and psychological damage that resulted. Finally, Montserrat sentence S.B. . to eleven months in prison as an accomplice to two offenses against the person



Minister Rajoy proposes fining media for leaks about … –


MADRID (approved) .- The government of Mariano Rajoy today suggested the possibility of punishing the media to inform, via leaks, cases that are under judicial investigation.

The Minister Justice, Rafael Catala, is said in favor of “open the debate” about the possibility of fining media in order to preserve the presumption of innocence and confidentiality during a judicial inquiry.

By participating at a conference at the Equestrian Circle of Barcelona, ​​Catalá was questioned by a lawyer on “parallel trials”, to which the Minister rescued the idea of ​​his predecessor, who included this possibility in its draft reform of Criminal Procedure Act, when proposing a “severe administrative punishment system” to prevent leaks and keep the secrecy of the investigation.

The employee contemplated Rajoy said “punished accordingly” leaks, which already exists in Spanish law and is known as “revealing secrets” although now moved the penalty also to the press.

“It would not hurt if we could discuss this, if we really believe it is good not to violate the presumption of innocence “.

Then, in statements to the press, Catalá ruled by” presenting for debate where to put the controls “of a leak of judicial

investigations,” if that transmits information or where the public “.

From the Press Association of Madrid (APM), the Carmen del Riego president showed, on behalf of the group, their” rejection of any attempt to impose sanctions on the media communication to disseminate information through leaks on cases that are under judicial investigation. “

Spain has become a hive of information on cases of corruption, which are often followed by the media, some of which manage to exclusive information on criminal investigations



GLOBAL: Varoufakis and Tsipras become allies … – EntornoInteligente

GLOBAL: Tsipras Varoufakis and become allies of the speech of Rajoy / Information .com / Rajoy has a new ally?. It’s called Tsipras. Who was going to say after this he blamed the deadlock in negotiations with Europe? In the debate over tax amnesty (we know that the flame adjustment Montoro but the minister has already proven to be a master of language when you call reality with another name) will Syria and announces a total tax amnesty for free!

The left does not know now where to go and no one can, and Pablo Iglesias, the same as in the European Parliament has given up for Varoufakis partiéndosela, incidentally, to Guindos. A Spanish politician trying not another Spanish president of the Eurogroup. Spain things.

But go to the event at the time. That amnesty has been put on mute by many and has been an electoral gift Tsipras and Varoufakis to Rajoy.

More damage we can to Wallet Syriza is doing more damage we can to purse, at least and you are outside Congress, disappointed with politics. Paul does not force you to continue, no. The left would change Europe (remember Hollande, the man who would stand up to Merkel? Points to amnesties to see if some rich want to put some money in the country close to bankruptcy. No payroll money.

Varoufakis, the man perched type ‘Hello’, has been ousted, although he says he remains at the forefront. And Tsipras is now talking about a referendum to relieve trágala (Remember Gonzalez referendum with NATO. “) When do the opposite of the promised referendums are more than useful. Lavan consciences. That or use as Kleenex the inheritance, the Rajoy style.

The president already has artillery to combat the demagogy of Pablo Iglesias (the man who is going to pay all the money they pay the rich do not pay now. I get a smile and convincing them that they are true patriots. He has said so literally, without

blushing. Good luck.

Red lines for now we can already put tax amnesty defend his friend Tsipras. Teresa Rodriguez has scored red lines, which are so fond, “PP amnesty benefited friends of the government, as Rodrigo Rato”. And watch out, this is to point comparison is demagoguery!

It is not the same for Teresa “tax amnesty raised to 20 percent in Greece-with-the Montoro, who stayed through three percent “and has deepened in the Greek” only affects the capital flight that has been, not with the government of Syriza, but since the crisis began in 2008, with Montoro, who even posed could include cash, which can come from any illegal business, and that benefited friends of the government as Rato “. Teresa also knows friends or boyfriends, whatever you want to see with his own in the top of the charts.

The reality is that Syriza commitment amnesties and has become an ally of Rajoy. And the greatest enemy of Paul. Things policy

Information Information .com

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Two cubs born Iberian lynx released in Extremadura – Reuters Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – At least two Iberian lynx cubs were born in the province of Badajoz, becoming the first born in the wild outside Andalusia feline species in greatest danger of extinction in the world for decades, they said the environmental Wednesdays.

Births They are a positive step in the program for reintroduction into the wild Iberian lynx in different parts of Spain and Portugal, which has more than tripled their number in the last 12 years despite deaths abuses road and poisoning.

The Iberian lynx population has been decimated in the last 150 years by agriculture, poaching and abuse.

There are now about 300 copies but still there are real fears that soon will become the first cat to die in nearly 2,000 years, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

The two puppies, spotted from afar by technicians in charge of the monitoring program in the valley of Matachel, Badajoz, are children of a female released in the area last June, Iberlince, environmentalists by

reintroducing said.

“Usually they have between two and three puppies. At the moment they have detected are two,” said a spokeswoman for Iberlince.

Although most of lynx living in the Doñana National Park and the Sierra Morena The program has reintroduced specimens of the species bred in captivity in Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Murcia and Portugal.

Seven lynx died on the roads around the Doñana National Park last year. It also affects the reintroduction of the feline population under rabbits, the main prey of lynx, due to a very infectious virus called RHD.

© Thomson Reuters 2015 All rights reserved.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Catalan government ratifies plebiscite elections for September – Prensa Latina

April 29, 2015, 7:33 Madrid, April 29 (Prensa Latina) President of Catalonia, Artur Mas, parliament ratified today the Spanish autonomous community of the decision to hold elections next September which aims to give a plebiscitary character. (PLRadio)

 Asked versions of a possible change, Mas said that stays on 27 September and said that in previous statements left the door open to reconsider the date only if the general elections in the country were summoned that day.

If the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, to convene elections for September 27, it might be possible to rethink, but not annul the elections because it would be worth about the new stage, he said.

The government of Spain rejects the plebiscitary character-independence parties want to give the vote, which the central authorities only consider a regional exercise to choose the parliament of the autonomous region.

The independence sector estimates that, of winning this vote, MEPs have

a mandate from the people to proceed with secession.

An earlier attempt to hold an independence referendum failed because the query must be authorized by the central government, which refused to do so , after which the Catalan called sovereigntist sector exhibited a separation plan whose departure would be the September elections

rc / ml.


A fine minister Rajoy raised by leaks to the press … –




The Justice Minister Rafael Catala, proposed Wednesday “to provoke debate and reflection” whether to sanction the filtration of judicial information on cases under a gag and the media by publishing in order to safeguard the presumption of innocence.

he said he considered very difficult to guarantee the confidentiality of judicial investigations. “Even if a way could be to provide appropriate penalties for those who carry out such filtration or putting the focus in the media” added.

READ MORE: Freedom House Report: press freedom in Venezuela is the lowest since 2005

MORE: Uruguay calls for a reform of Mercosur that includes “flexibility” to deal

In a conference at the Barcelona Equestrian Circle, to questions about the “parallel trials” public figures accused, he pleaded for open Catalá “debate”. Said must be “punished accordingly” members of institutions (Attorney, Finance, judges) to “leak” information on cases that are under investigation, according to the newspaper said El País.

The law, actually, and punishes such behavior by the crime of disclosure of secrets, which can be attributed to officials. The novelty of the approach of Catala is that proposed “transfer those sanctions” to the media.

“A good debate would move the sanction to the middle and impose an obligation on the non-publication of information ” said the minister. “It would be more than we could discuss this, if we really believe it is good not to violate the presumption of innocence,” he added

Later., To questions from reporters, Catalá added that the government has “no plan” to punish the media and in any case is an approach that, right now, be on the table.






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Catalá asked to reflect whether to publish information sanctioned … – EntornoInteligente

ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / Island of Curacao music fills the month of May, two festivals are present in the paradise; the BlueSeas Festival, the first of its kind conducted in the island, will be held from 7 to 9 May in the District of Pietermaai, and Viva Latin Music, a festival of Caribbean rhythm, to be held 29 and 30 of the same month in the Sambil, both will be attended by great artists of the respective genres.
 Gender corresponding to the first aforementioned festival is the blues, which the repeating pattern and soft notes are characterized their lyrics deal mostly on social issues, is known as “soul music”.
 Thursday 7 and Friday 8 May, The BlueSeas Festival will feature the presentation of Quinn Sullivan, Kat Riggins, Ana Popovic, Joe Louis Walker, The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band among many others, who will offer free concerts in the streets of the District Pietermaai, while the May 9, the group Blues Brothers and blues legend Buddy Guy will close the festival on the pier of the Bay of Santa Ana.
 Also, Viva Latin Music festival with genres of merengue, salsa and vallenato, will be invited, on Friday May 29 at the Venezuelan group Guaco, Gilberto Santa Rosa “The Gentleman of Salsa” and Jorge Celedon, continuing Saturday 30 with performances by El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, Olga Tanon “Woman of Fire”, Jose Alberto “El Canario” Alberto Barros. All this in the parking lot Sambil Mall Curacao.
 Those wishing to relax may enjoy the hospitable atmosphere, with the presence of major hotel chains and real

estate developments as Piscadera Harbour Village, Green View, Renaissance, Santa Barbara Beach & amp; Golf Resort, Hilton, Sunscapes Curacao Resort, Spa & amp; Casino Kura Hulanda, KonTiki and Marriott.
 It certainly is the perfect opportunity for all those music fans who attend and enjoy various genres. No excuses not to have fun in Curacao.
 For more information about tickets to the festivals you can enter the official website and fanpage on Facebook: Viva La Musica Latina Curacao

With EntornoInteligente Information.. COM

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Varufakis suffers a violent escrache in a restaurant in Athens … – EntornoInteligente

World / has not been a good week for the Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varufakis. The controversial economist faced a corrective hard on the Eurogroup meeting in Riga, last Friday, saw reduced their political power on Monday, following the restructuring of the negotiating teams to the Troika decreed by the ‘premier’ Hellene, Alexis Tsipras, . and on Tuesday announced that the government plans to introduce a tax amnesty

The climax has been given in early Tuesday: Varufakis has suffered a violent escrache while dining with his wife, the artist Danae Stratou, a popular restaurant prices . moderates Exarchia district, a stronghold of the Greek left, where he lived between 2000 and 2006

This is the #restaurant Where #Varoufakis was Assaulted – PHOTOS –

“enikos_en (enikos_en) April 29, 2015

The minister has described the scene in a statement:” When we finished our dinner, a group of State anti activists slipped into the garden (the restaurant). With the desire to threaten, their faces covered, threatening and throwing glass objects to us (that missed us) moved slowly towards us claiming that I didn ‘territory’, “he told Varufakis.

“Their goal, in my view, was not injure us, because they had the opportunity and the numerical advantage to do so. I think they wanted to cause me to leave with humiliating blows s “, added the minister.

It was his wife, Danae, who arrested the activists.” He stood before them to approach us (and before that I could stop), he hugged me, turning his back to them so they had to give her before catch me, “said Varufakis.

The movement of the artist caused two of those present tried to hit her husband without success for a few seconds. Got the hooded withdraw shortly afterwards, continuing his threats, to the door of the restaurant.

Several guests left the

room without any problems . Varufakis and Danae were not so lucky as they walked to the bike minister, parked right outside Those remaining continued to claim that largasen there. “We got on the motorcycle, but also open a dialogue with them, saying, I wanted to listen even if it meant they had to hit me, “said the economist.

‘The mood is calmed’ They got off the bike and started to talk to a group of five or six people. After 15 minutes of non-violent discussion, relates, “tempers calmed” and they could go on the bike without receiving more threats

The statement ends with a reflection on the anti Varufakis. “No matter how much fear or antipathy we feel, but the exercise of violence, the answer to the fury of these people and their violent outbursts can not and should not be either careless withdrawal or violent oppression, “he claimed.

Exarchia is popularly known as “the neighborhood of the anarchists’ in Greece. It is a place where there is usually riots and clashes with the police and one of the most alternative areas of the Greek capital. The headquarters of Syriza was, until recently, on the same street as the restaurant where there has been a Varufakis escrache.


Information The World


An arrested in Spain for alleged abuse of a minor priest – Telemetro

A Spanish judge has decreed Wednesday a restraining order for a priest of the town of Villanueva del Duque (Andalusia, south), after being arrested for an alleged crime of sexual abuse of a minor, reported a judicial source.

The priest, who was in charge of the towns of Villanueva del Duque, Fuente La Lancha and Villaralto, in the Andalusian province of Cordoba, was denounced by the child’s parents .

The priest, whose identity was not disclosed, was arrested Tuesday by the Civil Guard and declared Wednesday on suspicion of an alleged crime of sexual abuse before the judge handling the research, which has issued a restraining order.

According to local media, the priest is 48 years old and had about three years officiating in the city.

Last January ten priests had been indicted in Spain for a case of pedophilia which was alerted Pope Francisco by a letter from a victim, in what could be the biggest scandal of this type within the Church Spanish.


GALLERY: A fire forced the evacuation of a ferry at sea in … – El Nuevo Herald

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A fire forced the evacuation of offshore Tuesday the ferry “Sorrento”, with 156 people on board was traveling from Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Valencia, the company Trasmediterránea , operator of the ship was in danger of sinking.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

But estimated at around 3,000 million Operating expenses … – Yahoo Finance Spain


The president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, said Tuesday that the costs of running a independent Catalonia would be about 3,000 million euros, to which must be added the currents of solidarity “for a while” with the Spanish State.

On a visit to the headquarters of Intermon Oxfam in Barcelona, ​​has insured. “Profits would be around 12,000-15,000 million as a result of the creation of a Catalan state, minus the operating costs of the state, now we have, count about 3,000″

In this amount, he added, would also have to deduct “the currents of solidarity that would be established with the rest of the Spanish State, which would have to remain for a while,

obviously with a timetable, objectives with a process in this case agreed with the Spanish State “



A ferry caught fire near Mallorca – El Diario de Yucatan



MADRID, Spain. (Notimex) .- A ferry they were traveling about 160 people, including crew and passengers of 12 nationalities, was evacuated today in the open sea, about 17 miles from Mallorca, Spanish Mediterranean island, because of a fire.

The ferry ‘Sorrento’ covering the route Palma Valencia Spanish Northeast, and the traveling passengers originating in Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Colombia, China, Ecuador, Romania and Senegal.

The Spanish Ministry of Public Works reported that the Rescue Coordination Centre of the Balearic capital Maritime received notice of an uncontrolled fire on board the ‘Sorrento’, almost at 14:00 local time.

In response, the scene rescue boats ‘Marta Mata’ moved ‘Sar Mesana’ ‘Guardamar Caliope’ and ‘Salvamar Actrux’, in addition to the helicopter ‘Helimer 213′, two boats of the Civil Guard and another helicopter . the armed body

All occupants of the ferry managed to leave the boat in liferafts without damage, only a traveler showed a slight smoke inhalation poisoning

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A fire forced the evacuation of a ferry at sea in Spain –

PALMA DE MALLORCA – A fire forced the evacuation Tuesday offshore the ferry “Sorrento”, with 156 people on board was traveling from Palma de Mallorca (Spain) to Valencia ( east of Spain), the company Trasmediterránea, operator of the ship was in danger of sinking.

“All have been rescued,” said a reported the shipping company, which operated the Italian flag vessel belonging to the company Atlantica CSPA di Navigazione.

The passengers and crew were “to leave the ship in lifeboats” after a fire broke out that ” could not be controlled with the media on board, “he said, meanwhile, the Maritime Rescue Service.

A total of 150 occupants evacuated in lifeboats, including a baby, were taken to “Puglia”, a ferry from another company diverted to the area, he moved to Mallorca. Two crew members were rescued by coastguard boat.

Two helicopters moved to four other members of the crew. Three of them were recognized at the hospital in Palma de Mallorca, where they are already discharged, said the government delegate in the archipelago, Teresa Palmer.

According to the emergency services of the Balearic Islands, only two of them, an Italian and a Filipino, had to be treated for “inhaling smoke” and an “anxiety attack” respectively.

According to the same source, in the boat traveling passengers Spain, Germany, Romania, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Senegal, Argentina, Albania, Australia, Bulgaria and Algeria.

Passengers rescued by the “Puglia” arrived around 18h30 GMT (20h30 local) to the port of Palma , where they had an extensive police and Red Cross device and various


The incident occurred 20 miles (37 km) from Palma de Mallorca, where he had left the ship bound the port of Valencia, according to the company.

Shortly after leaving the ferry “has suffered a fire in the garage No cover 4 for reasons that are still unknown” and asked for help to 11h50 GMT He added Trasmediterránea.

The ship’s captain considered at first evacuation was not necessary, but “at the intensity of the fire” gave orders to abandon ship as Salvage.

Up-scene four ships and a helicopter services Salvage moved, plus another helicopter of the Guardia Civil. Also they addressed the place two passenger ships, the “Puglia” and “Visemar I”.

The evacuated passengers finally boarded the first. The fire “still has not died,” said the delegate of the government, while the Balearic Islands Port Authority warned that the ship was in danger of sinking.

The authorities have enabled the devices to meet a spill in the event that went under the ship, 186 meters long and with a capacity for 1,000 people and 150 vehicles.


A ferry caught fire in Spain: there are 156 evacuees –




As reported Emergency Service Baleares (SEIB), Sorrento ship caught fire today at 18 miles islet Dragonera , west of Mallorca, after which it was evacuated. On board were citizens of Spain, Germany, Romania, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Senegal, Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria and Algeria, said a tweet from SEIB

Two crew members have required medical attention. An Italian 25, from smoke inhalation mild; and a Filipino, who has suffered an anxiety attack. Both have been discharged Medical


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The ferry Baleària Puglia, which deviated from his route between? Ibiza and Barcelona to come to the aid of Sorrento, took on board 143 people on the ship burned and moved to the Port of Palma de Mallorca.


The Sorrento belongs to the Italian company Atlantica CSPA di Navigazione and was operated by the Spanish Trasmediterránea-Acciona. Trasmediterránea said, meanwhile, that the fire started in the garage deck ship number 4 for unknown reasons.

The boat sailed from Palma de Mallorca bound for Valencia , in the Spanish peninsular east.

The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) indicated that e l Sorrento can sink into the position in which it is and Salvage told Reuters they are taking preventive measures stipulated by the possibility that the ship is to pique because the intensity of the fire.

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Fire forces evacuation at sea ferry in Spain – El Universal (Venezuela)


Tuesday 28 April, 2015 11:41 a.m.

Madrid.- A fire has forced the evacuation at sea Tuesday a ferry operated by the company Trasmediterránea with about 170 passengers, which made the route between Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands) and Valencia (eastern Spain) as concordant sources.

“Everyone has been evacuated,” the center Customer the company, while the Port Authority of Balearic announced on his Twitter account that three crew members were slightly injured “poisoned by smoke”, who were evacuated by helicopter, AFP quoted.

The incident occurred 35 miles (64.8 km) off the coast of Mallorca when the “Sorrento” sailed to the port of Valencia, according to the Port Authority.

A vessel services Salvage and two other ships, the “Puglia”

and “Visemar I”, who were in the area have carried out the evacuation of burned ferry passengers, who are expected to arrive in the evening at Mallorca.

Shortly after leaving the port of Palma de Mallorca, the ship suffered “a fire engine causes that are unknown, “the Journal of Mallorca .

The photos released by this newspaper shows a dense column of smoke coming out of the wrecked ship, which, according to the Port Authority of Baleares “can sink into the position it is.”


GLOBAL: The Civil Guard records the municipality of Reus … – EntornoInteligente

The Information .com / Some 100 agents of the Guardia Civil de Tarragona has started Tuesday morning several searches and arrests in the Hospital Sant Joan de Reus, Hospital Regional Amposta (Tarragona) and other subsidiaries or affiliates of Sagessa-Salut group, in a case related to the operation Innova public companies.

As reported by the Civil Guard said in a statement, possible crimes against public administration, corporate crimes, failure to prosecute crimes and money laundering, as well as the existence of a plot organized public officials, directors of public companies are investigated and entrepreneurs to carry out such crimes.

In total 25 entries and records are made, and in addition to the two hospitals have registered all venues of Sagessa group, the municipalities of Reus and Cambrils, the Institut Pere Mata de Reus, Tarragona headquarters of the company Activa Mutual 2008, the company Ambulances Reus, other companies related to the health sector in Tarragona and Reus and several private homes.

In addition, information is required private companies and the City of Torre de l’Espanyol, has informed the TSJC in a statement.

At the

Hospital Sant Joan de Reus has attended the trial judge, the court clerk and auditor General Intervention the State administration, and as a result of the recordset has arrested several people, rising to justice.

The operation, under a gag, is supervised by the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Reus and Tarragona Prosecutor is part of part 4 of case-which affects Innova Hospital Reus– and with the participation of the State Agency for Tax Administration and the General Comptroller of the State Administration.

Information The Information .com
