United Left proposed tonight poet, writer and professor Luis García Montero as a candidate for regional elections to the Madrid planned for next May 24.
With this application the communist left end to the internal division after the fright of Tania Gonzalez, leader partner can, Pablo Iglesias, who won the primary coalition, but the historical leaders faced training .
The Communist Left suffered a setback in the election polls after the emergence of progressive training can in the Spanish political scene.
The surveys can situate in first place in voting intentions, after convincing the traditional voter socialist PSOE and IU.
The former judge Baltasar Garzón, the singer Joaquín Sabina or Pilar and Carlos Bardem, mother and brother of Javier Barden, actors signed a letter supporting the candidacy of García Montero, whom they described as a “friend”, “poet” and ” partner “who embodies the”
illusion “and” honesty “that Madrid needs.
United Left received with “enthusiasm” García Montero’s proposal.
“The efforts to find a candidate with strong vocation of consensus within and outside the organization, and able to raise the tone of political and electoral debate, were worth”, explained in a statement.
The communist militancy must now approve his nomination.
In winning the straw poll, García Montero will face the Socialist candidate, the philosopher Ángel Gabilondo. The conservative Popular Party, which ruled the region for over 20 years, has not yet named its candidate.
We can be filed within a coalition of new parties emerged from splits in the traditional organizations and citizens’ movements. Nor have already chosen their candidate.
Photo provided by the PP party general secretary and president of Castilla-La Mancha, María Dolores Cospedal (d) during the closing ceremony of presentation PP candidate for Mayor of Albacete, Javier Cuenca (i). EFE
Albacete, February 28 ( EFE ) .- The secretary general of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, said today that between 2011 and 2015 Spain was it has deduced “from that anchor named crises” and argued that he could not allow this “be thrown overboard populism on the left of this country.”
The secretary general of the Popular and president of Castilla-La Mancha has uttered these words during the closing ceremony of presentation of the PP candidate for Mayor of Albacete, Javier Cuenca.
“Between 2011 and 2015 have not abandoned that anchor us let move or walk the path of economic growth and to job creation, we have abandoned the anchor that was set in stone initials, those of PSOE , and we stopped at last back “, said Cospedal.
” We can not allow those who want to change everything, change the model that is beginning to bear fruit “, and said that if” the headwinds we have progressed much, now with the tailwind can not allow plunge us the boat. “
” We have to go outside and yell at the Spanish who will create jobs “, said Cospedal, who has added that they have achieved that 2015 is the “year of hope” ensuring the welfare and that “between 2014 and 2015, Spain will be created over a million jobs.”
He has argued that the welfare state is guaranteed to pay the debt in medicine or the providers and not “to be colored shirts and hit the streets with flags, in some cases unconstitutional” because “that only guarantees a photo in the media” he asserted.
According Cospedal, “those who say that everything is
possible are those who want to change the model that has allowed us to have the highest law in our country.”
For the PP Secretary, who want to “nationalize companies” or “change the model” we must say that there are things the system can be improved, but has advocated improve “siding with those who have broken the system” .
He has argued that the PP, with its policies, guarantees the welfare state and that “otherwise called demagoguery, populism and deceived by those who left us to the brink of bankruptcy.”
Cospedal reiterated that work to create jobs “because that also guarantees the welfare society” and pointed out that his party will continue with reforms “as reclaiming 500 euros to those who make permanent contracts” or “benefiting the freelancers who need to hire someone. “
It has been referred to the recent debate on the state of the nation, and has stated that 2011″ was the state of disaster “while” 2015 has been the hope for Spain “.
You have argued that the PP guarantees” a serious and responsible management that allows to hope for the future “and that his endorsement to discuss results is” the truth of facts, data, people who have found jobs or families now pay less taxes. “
Among the measures presented by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in the debate on the state of the nation stressed “the second chance for those who are in a state of bankruptcy by the crisis.”
“This is very important,” he emphasized Cospedal, who said that criticize those who have never done anything to help families who were to be evicted, “that what they did was express eviction law,” he added.
Cospedal considered that, yet it. “We are facing a promising future for Spain, Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete”
euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in published articles.
ABC of Spain / Boquiñeni neighbors and Pradilla (Zaragoza) have begun to be evicted from their homes, the first request of the Ebro (CHE) to the risk that a speck of containment of the river is broken, and the latter as a preventive measure.
In Boquiñeni are surveyed a thousand people and Pradilla around six hundred, and, although so far not been provided the number of people affected, Aragón Government sources have reported Efe that the eviction affects all residents of localities paths.
These sources have explained that the CHE has requested the eviction of Boquiñeni because Speck containment River just could not stand the pressure of it and was not sure that an incident did not occur. In this village, the eviction is done with own town hall and the region, in addition to private vehicles and buses.
Boquiñeni is on the banks of the Ebro but also has the problem that is
located under water level. Speck containment was the main point of concern in Aragón these days and, indeed, the soldiers of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) spent two days trying to strengthen it, as there were leaks, but finally decided against it because the weight of the material would further endanger the containment barrier. Yesterday was agreed to build another wall a few meters further back, but now the chosen option is the eviction
The president of the board of Andalusia, Susana Díaz. EFE / File
Madrid, February 28 ( EFE ) .- The PSOE increases the advantage over PP intention to vote in the elections Andalusian of March 22, according to a survey released today by ABC , which places we like third political force and notes the progress of Citizens detriment United Left, which becomes the fifth.
The Research Institute poll Marketing and Communication ( BMI ) to ABC to celebrate today the Day of Andalusia states that the Socialists achieved 37.8% of the vote (44-48 seats), seven points more than the PP would get 30.7% (39-42).
class="caps"> PSOE would not reach the 55 seats needed for a majority, so to govern would have to agree with We Can, which sum 12% of the vote and would be released in the Andalusian Parliament with 12 to 14 seats.
The main change would be the rise of Citizens with 5% of the votes, enter the arc Parliamentary with between 3 and 5 MPs and would advance in voting intentions IU, which falls to 4.7% (3-5)
UPyD obtained 2.4% of the vote and the Andalusian Party 1.1%, so neither would have parliamentary representation.
euronews published from Reuters as, but not intervene in Articles published.
Barely three weeks left for Andalusian regional elections, candidates from the three main political parties, PSOE, PP and can, already on the campaign trail, as the three smaller parties also fighting to have parliamentary representation in the Autonomous Community has always been governed by the PSOE.
Earlier this month, we published data based on surveys of ABC and El Mundo this first election date, giving as first force the match Susana Díaz, the party of the current government would position as second force (currently it is the first, but PSOE and IULV-CA govern in coalition) and the emergence of can place him as the third strength, bending United Left with only 8% of the vote.
The new survey of ABC, has been made to 1,100 Andalusians and Andalusian through telephone surveys during the 16 and 21 this month. According to recent data, the PSOE-A would get about 46 deputies (37.8% of the vote), the PP-A have 41 (30.7%), we leaving can have 13 deputies regional (12%).
The big news would Citizens , of which it is estimated that one in
twenty Andalusian called to vote, choose them, giving them 3-5 seats (5% of the vote). IULV-CA would have a very similar result . The other minor options are the Andalusian Party which has only 1.1%, plus UPyD, at 2.4%, which would leave them without parliamentary representation.
A Again, we see how, after a survey, the two major parties, with the novelty of we maintain the order of their podium, however, have to wait and see how it distributes the last piece of the pie.
If a month ago could congratulate Andalusia have a four political groups in the regional parliament, we now know that it will be possible to see five of them. Recall that many rely on to UPyD can steal a seat at PP in Malaga.
Eight Spaniards who went to fight alongside the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine were arrested Friday on his return to his country, accused of complicity in murder, in an unprecedented operation in Europe, said the Spanish police.
The operation, dubbed “Danko” and conducted simultaneously at dawn in six Spanish regions, these men looked upon his return from the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine, about 3,000 km from Spain.
The eight had joined the ranks of the pro-Russian separatists for months.
In Kiev, about 30,000 foreign fighters were enrolled in the conflict, including many Russians and other men from the former Soviet republics, but also “mercenaries from Israel, Serbia, Spain, Italy and Brazil.”
Others, about a thousand, also support Kiev on the ground, according to the Ukrainian army.
These eight Spaniards were inspired by the thousands of foreign fighters of the international brigades they signed against Franco’s troops during the Spanish civil war (1936-1939), according to a source close to the investigation.
From left extreme, some had boasted of their employment and in August 2014 in the Spanish media.
“They all joined the pro-Russian separatist groups in the side fighting for the independence of the Ukrainian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk,” the Interior Ministry said in a statement.
“These arrests sadden me,” he told AFP in Donetsk Pushilin Denis, a separatist responsible. “I think we will demand explanations from Spain by this incident, there are many volunteers in our ranks, from most of Russia, but also representatives of Spain, Italy, France (…) is the first time they have problems this kind, “he said.
While in Ukraine” disseminated through social networks your workout, displaying paramilitary uniforms, assault rifles, devices and explosive devices, demonstrating in favor of armed struggle violent secessionist, “the ministry.
The arrests took place in Asturias (northern), the region of Navarra, Catalonia (northeast), Extremadura (west), Madrid and
Murcia (southeast).
The detainees are suspected of “possession of weapons of war”, “cooperation or complicity in murder” and “violation of neutrality” of the Spanish state in this conflict, all crimes that can be tried, he said a source close to the investigation stressed that the videos would serve as proof source.
In a video posted on the Internet, “Maki” 27, one of the men arrested on Friday, is trained with a rifle AK- 47, showing a bracelet with colors-yellow, red and purple- the Spanish Republican flag.
Together with other Spanish, “Zidan” 22, had given an interview to the Spanish private television channel La Sexta for an explanation.
“The United States is trying cause the third (world war) against Russia here, “said the second, a native of Murcia, showing his tattoos on his torso. Lenin right and Stalin left
” I’m an only child and my mother, my father and my family really hurts, they also know that I need to be happy to help people, “he added.
According to an article in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, published in August 2014, these two Spaniards came from the Communist Youth.
“In the conflict in which the detainees were involved, there are hundreds of dead civilians, most of Ukrainian nationality” recalls meanwhile underlining the Spanish police it is “the first police operation conducted in Europe against the activities of foreign fighters in the Ukrainian conflict.” The conflict left more than 5,800 dead in ten months
The claim is in line with the document presented on Wednesday, the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) with extensive legal arguments, from a human rights perspective, to compel the Argentine state to advance the decriminalization and legalization of early abortion.
The letter, signed by the executive director of Amnesty International Argentina, Mariela Belski, notes that “many of the human rights arguments used by the government to lead the way and promote policies as equal marriage laws and gender identity, to name some of the more recent, converge and agree one with a policy of absolute decriminalization of abortion “.
In April 2014, he turned to present in the Chamber of Deputies the draft voluntary interruption of pregnancy (IVE) that drives the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion, over sixty signatures of legislators in a vast political spectrum, the ruling and opposition . But the debate in Congress will not open due to lack of political will. The Baldwin expects some presidential signal to enable the discussion. But the issue internally divided to blocks. It is the fifth time you enter the project in the House, after losing parliamentary state without treatment, since 2007, when it was introduced as an initiative of civil society.
The letter of AI sent to the President further recalls that in August 2013, Argentina and other 38 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, to discuss the regional agenda on Population and Development, acknowledged that the criminalization of abortion leads to
an increase in female deaths related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period and cases of women who left with serious consequences for their reproductive lives. And that policy of criminalizing the voluntary termination of pregnancy does not reduce the number of abortions. AI noted that the States of the region agreed at that time “changing laws, regulations, strategies and public policies on abortion to protect the life and health of women and adolescents.”
” The offense criminalizing abortion says the letter violates the right to equality and non-discrimination, protected by the Constitution and international treaties. Indeed, lack of access to health services and abortion affects only women as a group and impacts unequally and differentiated those who do not have the financial resources to afford private health services. So are women, especially poor women, which have their rights violated. “” Decriminalize abortion is a human rights imperative, “concluded AI, as published page 12. (APFDigital)
Madrid, February 27 (EFE) .- The Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, said today that the Second Chance Act, adopted today by the Council of Ministers, aims to return to the Spaniards some of the efforts of the crisis and expand economic improvement for the most vulnerable sectors.
In the post-Cabinet, Sáenz de Santamaría conference has stressed that the law aims to normalize a situation of excessive indebtedness, and added that involves a fundamental change in the system of treatment.
In his view, is recognized for the first time a system to resolve insolvency individuals.
The vice president stressed that the law represents a quantum leap in the mechanisms to ensure that families can overcome a situation of debt and start again.
The Real Decree Law Second Chance Mechanism and Financial Burden Reduction Measures and other Social Order establishes a second chance in the insolvency field for debtors in good faith with fillers, including, for the first time, the particular.
Develop a permanent framework of personal insolvency, in line with the recommendations of the main international organizations and the European Union and relaxes and widens court
settlements of payments to be more effective.
These agreements can access individuals and businesses and allows agreements to creditors to extend secured when attended the majorities provided.
For individual debtors a new exemption system more flexible and efficient debt is established, to be applied after the conclusion of a contest on or the failure of dough.
The new law relaxes the mediator, whose task will be to carry the negotiations and facilitate the restructuring of debts between the parties. The mediator will be appointed by a notary or registrar and in the case of companies mediation functions may be performed by the Chambers of Commerce.
The vice president said that “today our system will have mechanisms to achieve families to overcome as soon as possible debt situation and can start over “
The police can stop now eight Spanish is that fought in Ukraine in the pro-Russian side and had already returned to the country, the Ministry of Interior.
According to the ministry, is the first operation police conducted in Europe against the activities of foreign fighters in the Ukrainian conflict.
The arrests took place early in the morning in several Spanish regions.
Those arrested were displaced Ukraine in 2014 to join the pro-Russian separatist groups in the side fighting for the independence of the Ukrainian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk.
The operation, which remains open, culminates several investigations led police the Spanish National Court.
The detainees are accused of crimes of cooperation or complicity in killings and murders carried out by groups that came together during their stay on Ukrainian territory and possession and storage of weapons and explosives.
Police also estimated that their activities may constitute crimes that compromise
peace and independence of the State, being Spaniards who violate the neutrality of the country.
While in Ukraine eight Spaniards spread through social networks and exhibited his training paramilitary uniforms, assault rifles, devices and explosive devices.
They spoke in favor of the armed struggle of the secessionists facts which, according to police, have had an impact on attracting and recruiting future fighters.
The Spanish police on Friday arrested eight people accused of having traveled to eastern Ukraine to fight alongside the pro-Russian separatists, reported AFP a source close to the investigation.
The Ministry of Interior announced the arrests carried out simultaneously in six regions. According to a source close to the case, “were pro-Russian” from “far left” who went to fight inspired by the International Brigades.
The men were arrested in Asturias (northern), Navarra (north), Texas (Northeast), Extremadura (west), Madrid and Murcia (southeast), the ministry said.
The detainees “have returned from Ukraine after participating in the conflict in the Donbass region, which is various crimes imputed to them, “Interior said in a statement.
These offenses may be” possession of weapons of war “,” cooperation or complicity in murder “and” violation of neutrality “of the Spanish State in this conflict, according to the source close to the case.
The detainees have posted videos on the Internet where displayed their weapons of war and displayed their involvement in the conflict, said the same source.
The operation continued on Friday morning with several records, the ministry said in a statement.
The International Brigades mobilized about 35,000 fighters to fight the forces of Francisco Franco during the Spanish
Civil War ( 1936-1939).
In these militias, which are mainly volunteers joined socialist and communist ideology, some left-wing movements seem to have been inspired by Spain.
A web consulted by AFP, the Committee to support Ukraine Antifascista, called on his supporters to join the Ukrainian front to fight “the cancer of fascism” and identify the Kiev government.
The Ukrainian conflict has caused about 5,800 dead in ten months. This Friday, the Security Council United Nations celebrates an emergency meeting on the situation in the east of the country, it seems to improve slightly.
It will be the first meeting on Ukraine after on 17 . February to ratify the peace agreement signed in Minsk that country between Russia, France, Germany and the authorities in Kiev
The Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Vice President Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría at the end of the morning session on the second day of debate the state of the nation. EFE
Madrid, February 26 ( EFE ) .- The Center for Sociological Research ( CIS ) published Poll morning where the Spaniards think and take stock of the debate the state of the nation held on Tuesday and Wednesday in the House of Representatives.
In this survey, the CIS question is whether the image of political leaders improve or worsens after the debate, and how citizens the knowledge that their representatives have the problems of the
country and the trust they convey.
The fact that in this debate, the last of the legislature, have been released as spokespersons leader PSOE , Pedro Sanchez, and the candidate IU to the Prime Minister, Alberto Garzón.
In last year’s survey, 28.9 percent of Spaniards said the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, had won the debate against 14.2 percent said they had defeated the then leader of PSOE , Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba.
A 36.2 percent of respondents said who had not won.
euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in the published articles.
Madrid, February 27 (EFE) .- The Cabinet today approved a decree law on urgent measures to reduce the financial burden and other social measures which will include some of the advanced initiatives by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in the debate on the state of the nation.
The Cabinet meeting chaired by Rajoy and she will assist all members of the Executive except the owner of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, an official trip to Valencia.
Government sources have not detailed the measures announced by Rajoy during the debate on the Congress this week that will be part of the decree to be adopted today.
However, predictably, the fee of 500 euros for permanent contracts, conciliation autonomous and support for single parents of two children include .
It is also awaiting confirmation if it falls into that decree reviewing court fees announced by Rajoy and allow the deletion of affecting individuals at all levels and instances.
In addition, the Council of Ministers approved a bill to amend the Code of Civil
Procedure and the draft organic law amending the Law of the Judiciary.
This Act seeks to adequate to the more immediate problems of justice response.
The reform will eliminate many of the precepts contained the bill approved by the Cabinet on April 4 last year, with Alberto Ruiz Gallardón as justice minister, and maintain the current structure of judicial districts.
In addition, the Government, as also advanced Rajoy in the debate on the state of the nation, will push the “Y” Basque for high speed rail approving agreements for award of contract execution of the works of Vitoria-Bilbao platform Arrasate- stretch Bergara, Elorrio-Bergara and Elorrio-Elorrio.
More than a hundred scientists from 27 European institutions warned today that the melt in the Arctic Ocean continues to grow and that in the next 30 years the retreat of the ice cap will increase navigation and human and industrial activity in the region.
For that reason ask regulate and control and future use of the Arctic in his work over the past four years Arctic Climate Change Economy and Society (ACCESS), which analyzes the social, economic, policies and the ecosystem resulting from climate change, and presented today at a conference in the town of Vilanova, near Barcelona (northeast).
In the coming days presented to the Arctic Council result of his research, which has involved 110 scientists from 27 institutions across Europe, including teachers of the Laboratory of Applied Bio-Acoustics (LAB) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), which have hosted the event.
“The thaw in the Arctic Ocean is continuous and is caused by the fact that the winters are less cold and summer is lengthened as a result of climate change,” said the director of LAB, Michel André, in press press, by the ACCESS project coordinator, Jean-Claude Gascard.
Michel André has studied how climate change may alter the lives of indigenous peoples who subsist by fishing and hunting.
The LAB is also responsible for monitoring the sounds originate from humans and animals in the Arctic Sea, analyzing their interaction.
Scientists predict an increased human activity in the decades in the Arctic, where large investments in infrastructure will be needed, for what they believe necessary for the Polar Code to expand and adapt to this and apply it to international waters.
Scientists have warned for example, that the current Polar Code does not regulate pollution emissions
and emissions from maritime traffic they will grow in the Arctic.
It will also increase the overall noise caused by shipping and this will therefore, an important source of noise pollution in the coming decades.
The LAB installed at strategic points in the Arctic a total of seven hydrophones recorded sounds from Spain continuously for one year.
This is, according to André, an innovation pioneer in the world since the sensors identify the source of the sounds produced tens of kilometers and automatically classified and whether they are natural or human origin and warning of the presence of sensitive species.
Scientists have also agreed that much technology is available for developing future activities in the Arctic, but it is not enough to meet future challenges, as, for example, ensure evacuation of population in the area or emergency services.
As for the law, have recommended that, instead of raising a single global standard for the entire Arctic, has specific regulations for each zone.
The final conclusions of the ACCESS project will be delivered to the European Commission in the coming weeks, which must be approved and made public within a period of two months.
ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / In order to train people who have contact with visually impaired athletes in the coming Games Paranacionales Yaracuy 2015, the Bolivarian Government of Carabobo, led by Francisco Ameliach, through the Foundation for Development of Sport (Fundadeporte), being chaired Thaer Hasan, issued Wednesday workshop orientation and mobility of blind people.
The event, sponsored by Fundadeporte, in partnership with the Center for Comprehensive Care Poor Visual Carabobo state (Caidv), took place in the hall vinotinto the Olympic Village, where some 50 participants who are active and sporting life with blind athletes they received adequate training to guide
The information was released Indira Figueroa, professor of Caidv and responsible for providing the workshop, who noted that following inclusion policies, the flagship project of the National Government, offered tools and techniques that will enable visually impaired people to move efficiently , effective and safe.
“The idea of this workshop is to help these people to develop and use other senses in order that they can learn to make independent movements with benchmarks. We are the conventional people who can help them,” he said.
At the same time, the specialist emphasized that the purpose of the workshop is that all people are trained to guide a blind person, while he stressed that in the development of the activity was attended by some athletes with visual disabilities, who made great contributions According to their experiences.
Athletes and workers Fundadeporte grateful Meanwhile, athletes and workers Fundadeporte, they called the day of high importance and thanked the Carabobo State Governor, who
through Fundadeporte, promotes inclusion in society of people with disabilities.
Johanna Boyer, who serves as assistant in the department of sport for p eople with disabilities Fundadeporte, said such courses sensitize and identify conventional person with the blind athlete.
“It was excellent this workshop, I expanded my knowledge and I improved the ones already empirically. We thank the management Ameliach as Thaer Hasan, as we move forward not only in sports but also in the human, thanks for that sport commitment and social “.
Similarly, Enrique Yepez, visually impaired athlete Carabobo state, extended his thanks for making this workshop that helps improve the relationship between guide and athlete.
“Thanks to everyone who made this day it is necessary that all people are aware of how to guide a blind person, that helps us to improve us as athletes understand not only spoken language but also the body,” he concluded.
See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos. com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
A judge of the Spanish National Court today ordered the unconditional imprisonment for four alleged members of a network of recruitment and jihadist indoctrination to the terrorist organization Islamic State (EI).
The defendants were arrested Tuesday in the region of Catalonia (northeast) and in the city of Melilla in North Africa and border with Morocco.
The judge ruled Pedraz prison for detainees at the request of the prosecutor and after take statements from the four, accusing them of belonging to a terrorist organization by making proselytize and indoctrination through social networks, especially Facebook, judicial sources said.
One of the detainees is accused also to manage a group of Whatsapp with which it was intended to attract women to the jihadists would join.
The Interior Ministry said one of the detainees given a virtual community where propaganda material state was edited Islamic, a website that had more than a thousand followers and a great impact on areas of Spain.
In Facebook also had many supporters outside Spain, particularly in Latin America and other countries as diverse as Belgium, France, Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, USA, Turkey and Tunisia.
Those arrested in Melilla are two brothers whose sister, a minor, was arrested last December in the framework of police operation called Kibera against sending women to the Islamic State. The other two were arrested in Barcelona and Gerona (northeast).
According to the Interior Ministry, the two brothers from Melilla were allegedly responsible for the creation and administration of various internet platforms through which
spreading all kinds of propaganda material of terrorist groups, especially known as Daesh or Islamic state.
These two detainees allegedly edited and translated to Spanish propaganda texts and, in addition to advocacy of terrorist tactics, with special emphasizes the act of martyrdom, both are also engaged in recruiting women, who had just integrated into this terrorist group.
Recruitment activities were not limited to the virtual environment but the two detainees were worth of meetings privately in homes where showed potential Muslims captured the most current and media of EI videos, sources said.
The other two detainees in Catalonia allegedly interacted in these managed by those arrested in Melilla and profiles platforms were different: one edited and broadcast the video-graphic designed to recruit new jihadists materials
The other was defined by researchers as lonely and he himself had defined in a report chain. CNN on Islamist radicalization as a supporter of the Islamic State resident in a Western society, according to sources.
ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / In order to train people who have contact with visually impaired athletes in the coming Games Paranacionales Yaracuy 2015, the Bolivarian Government of Carabobo, led by Francisco Ameliach, through the Foundation for Development of Sport (Fundadeporte), being chaired Thaer Hasan, issued Wednesday workshop orientation and mobility of blind people.
The event, sponsored by Fundadeporte, in partnership with the Center for Comprehensive Care Poor Visual Carabobo state (Caidv), took place in the hall vinotinto the Olympic Village, where some 50 participants who are active and sporting life with blind athletes they received adequate training to guide
The information was released Indira Figueroa, professor of Caidv and responsible for providing the workshop, who noted that following inclusion policies, the flagship project of the National Government, offered tools and techniques that will enable visually impaired people to move efficiently , effective and safe.
“The idea of this workshop is to help these people to develop and use other senses in order that they can learn to make independent movements with benchmarks. We are the conventional people who can help them,” he said.
At the same time, the specialist emphasized that the purpose of the workshop is that all people are trained to guide a blind person, while he stressed that in the development of the activity was attended by some athletes with visual disabilities, who made great contributions According to their experiences.
Athletes and workers Fundadeporte grateful Meanwhile, athletes and workers Fundadeporte, they called the day of high importance and thanked the Carabobo State
Governor, who through Fundadeporte, promotes inclusion in society of people with disabilities.
Johanna Boyer, who serves as assistant in the department of sport for p eople with disabilities Fundadeporte, said such courses sensitize and identify conventional person with the blind athlete.
“It was excellent this workshop, I expanded my knowledge and I improved the ones already empirically. We thank the management Ameliach as Thaer Hasan, as we move forward not only in sports but also in the human, thanks for that sport commitment and social “.
Similarly, Enrique Yepez, visually impaired athlete Carabobo state, extended his thanks for making this workshop that helps improve the relationship between guide and athlete.
“Thanks to everyone who made this day it is necessary that all people are aware of how to guide a blind person, that helps us to improve us as athletes understand not only spoken language but also the body,” he concluded.
See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos. com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
ABC of Spain / The Minister of Agriculture and Water of Murcia, Antonio Cerdá, presented on Thursday his resignation, he has held since 1999 and has argued that it does that puts the interests of the region and the regional government to theirs.
Cerda, accused in the case Novo Carthago investigating an alleged plot of urban corruption in land near the Mar Menor, has announced his decision this morning President Murcia, Alberto Garre, at the headquarters of the regional government.
In a later press release, the exconsejero has indicated that it has taken this “difficult personal decision” before the start of the election campaign and in all times complied with their professional obligations in the framework of its powers, “with full respect and strict compliance with current legislation, without ever obtaining any unlawful or third parties benefit, much less to me.”
Cerda thanked “deeply” the entire food industry, the president Ramón Luis Valcárcel and the current head of the regional government, Alberto Garre, “the trust” in him, which claims to have always responded with “loyalty, honesty “and his” best effort “.
The resignation of Antonio Cerdá is the second resignation produced in the cabinet of Alberto Garre after the departure of Manuel Campos, exconsejero of Public Works and Development.
MADRID Another door was closed yesterday for Catalan independence. The Constitutional Court (CC) of Spain annulled the sovereigntist query executed on November 9 regional government Artur Mas also illegal and considered the regional standard that had been used to call it.
The unanimous ruling is practical consequences because that vote lacked actual legal effect. I though the TC itself had ordered provisionally suspend, Mas kept as a show of force of the separatist project. According to official figures, participated 2.2 million people (one third of those who could do so) and 80% voted for independence.
But the message sent by judges of the highest court State court is not authorized any legal means to put into play the integrity of Spain, in tune with what they defend the government of Mariano Rajoy and the main national opposition parties.
“As we say , you can not find a middle way. They just want claudiquemos said yesterday But to know the fallo-. We leave one way for the people of Catalonia, which is elections. “
The Catalan government and convened a regional election for September 27, which aims to give plebiscitary character. But he said that if independence parties get a clear majority the next government will advance the construction of a new state within the European Union (EU).
The nationalist bloc through a moment of weakness after three years unstoppable fervor. Consultation 9-N, although it was massive, let frustration in the portion of the population expected some concrete result, bared the differences between the parties that promote independence and left doubts about whether there really is a majority that wants to break with Spain .
The very center of the Catalan government studies reviewed released later this year a survey in which no secession exceeded the other for the first time in a long time (45.3% to 44, 5%).
But he causes damage brutal corruption case involving his political
mentor and president of the Generalitat for 23 years, Jordi Pujol, investigated along with his entire family for a tax fraud millionaire.
And failed in its attempt to unify in a single front soberanista his party, Convergence and Union (CiU), and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC), whose leader, Oriol Junqueras, leads the polls of the vote.
Those tensions forced him to postpone until September the plebiscite elections which, he even announced, intended to specify in March.
The momentum can also influences the Catalan stage. The Radical Party, which leads Pablo Iglesias, began to capture much of the vote of outrage at the crisis fatter in recent years the independence rows. Churches proposed that the Catalans can decide their future in a referendum, but also offers them “change Spain” to want to stay.
This option is the TC closed. The judges recalled that the “exclusive jurisdiction” to authorize popular consultations through the referendum is the sole responsibility of the state and can not be submitted for consideration the territorial unity of the country. Anything else would require a constitutional amendment.
sovereigntist Inquiry
On November 9 the government Artur Mas tried to hold a referendum, which eventually became an independence query
controversial Results
The turnout was not strong, only a third of those who could do
plebiscitary Comicios
But convened regional elections for September 27, which aims to become plebiscites. .
Ourense, February 25 ( EFE ) .- The secretary general of PSdeG, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, said today that his party has come “reinforced “in Ourense the primary process for the election of a candidate in the municipal elections next May, to which the Socialist mayor today come with the group Minister Jose Angel Vazquez Barquero head of the list.
In addition, the leader of the Galician Socialists refused in Packed On / Off organized by the Professional Association of Journalists of Galicia the existence of a “split” in the city government despite the open five councilors record opposing the mayor, the socialist Agustín Fernández.
“If there was a split in the government today would not be there. In any case, I will not make the mistake of publicly discuss an internal matter relating to the rights and duties of the militants. For that there are some files that are processed in the game with its subsequent resolution, “said Besteiro.
In this meeting with journalists in Ourense, PSdeG leader has eluded all questions related to this issue because , as explained, “is a strictly internal matter and is still a live record, so any mine valuation would prejudge what should never be done in politics.”
“It would be unwise and inappropriate make a personal assessment of this issue, “he insisted Besteiro, who also recalled that the five councilors open file no influence” for nothing “in the elections next May 24.
The disagreement lived among the socialists of the ourensana corporation governing minority, began in December 2013 when five councilors PSdeG left a plenary session for not voting a point on the agenda because of disagreements with other colleagues.
A few days later, the ruler retired exclusive dedication
and all its powers to one of the councilors, Antonio Rodríguez Penín, loss of confidence in its management.
The Secretary General of the Galician Socialists said well he can not solve the open file and expressed his respect for the decision of the councilors expedientados to go to court.
“I do not think it wrong that go to other ways, beyond each . I can nor angry about that, I have to assume total tolerance because it is a right of all citizens, “he reiterated.
Besteiro has confirmed that this evening will attend the presentation of the candidacy of José Angel Vázquez Barquero for mayor of Ourense, a candidate who, as recalled, was elected “mostly” by the local cluster and the seeing with a chance of winning “front right” represents, in his view, the Popular Party .
“Unlike other parties, PSdeG candidates are chosen in primaries and that’s a source of pride for the Galician socialists. Personally I do not do speculations about configuring the lists, but the bet for a candidate establishes a confidence in their proposal, “he qualified.
Besteiro has recognized that the” challenge “of his party is connected with citizenship to avoid the continuity of PP in front of the municipal government and the provincial
“Citizens will have two options. or vote for the People’s Party, or what is the same, the right, or vote a progressive government headed by the Socialist Party. That’s the choice you will have to take if they want more PP or want to change policies and progressive “, he underlined.
Finally, the leader of PSdeG has said that his party is” ready ” to have a “better” results in Galicia in the municipal elections of 2011, with options to recover the Provincial Council and beat the PP of Pontevedra.
euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in the published articles.
A group of scientists discovered a black hole formed about 900 million years after the “Big Bang”, with such a large dimension -12.000 million times that of the Sun, which defies accepted theory on the growth of these celestial bodies.
“Based on previous research, this is the largest black hole found for that period of time,” said Dr. Fuyan Bian, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics Australia National University (ANU, for its acronym in English).
Digital Sky Survey. Image of pictures Download & # XF3; n. Photo: Getty Images / File " width=" 460 ">
The black hole was discovered by a team Overall scientists led by Xue-Bing Wu of Peking University, China, as part of a project Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Image illustration.
Photo : Getty Images / File
“The current theory is limited to how fast you can grow a black hole, but This black hole is too big for that theory, “he said.
The creation of massive black holes remains an open research topic. However, many scientists have argued over time the growth of black holes was limited.
The black holes grow, says scientific theory, as they absorb mass. However, in this process the dough temperature increase radioactive creating pressure that pushes the dough away from the black hole.
“Basically, there are two forces balancing, which sets a limit for growth is much smaller than we find, “said Dr. Fuyan Bian. With information from Reuters and EFE
ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / Wednesday from 6:30 am officers of the Municipal Police Sotillo (Polisotillo) are strategically deployed in three broad avenues of the city to ensure smooth flow of traffic during peak hours morning and evening, that upon activation of two new corridors in the city of Puerto La Cruz.
The director of the Police Operations Coordination Polisotillo, deputy Yofrank Martínez, reported that after a practical assessment made weeks ago two new corridors were established, fulfilling requests made by the citizen mayor, Magglio Ordonez, who has been concerned the issue of road realignment of the city.
The first of the corridors will be to University Avenue which is activated from the light at the intersection Universidad de Oriente (UDO) to Country Club continuing for entry Pozuelos Foundation, Fire Puerto La Cruz, culminating in the area of Pueblo Nuevo.
Added the holder of that office police that the second corridor will be the avenue Jorge Rodriguez (former av. Intercomunal) starting from the Distributor Molorca, to Isla de Cuba, Puerto La Cruz Fire to the area of Pueblo Nuevo in the Municipal Avenue.
The police chief explained that the proposal will be implemented and logistical details will be refined with the passing of days, all aiming to reduce the time it takes queues at the drivers as they enter and leave the city at this important
road .
He said a total of 150 police officers will be activated along these new corridors to ensure traffic order, in the early hours of the morning and also at the end of the afternoon.
He recalled the Director of Police Operations Coordination Polisotillo that in early 2014 the corridor Avenue July 5 the central town of Puerto La Cruz which described as positive, was reactivated because, to date no longer jams recorded along this path.
Finally, he said tha t the Municipal Police Autonomous Institute Sotillo (Iapms) on transit has 24 staff approved in the area, as well as a crane unit for towing offending vehicles.
See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos. com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
The Constitutional Tribunal, the highest court of Spain, unanimously called Illegal Catalan separatist referendum and regional law that protects them.
In a ruling released Wednesday, full of 12 judges of the high court declared unconstitutional the secessionist query Catalan government convened on November 9.
The judgment held that l national sovereignty resides in the whole Spanish people and that any modification made order must be addressed as the channels provided by the constitution and not unilaterally by a regions of the country.
The Court had provisionally suspended this referendum but Catalonia held an informal vote on independence.
In an electoral roll estimated at 6.3 million, about 2.3 million voted. Most of those voters, representing one third of the Catalan electorate did in favor of independence from the rest of Spain.
The Prosecution filed a lawsuit against the regional president of Catalonia, Artur
Mas, for shelter a vote expressly prohibited. The case is currently under judicial investigation. If convicted, More faces several years disqualification from holding public office .
The decision of the Constitutional Court was greeted by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who praised the unanimity of judges.
More lamented the sentence and hoped that the Catalan regional elections on September 27 will be interpreted as a plebiscite on independence .
The latest polls, which have always been very even, minimum grant victory to not