Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cospedal says now on corruption “less than ever” –

Cospedal says now on corruption "less than ever" –

The general secretary of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, said Saturday on the problem of political corruption in Spain that “there are fewer than ever,” even though the CIS states corruption as the second concern of Spanish citizens , surpassed only by the high number of unemployed. However, in an interview in The Sixth Night , Cospedal said he hoped the measures implemented by his party to fight corruption are “sufficient”, and argued that the PP works to citizens because they “really in the public service” or that have been more resignations than elsewhere because of these cases of corruption in his party .

Cospedal became Saturday in trending topic Twitter for his excessive optimism about the economic situation, the management of PP and that she has done so far in the party and the government of Castilla-La Mancha. In fact was not able to mention one of its mismanagement to the questions tertuliano s, but defended some of their interventions more controversial, as the phrase “compensation deferred” to Luis Barcenas. “is said daily in the business world,” insisted Cospedal , then recognize that “you can have days luckier than others.”

Cospedal:” I can not know what the 800,000 members of the PP “ has not been so” lucky “when you have defined a Rato as” a great minister of economy “, then closed band answer to “their subsequent actions that have nothing to do with politics”, ie on his leadership of the former Caja Madrid, two days after the Bank of Spain accused the former Minister of PP having makeup accounts of the entity to go public.

The president of Castilla-La Mancha has responded to questions from journalists at the studio take responsibility for avoiding cases of alleged corruption and box B of PP. “can not know what the 800,000 members of the PP” . “I now do know what my manager,” added the general secretary of the ruling party, then ensure that “no way “Money B is handled in Genoa,” now “.

In this line, Cospedal has referred to the case of extesorero the PP Luis Barcenas and declared to have been” a very unpleasant surprise the party “. “I am one to think that people can make mistakes us to elect people but that does not make us responsible for their crimes,” answered Cospedal, when questioned on whether any member of the party should have resigned from their responsibility to have relied on Bárcenas. Cospedal has stated that Bárcenas “has always shown” that has “very fond” and “radically false” who received no envelope with money in B. “I do not think you because He is a compulsive liar, he explained, and then added that he would like the court proceedings ended “as soon as possible” and that “all truth is known.”

About ‘Little Nicholas’: “If you do not have a picture with him is nobody in Spain” On the resignation of the now former Minister of Health Ana Mato, Cospedal argues that “that attitude honors him sincerely “ and has indicated that, in his opinion, the fact that you keep your seat as Member of Congress does not harm the government or the party.

On the Little Nicholas, Cospedal believes that “it is an integral chutzpah” that “has been applied very bad intelligence.” “Okay we know what happened here because I find it absolutely amazing”, has riveted, then recognize that she has also portrayed the young. “If you do not have a picture with him is nobody in Spain,” he joked.

About Can: “Lo de Venezuela not me, say what they”

Asked about growth can, said it is “logical” that, as a result of “Very hard” crisis, which “say no to everything rises”. “So great is the democracy that allows policy options”, he indicated, then add that members can “preach things” from their point of view, “are not good for democracy.” Specifically, Cospedal has framed the training that leads Pablo Iglesias in the framework of the “policy options when they reach the end to democracy.” “What of Venezuela not me, what they say, has settled.

The general secretary of the Popular Party has used its passage through the television again to support a coalition government between the PP and the PSOE to “ensure the stability of Spain and the country’s governance,” which has already been rejected this week by the secretary general of the Socialists, Pedro Sánchez.

Finally, Cospedal has said he does not regret having been elected General Secretary of the Popular Party and, indeed, thanked his colleagues and the prime minister and the PP, Mariano Rajoy, which have chosen for the job. “Institutionally, to which I aspire is back to being president of Castilla-La Mancha”, has ruled when asked whether aspires to succeed . Rajoy

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