Saturday, December 3, 2016

Spain: dies the senator and exalcaldesa of Valencia Rita Barberá – Magazine Page

The senator Spanish and ex-mayor of Valencia Rita Barbera died Wednesday (23.11.2016) at age 68 from a heart attack suffered in a hotel of Madrid, confirmed to the media, the health teams that attended.

The TS is trying to find out if following the contributions of one thousand euros made to the RFP by people linked to the party in the city of Valencia there is an offence of laundering, as well as to clarify the origin of the money.

Barbera, (who requested the low the PP at the request of the party last September), also denied before the court that his party in Valencia I had a Box B according to the statement, to which he had access Efe.

The historic leader of the conservative Popular Party (PP) in Valencia woke up with symptoms of anxiety and was treated by a crisis respiratory by emergency crews in a hotel located in front of the Congress of Deputies.

“In the Popular Party, we are greatly affected” by the death of a person who dedicated “his life” to the training, pointed out Rajoy to journalists, showing “greatly distressed”.

The Congress of the Deputies has observed a minute of silence for his death.

“we are Sorry and we find it appalling that someone has to die, but we may not participate in a homage to the politician to a person whose track record is marked by corruption,” said Pablo Iglesias, leader of United we Can.

The city of Valencia, third largest city in the country now led by the left, put their flags at half-staff and declared three days of mourning.

however, Barbera remained as a senator, while keeping their privilege of aforamiento, which means that in the case of imputation would have to have been judged by a court other than the court which would correspond to an ordinary citizen.

Mayor of the city between 1991 and 2015, was the highest responsible of the party at the local level, so that it was “essential to continue the research (on the facts), and on participation in them” Barbera, estimated to be the court in your writing.

Barbera acknowledged that he gave 1000 euros to the party in concept of donation that actually never were returned. We welcome constructive criticism, but we reserve the right to delete comments or lock users aggressive, offensive or predatory.


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