Sunday, December 4, 2016

Patxi Lopez has left the bench – Blasting News

The last survey of My Word, puts it in third place after Peter Sanchez, and Patxi López, Susana Diaz, is still the incarnation of the right of the #PSOE. Despite their efforts, of Triana, is not able to reach beyond the fiefdom of Andalusia. Among the respondents, are the voters of right-wing parties, which are inclined to the baroness, and the left by Sanchez. Between Patxi Lopez, and Peter Sanchez, the differences are as large as the position that each one of them, shown at the investiture of Rajoy. If you prefer to Sanchez, are 35.8 % of the respondents, Lopez gets the second place, with half of the percentage above, and Diaz is in third place, very close to the former president.

a few days ago, when the lunch colloquium carried out in Andalusia, Felipe Gonzalez assured the press that he was not there to support Susan, is also heard to say that surely, there would be in the match to some militants, it also would meet the conditions necessary to run in the internal by the leadership of the Psoe. We wonder now, if it was not referring to the president of the Congress of Deputies in the xi legislature. In the middle of a deep wound, you do not end up closing making it impossible for the union and the implementation of the socialist worker’s party; given the uncertainty of its militants, there are many who begin to look at Patxi López with hope. The tie between López and Díaz in the ranking by My Word, proposes a competition for the positioning that will oppose Pedro Sanchez on the upcoming internal by the general secretariat of the Psoe.

The leader of the basque Patxi López, and the former secretary general, Pedro Sánchez, included elbow-to-elbow for “no”, against Rajoy. The differences between the two are explicitaron in the final decision. Sanchez resigned for not agreeing with what had been decided by the party. In contrast, Lopez goes, she decided to abstain, in obedience to what is dictated by the Federal Committee of the Psoe. From there the path of both socialists began to differentiate.

Pedro Sanchez has said during his tour, he wants “a socialist party left-wing and not an underling of the PP”. The former secretary-general tries to get the support of the federations socialist, then of his disappointment at the abandonment of their ranks by some of his relatives. César Luena that has dump to the support of Patxi Lopez and Oscar Lopez, who along with Antonio Hernando have been sheltered under the wing of the manager.

In short , before the formation of different internal currents related to the choice of a new leader, who reunite the Psoe and renew in favour of the recovery of its position within the two-party system of Spain, the barons regional around of the manager and the groups formed within the federations, returning his gaze on the basque Patxi López, will work from now for the victory of their candidate that should be with Pedro Sanchez, in the primary party. #Patxi Lopez #Susana diaz


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