Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The PP says that the Board” does not want to do,” the Logistics Platform of Badajoz – EntornoInteligente

Expansion / The popular has announced that it will be “very demanding with the Government of Fernández Vara, who also promised to roads and motorways”.

the coordinator of The Popular Group in the Committee of Economy, Infrastructure, Tourism, Industry and Energy of the Assembly of Extremadura, Víctor Del Moral, has said that the PSOE in the community “does not want to do,” the Logistics Platform of Badajoz, and who therefore tries to look for “an excuse new” for this project.

In this way it was pronounced the ‘popular’, to questions from the media at a press conference this Tuesday in Mérida (Badajoz), on an initiative of the PSOE in the Congress to ask the Government 40 million for the aforementioned Logistics Platform, and with respect to which has been affected by that evidence that the socialists “do not want to do a logistics platform” and try to “find an excuse”.

“because you don’t want to do the Logistics Platform of Badajoz, since in order to have news of you that have been de-silting all these supposed technical problems, bureaucratic, we’re now going to look for the next problem,” he said.

on the other hand, claims socialist relating to roads of national in the community, Victor del Moral has been said that it seems “very well” that the PSOE “is a reminder of the national road when it governs the PP in Madrid”, and has stressed that his party is going to be “very picky” with the Government of Rajoy, “but also” with that of Fernández Vara.

“We’re going to be very demanding with the Government of Mariano Rajoy, but we will also be very demanding with the Government of Fernández Vara, who also promised to roads and highways”, has been affected.

“In fact, in early 2008, Rod presented a project of 18,000 million, 4.055 million for roads including the motorway to Cáceres-Badajoz, autovia Zafra-Jerez, highway Olivenza-Badajoz, and did not include the petition to the Government of Spain ZP of these highways, spent the eight years of Zapatero and not made those highways,” he expected.

In this line, has underlined that “now again” when you have a national government of the PP the PSOE returns to “refresh those requests that are not made when ruling in Madrid” socialists, has said.

“The counselor promised in may to bid 119 million euros for a series of highways that were in the budget that had been negotiated and has tendered 20… When to our we do not ask you to do a little, we want the outside to do much. We will be at the request of the Government of Rajoy to invest in Extremadura, both in the BIRD as in the highways, but we’re going to divvy up responsibilities,” he concluded.

The PP says that the Board” does not want to do,” the Logistics Platform of Badajoz

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