Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The epilogue PPSOE – The Reason (Bolivia)

What has changed in the Spanish policy? Why were they required 10 months to achieve, the time limit in order to avoid a third election, the inauguration of Rajoy? What awaits the new Government in functions? How is the opposition in both the House and in the streets? What will be the direction of the policies of austerity and, more importantly, of the unity of Spain? The new presidency of the PP generates various questions in a context marked by the end of the cycle of bipartisanship.

it Is precisely the change in the party system, the clearest sign of a turning point in a political system that for nearly four decades it worked under the hegemony of two parties: the PSOE and the PP, that alternated in the government. It was the regime of the "turnismo", as they say its critics. Today there is more. The presence of Citizens, of Albert Rivera (very functional for the PP), but above all the emergence of United we Can, led by Pablo Iglesias from the left, set a new stage.

The most visible consequence of this reconfiguration of the political forces expressed in the two latest elections (December 2015 and June 2016), in which no candidate obtained an absolute majority. Thus, the fragmentation of the vote, with limited availability to facilitate agreements of investiture, prevented from forming a government and was on the point of forcing them to call for new elections, which would have maintained, with few variations, the correlation of forces in Parliament. Something profound has changed.

while the Saturday, Rajoy managed to gain access again to the presidency, this time it was in the minority. The alliance of the PP with Citizens and Coalition Canaria totaled just 170 seats, which are insufficient to achieve the parliamentary majority. Rajoy is president thanks to the PSOE of Felipe Gonzalez, the pressures and convenience he went from "not not" to an abstention in the second round, with internal split. The balance is a minority government with risk of paralysis and a harbinger, in the words of Churches, "epilogue".

While developing the session, thousands of protesters surrounded the Congress in protest "against the coup of the mafia". Indoors, meanwhile, Rajoy warned it would not negotiate the reforms imposed in the last few years. The PSOE maquillaba your "abstencionazo" with the challenge of "watch every step". Citizens was "proud" of his role. And United we Can announced that the country has changed, and that the old Spain Rajoy, González and his men touched its end to the change that arrives.


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