Sunday, November 13, 2016

The diocese argentinas closed the Year of Mercy with Adoration of the Blessed sacrament in the Cathedral of Posadas – Misiones OnLine

In the provincial capital, on the occasion of the Closing of the Holy Door of Mercy, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 8 to 12, 16 to 20 and 21 to 24. From the Cathedral of Posadas reported that while the Blessed sacrament is exposed, there will be priests confessing. "So that everyone can take advantage of the grace of the plenary indulgence for every one and for the dead", indicated.

The Holy Year of Mercy, proposed by pope Francis in April of 2015, and begun the 8 of December of the same year, comes to an end the 13th of November in all the dioceses of the world, and on the 20th of November, during the solemnity of Christ the King, with the closing of the Holy Door of the Basilica of St. Peter.

How to obtain a plenary indulgence during the Year of Mercy?

In his letter for the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis explained the ways in which the faithful may obtain the indulgence during this jubilee; whether in Rome, anywhere in the world and even in prisons. The Holy Father also explains the way in which they should proceed with the sick and elderly to obtain this grace.

In any of the following cases that are mentioned to obtain the indulgence, you must first meet the usual conditions: sacramental confession, eucharistic communion and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father.

1.- The faithful "are called to make a brief pilgrimage to the Holy Door, opened in every cathedral and in the churches established by the diocesan bishop and in the four papal basilicas in Rome, as a sign of the deep desire for authentic conversion".

2.- "Also I direct that you can win the indulgence in the shrines where they open the Door of Mercy, and in the churches that traditionally is identified as the Jubilee. It is important that this time is connected, first of all, to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a reflection on the mercy."

The Pope clarifies that "it will be necessary to accompany these celebrations with the profession of faith and prayer for me and for the intentions that I carry in my heart for the good of the Church and of the whole world."

3.- Pope Francis also said that every time that a faithful perform personally one or more works of spiritual and corporal mercy "will certainly obtain the jubilee indulgence".

"here the commitment to live mercy to obtain the grace of complete forgiveness and total by the power of the Father’s love that excludes no one. It will be, therefore, a jubilee indulgence full, the result of the event itself that is celebrated and lives with faith, hope and charity," says Pope.

4.- On the sick and the elderly who can’t leave home, the Pope affirms that to them "will be of great help to live the disease and the suffering as an experience of closeness to the Lord who in the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection indicates the road to make sense of the pain and loneliness".

"Living with faith and joyful hope this time of trial, receiving communion or participating in the Holy Mass and in community prayer, and also through the various media of communication, it will be for them the means of gaining the jubilee indulgence".

5.- On the prisoners, the Pontiff explains that "in the chapels of the prisons will be able to earn the indulgence, and each time you pass through the door of his cell, directing your thought and prayer to the Father, may this gesture be for them the passage of the Holy Door, because the mercy of God, capable of converting hearts, it is also able to convert bars into an experience of freedom".

6.- Indulgence for the deceased: "in the same way that we remember in the eucharistic celebration, we may also, in the great mystery of the communion of saints, to pray for them, that the merciful face of the Father free of all residue of guilt and to embrace the bliss that has no end".

Photos: Ministry of Communication


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