Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rajoy maintains course conservative in Spain –

The new government of the conservative Mariano Rajoy, qualified continuation by all the opposition Spanish, out of place with the offers of dialogue and understanding promised by the contractor to meet his second term in the minority.

Accustomed to manage from the intransigence, the re-elected president of the Executive should assimilate a difficult exercise tolerance if, as he confessed publicly, to seek a mandate stable and durable in front of a Parliament adverse.

After more than 300 days of interim, the leader of the right-wing Popular Party (PP) managed to renew the charge on the 29th of October, but not on its own merits, but thanks to the controversial abstention from its traditional rival, the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE).

The politician of 61 years, who ruled with an absolute majority in its first period (2011-2015), was unable to reach an agreement with the other forces represented in the Congress of Deputies, even after the June elections, the repetition of those made in December of 2015.

the 137 seats in a lower House of 350, are away from the supports that are essential to be able to address the reforms that -according to him – accurate the country.

Nor is it enough the bra that could provide the 32 deputies of the citizenry (C’s, centre-right), those who voted for his investiture, but who chose to remain outside of an administration of PP to try to change some of its policies.

Even with the support of that group, considered close to conservatives and fourth with greater representation in parliament, Rajoy will not get a minimal stability without reaching specific agreements with the socialists, second in the conference with 84 seats.

If well-facilitated, that the conservative revalidara mandate, the PSOE plunged into a profound crisis of identity and without leadership after the forced resignation of its general secretary, Pedro Sánchez, said he will seek to end the reforms most controversial approved by the PP.

in Front of the tear of the centuries-old organization, the coalition United we Can, with 71 seats in the lower House, presents itself as the true opposition to the newly-formed executive, which for the first time in a long time will have to deal with a left consolidated.

While not committed to give stability to the right, except for the abstention to allow him to govern, Rajoy will take advantage of the situation of fracture and weakness in the ranks social democrats to make any accession to their unpopular measures.

“I’m Not willing to tear down what was built. You can improve, no doubt, but I cannot accept its demolition,” warned Rajoy prior to the second and final vote of investiture, in which he finally received the confidence of the Congress.

An inflexible approach that contrasted with the tone of dialogue and spirit of compromise shown 48 hours before the 29 of October, when he said to be aware of the difficulties involved in a minority government and promised to work to earn your support every day.

His performance in the last legislature, however, is not a good omen for any negotiating, given that then abused the hegemony in parliament to approve, without discussion, their proposals and not gained allies among the opposition parties.

Until the clusters are so close ideologically to the PP, as Citizens, alerted the ruling that ended the time to ignore the legislative body.

in Front of a parliament hostile and fragmented, the contractor will have to put to the test their capacity for dialogue or, otherwise, resort to an ace under the sleeve: to convene early elections if he feels that its disadvantageous situation prevents him from governing.

With that prerogative to dissolve the Cortes (the

parliament is bicameral), which can be exercised from may 2017, would especially the PSOE, whose bases will take quite a time to recover from the bitterness that led to the delivery of power to the PP.

Government low tour

In the composition of his new cabinet, stand, as new developments, the exit of the ministers of Foreign, Interior and Defence who were close to him during his first stage.

however, Rajoy remained at their posts to the three holders of the economic area: Luis de Guindos, Economy, Cristobal Montoro at Treasury and Fátima Báñez in Employment.

A decision that the PSOE and United we Can, second, and third forces in the Congress, desautorizaron by continuity.

Above all, by the policy of hard cuts in social and labour applied by these three departments during the previous management of the re-elected governor, when the PP had an absolute majority in the lower Chamber 186 of its 350 seats.

With those ministers, “prime minister, Mariano Rajoy has not made a government for dialogue”, which portends serious difficulties to generate understanding, he predicted Mario Jimenez, the spokesman of the management committee of the interim directed the PSOE.

The leader of United we Can, Pablo Iglesias, affirmed that the new administration will continue “making cuts” and “raises a few guarantees” in the fight against corruption.

“It’s more of the same,” summed up Churches with regard to the newly-formed ministry team, where repeated seven officials.

he Criticized the continuity of De Guindos and Montoro in the portfolios of Economy and Finance, respectively, when -denounced – are the pair of cuts, the social suffering and economic inefficiency.

In that hard core to many analysts, which include also the vice-president Soraya Sáenz, who gains power with the area of Territorial Administrations.

The considered right hand of Rajoy will have to face the fact that it is known to be one of the main challenges of the government in the coming months, the process of unilateral independence declared by the region of Catalonia.

The political secretary of United we Can, Íñigo Errejón, said a short-term to the presidency of the leader of the Spanish right in front of his weakness in the Congress of Deputies.

Second in the ranks of the coalition of the left, Errejón warned that everything will depend on the attitude taken by the socialists and Citizens.

The Rajoy can be a executive little tour if their “hostages”, in reference to the PSOE and C’s, hold firm, predicted the young leader.

For the also speaker in parliament of the third group with greater representation in the Congress, the PP government is weak both in the street and in the parliament,” where, unlike its previous mandate, is now in the minority.

In his judgment, the cabinet of Rajoy is a continuation of, since it is the same that was entrusted “to the virgin”, pressed the “down” and gave “gifts to the above”, signed “cuts” in Brussels and punished the families, workers and the self-employed.

those Who waited aires of changes in the hosts conservative will have to keep waiting.


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