Friday, November 11, 2016

Beyond the debate on the duties – Blasting News

Duties to himself or duties not. This is the discussion in #Education today. So much so that the controversy has led to the Conference of Spanish Associations of Mothers and Parents of Pupils (CEAPA) to organize and convene the first strike of duties in Spain. A strike is lawful and legitimate. And, if I may be allowed the point, reasonable. Yes, very rational. The student may have to only do one exercise outside of class is an error, a mistake. A side effect that lies at the root of the core problem: the misguided education plan.

The educational plan of current and that have happened to that last outcome has been deficient and ineffective. A fiasco educational after another that the only thing they have contributed is that the ultimate aim of the students consist in throw up the theory memorized in an examination, to approve, and that the next day is forgotten. This is what have led to the educational models we have known up to now.

On the other hand, that would promote an educational plan should ideally be the student’s learning, the apprehension. To learn knowledge, to acquire culture. Not that you limit yourself to swallow concepts no more, no more, but the digest.

this is how you learn of truth. With subjects that are useful and practical, whose lessons are useful in the day-to-day, help the student to function in life he has touched to live. With qualified teachers who teach by vocation, which not only explain the student’s ideas, but also get that is the question. In short, the classes become students in beings thinking.

An educational model, to the purpose of the discussion that takes place today, which does not require assignment to the student. Because what it has to learn, what you learn in class. And, outside of the classroom, will enjoy their right to occupy the time in what you like and are happy with. To read, draw, or write. To an after school activity that will motivate you, and to which, perhaps, decide to pursue in the future.

to those who read the above will seem utopian. But what is certain is that this is already a reality in other countries in which education is a serious matter. And it may be that until that utopia is not a reality in our own, we will not cease to be european leaders in school failure. A covenant in education would be desirable. And an act of responsibility on the part of the politicians that claim to represent us. #Spain


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