The commemoration of the International Day of Youth (the General Assembly of the UN declared August 12 as the International Day of Youth on December 17, 1999) we demand reflect on what we ask and what we demand them young men and women It is that as a society, we should be more focused on seriously wonder what they are providing and recognize the diversity of which they are part.
we usually talk of youth, not so much to solve their problems, but to reproach errors that are mostly a result of the neglect of society in the task of cementing a world where their rights are guaranteed. There is a social gaze of distrust and impairment of youths; on one side with the stigma from certain speeches that tend to associate young people (the article is masculine because they are the men who mostly more suffer) of few economic resources generally, to crime, lack of initiative, of concerns.
So many sectors are attributed responsibility for “their” problems like rely exclusively personal motivations and no structural social causes.
In that sense, adds to the list of linear and reductionist views on the problems of the youth, substance and alcohol abuse:’re young, poor and you consume, sos offender. And the problem is not resolved here talking about substances, of which drug or alcoholic beverage consumed young. The problem is not the substance but the relationship that the young people down with them.
This is where essential public policies that affirm life projects are done, and to do that links the young people are not with substances but with life projects that strengthen their ties with each other and other .
Today we are in times of settings: rate hikes, layoffs, budget cuts, decreased earning capacity of families, among many other disadvantages for many lower-income sectors.
In this context, the young people are diminished their opportunities to create conditions of autonomy that allow them to build their life projects. The goal of building a more just and egalitarian society meets concrete actions. Under these conditions, it is the duty of designing and implementing public policies that guarantee the rights of youth to access education, to health, to participate ciudadosamente, to be heard, and the city of Rosario is a pioneer in implementing state. Since today as 25 years ago mean a State to provide close neighbor, and it is getting bigger in rights and opportunities for all rosarinos and rosarinas.
Put the youths in the foreground is essential to think about the sustainable and balanced social development, this is the responsibility of the state, and the whole society, enterprises, social organizations, universities, clubs, media, churches, foundations, and so on. Therefore, from the management as a municipal state, we generate links with civil society that allow not only realize extended way the implementation of public policies, but also with the same degree of importance, strengthen social ties that provide the basis for a city with better living conditions. For these young people ultimately grow into a more democratic, more caring and inclusive society; in a city and province in which they choose to live, work and build the future of coexistence we all want.
Laura Chapel / Social Development Secretary Rosario
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