18 August Every Day Forest Fire Prevention held to raise awareness about the devastating consequences they produce and the protection of nature, AIM reported. Forest fires are caused generally by anthropic causes that is, caused by people- and a low percentage by nature itself.
August 18: Day of forest fire prevention
a forest fire is a uncontrolled fire that occurs in the countryside or a wilderness area. It differs from other fires by its large size, the speed at which it can spread outside their original source, its potential to change direction unexpectedly, and their ability to jump over obstacles such as roads and rivers.
They occur on all continents except Antarctica. They can occur naturally, but many are caused by humans (accidentally or intentionally).
wildfires present a great risk to life and property during all seasons, although in most are recorded during the hottest months of summer and spring. Large forest fires can also have negative ecological effects.
On this date, activities are conducted to educate people on the proper use of fire and the necessary steps to prevent a fire.
When is celebrated?
the Day of Fire Prevention is celebrated on 18 August every year. It is a day of awareness and cooperation for the prevention and care of nature, because it is an obligation of all.
Its origin is in the need to inform the population of the devastating consequences that cause forest fires and thus avoid possible actions of man in provoking pampering.
What do you do?
the social awareness is one of the most important and effective for the population to understand the rational use of fire, proper use and avoid risks factors. Through various information days attempting to reach citizens necessary and proper measures to prevent a fire.
exhibitions in which you can see pictures and documentaries in which we know are also performed closely as serious and even Mount consequences for the population when a fire occurs.
Every year forest fires worldwide cause very serious consequences caused drastic changes in nature. Vegetables, plants and animals are suffering most from the effects of fires. It is therefore very important that each person knows preventive measures not to cause a fire when you are enjoying nature, we are spending a few days in a cottage or camp, in burning waste, etc.
Along with the seriousness that has the fire itself for forest, nature and animals, it is also important to note the number of people who have been affected by the proximity to them. Many families have had to leave their homes and be evacuated to other areas by gravity and the proximity of the flames and in many cases the fire has even come to their own homes, being another consequence of fires.
there is a large percentage of the total occurring fires are caused by nature itself, others are of unknown causes or negligence and a large percentage is due to the bad action of man on the ground where it is .
to prevent the spread of fire along the ground in many places firewalls as barriers to its spread are used.
firewalls are paths along the ground, devoid vegetation aimed to create a horizontal discontinuity and prevent the fire and thus continue to get stop or slowing the spread of fire. Many firewalls are natural, that is, from the nature such as rivers, streams, lakes, etc.
To build firewalls must take into account factors such as the intensity of a possible fire in the area, whether or not nearby village, wind, topography …
All efforts are needed to achieve maintain clean forests so we can avoid hazards involving greater risk of fire. We must learn to take care of nature and that all species of animals and plants to live and grow under optimum conditions, to avoid destroying natural life.
Basic Tips
Taking care of nature.
Do not throw cigarette butts or burning matches to floor.
Do not throw cigarette butts or matches from moving vehicles, either en route or by roads.
Avoid smoking inside the forest and advise by those who accompany them.
If you can not avoid smoking, pay attention to where to drop the ashes, where and how to turn off the cigarette, and take with you the butt.
If camping, do it authorized places, there may be a fire.
If you see a fire on left, turn it off with water.
Do not light a fire anywhere, do so in authorized furnaces.
If you would like burning forest residues, request permission and consider all recommendations.
There are seasons in which you can not do burning forest residues, respect the ban on burning .
Never leave the fire alone, even for a moment.
Please close the containers fire with water.
Do not throw or leave waste in forests and places of camping, cans and glass can act magnifying glass and cause fires
Prepare well the stove before starting the fire. should be placed stones around the campfire, make a well in to the fire remains a little “sunk” in the land, clear of leaves and branches around the campfire. If possible, build a wall or protection with stones side where the wind comes from.
Never build a fire under the trees.
The correct way to put out the fires it is with plenty of water, then you have to remove the ashes to verify that they are well off. It should also add water to the stones of the stove and around the campfire, the site of the fire should be cold.
If you are going to use firewood instead, you should choose the one that is down and dry free of leaves.
in the hearth must try to keep a small fire.
the stove must be close to water.
If you go camp, most convenient, clean and safe heater is used.
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