The star of the plenary session this August in the city of Santander, which has been approved unanimously to award the silver medal to Nando Yosu for its unique work at Racing Santander and put the name of Ruth Beitia to Municipal Complex Albericia, is housing.
Affected by deficiencies in the VPO Santander today in plenary
it is this, and not the lack of infrastructure, the main problem of Santander, as highlighted Antonio Mantecon, councilman Santander If you can, which has led to full two main motions.
the first, which has been approved for surprise and satisfaction councilor urges the council to reach an agreement with banks to cede the public housing stock 30% of which are empty.
otherwise, the City will no longer collaborate with banks who refuse to this agreement, a measure that is a pioneer in Cantabria and the first in Spain.
this request is one of the historical claims the PAHs, which have supported the United Left, Ganemos, PRC, Citizens and PSOE, managing to overcome the votes against the PP (14 against 13), which has argued that this measure is illegal because it would violate free competition.
the opposition has reminded the City Council that is on your regular hand the criteria and conditions for working with banks and agreed that current measures are “insufficient” to alleviate the dramatic social situation, which, in the case the problem of housing, has led to urgent measures throughout the country, with the opening in Cantabria of an Office of Emergency housing to advise and mediate in these cases (it’s in the street of Juan de Herrera and their phones are 942 31 89 80 942 31 89 92).
Mantecón led to full also another proposal on the matter which has been rechazada-, who asked to make a list of those who have not paid property tax payment, and seeks to regulate municipal defaults. According to the Land Registry and the Ministry of Finance in Cantabria there are about 27,800 homes illegally in municipalities, and the aim is to regulate the situation in Santander and especially control of defaults coming from the banks. The motion also wanted to restrict cooperation with debtor banks with municipal coffers.
APPROVES SPENDING THE CITY COUNCIL 7.2 million in a new road
In the full City Council have taken the by representatives of those affected by promotions public housing built by the Housing and Land Company (SVS), which the City Council has urged to attend the intervention of the Government of Cantabria or the courts, to resolve the irregularities that remain to be settled .
Yes it has been approved, with the votes of PP and Citizens, the modification of the current year budget to spend 7.2 million euros in the construction of a new road, an underpass linking General Dávila and Camilo Alonso Vega.
the government team announced this week the project, which was initially conceived in 2009 and has been adapted to the General Plan prepared in 2012 and widely questioned by civil society.
This project has been critical of most of the opposition, which voted against (12 votes to 15 in favor), and that have described as “pharaonic” and “unnecessary” and fear that, contrary to what has defended the government team finally be the municipal coffers that sustain the work without any help from the regional government.
the justification of the government team is that this vial is necessary to decongest traffic in the area and facilitate the connection between the north and south of the city. The opposition argues that this role and perform other roads, such as Amparo which opened in May 2015 after the expropriation of the house of the old woman, who ended up dying almost as his house collapsed.
the mayor, Iñigo de la Serna, has criticized the attitude of the opposition, which has also been unsuccessfully opposed extending the current budget by almost half a million euros to fund travel and hospitality industry for congresses and events Santander hosting.
“Someone has to bring investment to Cantabria and the city of Santander will make a historic”, said, arguing that these measures do work. “You want them to take to the streets to all who are working in these areas,” he accused.
The idea of the government team is tender and award the work before the end of the year, so that work can begin in early 2017. the project includes building a tunnel 142 meters long with respective ramps 64 and 74 meters from both directions of movement of General Davila.
During the plenary, the government team has confirmed that it has requested a grant of 18,000 euros to the Government of Cantabria to support the bullring, as already advanced the farad.
the amount of this grant, “the maximum”, as acknowledged by the Councillor for Economy and Finance, Ana Gonzalez Pescador, go destined to keep afloat the activity of bullfighting because, according to recognized, there are “real risk” that the bullring into deficit for two consecutive years, leading to the closure according to the law.
This deficit is taken to withdraw aid from the City Council approved in full opposed by the PP, and after the Cantabrian Government has also withdrawn its public contribution. Gonzalez Pescador has described bullfighting as an “artistic and aesthetic picket line” a “cultural unlinked ideologies” and “an important significance as economic and business” and “cultural activity that provides income to the State”. However, although the data of its financial contribution, the councilwoman has failed to explain why in that case needs public money to survive.
The plenum also rejected the joint motion of IU, PRC , PSOE, Santander Yes Ganemos and can be regulated and limited to gifts received by councilors of the government team. The PP has opposed and Citizens abstained because they wanted to change the motion to pass to be a request to the Government of Cantabria to create a regional standard.
Councilman IU, Miguel Saro, has been favorable to the measure, but recalled that it would be “a different motion” for would be to urge the Government to do something and not to create a municipal standard. IU, which has no representation in Parliament of Cantabria, has urged the council to be a pioneer in this case but the PP has rejected “no content”, specified the mayor, “but love ourselves compelled to do something to us and others do not “creating, he says,” politicians first and second politicians “
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