Jordi Turull said that next year “will have already proclaimed independence”
in a debate organized by the ANC, the chairman of Junts pel Yes and leader of the PDC he said that maintain the planned route sheet
<. p> the chairman of JxSí and leader of the PDC, Jordi Turull , Manifesti that if in the coming months the events evolve as expected “on the Fiestas de Gracia 2017 we will have already proclaimed independence of Catalonia “, because from his party maintained” commitments, deadlines and the roadmap “.
his remarks came during a debate organized by the National Assembly Catalana within the framework of the Barcelona neighborhood festivities. On the unilateral referendum, Jordi Turull admitted that “it is clear that is the cleanest way to visualize that there is a pro-independence majority” and added that “we do not rule, but whenever we can with all democratic guarantees.”
Meanwhile, the first secretary of the Mesa del Parlament and member of the executive of ERC, Anna Simó, said his party has no objection to a unilateral referendum is foreseen “but we must talk” between the various parties and entities sovereignists. It simó also recalled that the question of confidence scheduled for September 28 in the Parliament “originates not having been approved the budget for 2016″ but was convinced to be overcome “because otherwise it would lose sight of the objective” elections 27S.
the deputy of the CUP , Mireia Vehí, recalled that the unilateral referendum was already assumed by training in the last national assembly, and has considered “the mechanism that legitimizes us more to the international community.” For the CUP, the issue of trust is fully linked to the agreement on the roadmap and has said that if the latter is a reality training will vote yes.
Barcelona. (INCAT-EFE) .-
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