Friday, August 19, 2016

Amnesty International denounces torture and deaths in Syrian prisons – the Impartial

Amnesty International denounces torture and deaths in Syrian jails

the advocacy organization Human Rights collected the testimonies of 65 survivors of torture, who reported the” horrifying abuses. “

by Agencies

Amnesty International (AI) today denounced the” inhumane conditions, torture and mass killings “prevailing in prisons in Syria and urged the international community to end the” “comparable abuses “crimes against humanity”

in his report “It breaks the human: Torture, disease and death in Syria’s prisons.” (Break the human being: Torture, disease and death in Syrian prisons), the NGOs estimated that more than 17 thousand 700 people have died in these detention facilities since the war began in Syria in March 2011.

the advocacy organization Human Rights collected the testimonies of 65 survivors of torture , who reported the “shocking abuses” and “inhuman conditions” had to suffer centers Syrian security, operated by intelligence agencies of the government of that country.

Amnesty reported that in the case of military prison Saydnaya, on the outskirts of Damascus, “torture and other degrading treatment appear to be part of a tireless effort to demean, punish and humiliate prisoners” and routinely, prisoners are beaten to death.

“the catalog of horror stories described in horrific detail the terrible abuses against detainees routinely from the time of his arrest, during interrogation and when they are detained in facilities intelligence Syrians, “said Philip Luther, program director of AI’s Middle East and North Africa.

Luther said that torture has been used by the Syrian regime for decades method” as a way to topple their opponents “and that, today, that practice” is part of a systematic attack directed against anyone suspected of opposing the government, civilian, and amounts to crimes against humanity “.

between these practices, survivors recounted how some security guards tear nails prisoners, burned them with cigarettes or scalded with boiling water and other prisoners are subjected to electric shocks, rape or episodes of sexual violence.

in its report, AI stated that “the combination of poor conditions” in those centers, including the saturation of people, lack of medical care and food, and inadequate sanitation, “amount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment prohibited by international law “

Among the testimonies indicated that some detainees had to take turns to sleep to be crowded cells.; many were asphyxiated and some were left inside cells in which there were corpses of other prisoners who did not survive.

The organization urged the international community to mediate to end the “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment prohibited by international law “suffered by detainees in Syria.

in particular, urged Russia and the United States (coordinators peace talks on Syria), make this a priority issue in their talks with the Syrian authorities and armed groups, so that an end is put to such humiliating treatment in the country’s prisons

Via:. News MVS


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