Friday, August 12, 2016

In the International Youth Day, an overview of the current situation – Today Digital (Dominican Republic)

Today is celebrated internationally on Youth Day a segment for which, in the Dominican Republic, the situation is not very promising.

Today we commemorate the International Youth Day, under the theme: “the road to 2030: eradicate poverty and achieve production and sustainable consumption “, reaffirming and recognizing the central role of youth in promoting the welfare of their families, communities and nations.

in the Dominican Republic, the number of adolescents and young people between 10 and 29 years exceeds three and a half million (3,671,000), 36.44% of the total population, representing great potential for transformation and development for the country never seen before.

However, years ago this population group affected by problems ranging from lack of access to mechanisms of participation to the difficulties to be educated, work and achieve their full potential.

Dropout. The dropout rate is among the major challenges facing the Dominican Republic. The highest dropout rate occurs at a basic level, 37.5%, and who conclude, 8.4% decides not to continue studying. At the secondary level, 16% drop out of school, and those who remain, 17.7% do not perform higher education.
Is a situation that emerges from poverty and social inequalities, as 58.7% of men leave school to work, and 5.7% because there is no money at home.

19.5% of adolescents defecting to make household chores and 8% leave school because he married or pregnant. Overall, only 15.4% of the population entering the education system reaches college.

The “neither nor”. The low enrollment and lack of technical training difficult access to the labor market, which leads to the phenomenon of “neither nor” young people who neither study nor work, or as some have begun to call themselves, “without sin”, alluding they are “without opportunities to work” and “no opportunities to study.” This reality affects 19.7% aged 15 to 24, 66.7% are women.

The broad unemployment rate among young people aged 15 to 24 years is 28.7%, 19.4% for men and 43.8% for women. In the population 40 to 59 years is only 8.8%. But even for those who finish school the chances of getting jobs are few, and when they get them, do not allow them out of poverty.

In this context, combined with the outlook for consumption, comes frustration and it stimulates social unrest. Young people have difficulty escaping violence and exercise their rights.

comprehensive sex education is missing. On the other hand, there are still limitations to young people receive comprehensive sex education and sexual and reproductive quality health, resulting in early pregnancy, school dropout, inequality, informal work and inability to take future responsibility to preserve the progress and promote political, social and economic development of the country.

68% of children in schools do not receive any kind of sex education, according to the study “baseline knowledge, attitudes and practices about of gender-based violence among students in schools “, a joint effort of the Ministry of Education, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with support from United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF).

teenage pregnancies. Additionally, the percentage of unmet need for family planning at the national level is 11%, but in adolescents increases to 27% and is higher in rural areas, where even have been signs that say “Only methods are delivered over 18 “.

Meanwhile, about 27% of all births, caesarean sections and abortions are children and adolescents between 10 and 19 years. The adolescent fertility rate remains over 90, doubling the world, which is 49. RD is among the five countries with teenage pregnancies in Latin America.

Gender-based violence. The baseline study also revealed that 77% of schoolchildren understand that many women, with their behavior, Madden men and why these beat them.

This information exposes acceptance in school that they themselves are the cause of violence, that there is justification, that its genesis is conditional on the behavior of women and that is excusable.

unbecoming Unions. Improper connections between children / adolescents and adults are another phenomenon that requires the attention of the society, since 13% of adolescents entering union before 15 years and almost 4 out of 10, before age 18. In addition, 25.8% sexually active between 15 and 17 years report having sex with men ten years older than themselves. In many cases this happens under duress and violence, without consequences.

Youth and ODS. Young people are central to the Agenda 2030 and the new Sustainable Development Goals, mainly to end poverty in all its forms, ensuring healthy living, promote wellness, achieve inclusive, equitable and quality education, achieve growth inclusive and sustainable economic and decent work for all.

“young people are already driving innovation in science and technology and making conscious choices that influence drastically in patterns of consumption and production for companies, organizations and governments to be more socially and environmentally responsible, “said the executive director of UNFPA, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin.

the girl is now 10 years old will have 25 in 2030 and their hands will, together with all his generation, preserve and promote advances outstanding improvements for better Dominican Republic.


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