a passenger of the lowcost airline Ryanair decided to give everything to avoid missing your flight.
mar 9:05 Aug September 2016
He had bought a ticket to travel on Ryanair from Barajas Airport and was sure of one thing: I could not miss your flight. He reached the end of the sleeve, and disconnected, and saw his plane even without leaving in the middle of the track and did not think twice. He jumped and once on the track, ran like there’s no tomorrow. }
His first intention is to seek help from one of the vehicles from the airport to approach him, but before the refusal of the driver, runs through the track. Halfway comes security personnel and stop.
The video was uploaded to Facebook and became an instant hit with over 600,000 views and 700 comments
‘); $ ErrorsContainer = that.find ( ‘fos_comment_form_errors.’); } $ ErrorsContainer .html ($ (data) .find () html () ‘fos_comment_form_errors.. “); Recaptcha.reload (); } // Complete function (data, statusCode) {that.parent () .find remove () end () .find ( ‘spinner.’) Remove () ( ‘comment-overlay.’)…; that.trigger ( ‘fos_comment_submitted_form’ statusCode); }); return false; }) / * When replying to a comment, add data to reply partent form * / .on ( ‘click’, ‘.reply’, function () {var $ form = $ ( ‘# add-comment form’), url = $ form.prop ( ‘action’) replace (/?.*$ /, ”), $ this = $ (this), parentId = $ this.data ( ‘parentId’). url = url + ‘ ? parentId = ‘+ parentId; $ form .prop (‘ action ‘, url) .data (‘ parentId ‘parentId);}) .on (‘ change ‘,’ .terms’, function () {if ($ ( . this) .find ( ‘input’) is ( ‘: checked’)) {EXPDATE = new Date (); expDate.setMonth (expDate.getMonth () + 1); document.cookie = ‘_cms-comment-terms = true ‘+’; domain = ‘+ document.location.hostname +’; path = / ‘+’; expires = ‘+ expDate.toGMTString ();}}) / * overwrite vote submission * / .on (‘ click ‘ ‘.votes-no’, function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var That = $ (this); var commentId = 5; window.fos.Comment.post (that.data ( ‘url’), {}, function (data) {that.parents () find () html (data) ‘comment-you votes.’. ‘fos_comment_comment_score..’; that.trigger ( ‘fos_comment_vote_comment’, data);}, function (data) {if (data == ‘already_voted’) {That .parents ( ‘comment-box.’) .find ( ‘comment-text.’). after ($ ( ‘
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‘). AddClass ( ‘comment-Denounced’) .text ( ‘Thanks for reporting this comment.’)); // If state is now spam comment if (data.state == 2) {$ this .closest ( ‘. Comment-details’) ( ‘comment-you votes.’) .find .remove () .end () .find ( ‘.comment-text’) .addClass ( ‘comment spam’) .text ( ‘This comment has been flagged as spam.’); }} SetTimeout (function () {$ ( ‘.comment-Denounced’) remove ().}, 5000); }, ‘Json’); }) / * Pass parameters to controller action * / .on ( ‘fos_comment_before_load_thread’, function (event) {event.params.page = parseInt (page); return event;}) / * paginate * / .on ( ‘click’ ‘.pagination a’, function (event) {event.preventDefault (); page = $ (this) .prop ( ‘href’) .split ( ‘/’) pop (). if (isNaN (page)) {page = 1;} var = document.createElement fos_comment_script ( ‘script’); fos_comment_script.async = true; fos_comment_script.src = ‘/js/66303ba.js’; fos_comment_script.type = ‘text / javascript’; var target = document.getElementById ( ‘fos_comment_thread’); $ ( ‘#fos_comment_thread’) .prepend ($ ( ‘
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Zelmar Michelini 1287, CP.11100, Montevideo, Uruguay COUNTRY SA Copyright ® 1918-2016
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