Thursday, June 30, 2016

Delivery VCU 28 collaboration grants to students with best records of diocesan schools with … – NoticiasReligiosas (press release) (blog)

VALENCIA, 30 JUN. (AVAN) .- The rector of Students and Social Action of the Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Martir ?? ?? (UCV), Asuncion Gandia, has awarded two grants for collaboration to each of the 14 diocesan schools have stage school.

The event, held in the boardroom of the Rectorate, has with the participation of Rafael Cerdá Capuz, diocesan delegate of teaching and founding president of the diocesan schools San Vicente Martir ?? ??, as well as some directors of the Valencian schools that have benefited from these scholarships, as they have indicated today the AVAN news agency sources UCV.

The aid is aimed at students of diocesan schools with the best academic records, who will pursue graduate studies at the UCV course 2016-2017, they have been added.
In this type of grant the student performs 320 hours of collaborative work in a service or department of the university as libraries, practices, laboratories or service of physical activity and sport, among many others. Thus, scholarship students will benefit from a discount of 50 percent of the payment of university education that apply, depending on the degree you will take.

Initiative Monsignor Escudero

the initiative comes at the behest of Vice Chancellor and auxiliary bishop of Valencia, Monsignor Esteban Escudero, ?? to strengthen relations with diocesan schools and aims to financially help students with good academic records but with economic needs, in order they can continue their university studies ??, as reported by the rector Asuncion Gandia.

to benefit from scholarships collaboration is essential that the student is officially enrolled in a degree of the UCV. Thus, the previous year’s academic performance will be assessed, disposable income in the household, a threshold set at 8,000 euros per capita income and the favorable report ?? department head after a personal interview with the applicant to scholarship, as well as the necessary skills for each service ??.

?? Some scholarships that students arrive simple and popular neighborhoods ??

Rafael Cerdá, diocesan delegate of education, expressed his gratitude to the UCV and asserted that ?? is a very important

initiative because our schools are all of a very popular profile people, very simple neighborhoods and, therefore, these scholarships make our students reach levels of studies that, in other circumstances, could not access ??.

on the other hand, stressed that Cerdá this action represents a new impetus ?? ?? in the alliance between the UCV and diocesan schools. ?? An alliance that the founder himself University, Cardinal Agustin Garcia Gasco, asked from the outset, and that means the natural continuity to an education that provide the capabilities and means for these students to serve society in ?? future, added the president of the San Vicente Martyr Foundation.
schools will benefit from this aid are the Annunciation, Our Lady of Fatima, St. John Bosco, and San Roque, in the city of Valencia ; D. José Lluch, Alboraia; San Roque de Alcoi; Nuestra Señora del Socorro, Benetusser; San Bartolome, Godella; Francisco Llopis Latorre, Llíria; St. James the Apostle, Moncada; San Cristobal, Picassent; Assumption, Riba-Roja; and Claret, Xativa.
More information and how to formalize the request
To formalize the application for these scholarships, students who aspire to it should perform the procedures established for collaboration grants in the secretariats of the different locations of the UCV. (AVAN)

Original Source:


Vara advocates “not be afraid of discrepancies” in a PSOE that is “very diverse and very plural” – EntornoInteligente

Expand / The socialist leader has held that “there is no need to fear that there may be discrepancies, society is.”

The secretary general of the PSOE and president of the Board, Guillermo Fernández Vara, has stated that “we must not be afraid that there may be discrepancies” within the PSOE, which is “a very plural diverse party, and very open, where you can say differently. “

the socialist leader has considered that” we must not be afraid that there may be discrepancies, society is so “, so has indicated that if the PSOE became “uniformed organizations where there is no internal debate and where there is no possibility of self-criticism or criticism, we stop being the PSOE”.

on the other hand, Vara has indicated that not having government It is “doing great harm to the whole country” and that “many detainees projects, unemployed, and we’re working inertially”.

as he concluded, Spain can not “be so many months without a government,” about all “if we now we put back in

a few weeks or months that we will be without knowing what will happen.”

Vara advocates “not be afraid of discrepancies “in a PSOE that is” very diverse and very plural “

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World President Rajoy began his contacts to form a government in Spain – Telam

The president of the government in office, the conservative Mariano Rajoy, began Thursday his contacts to negotiate the support you need from other parties to form government in Spain, after winning the elections on June 26 with more votes and seats than in December but without majority to re-election. At the last moment, Rajoy changed strategy and began with a phone call to the president of the regional government of the Canary Islands and leader of the Coalition Party Canaria (CC), Fernando Clavijo, who is the one with the lowest parliamentary representation. A single seat

the Member of this formation, with whom he will meet on Tuesday, would be key in the equation for the leader of the Popular Party (PP) get reelected. After the December elections, CC was the only party to the agreement between liberals and socialists was insufficient support for the leader of the latter, Pedro Sanchez, is elected president.

The prime minister had said that his first contact would be with Sanchez, whose Socialist Party (PSOE) came second in the election with 85 seats, compared with 137 of the conservatives, to explore the possibilities of support or abstention of his party.

Virtually all options available to the leader of the Popular Party (PP) to stay in power passed by the PSOE. However, knowing that at least initially the Socialists reject both options, as is public knowledge, he chose to start with the easiest, because ahead has a very thorny path.

After the verdict of the polls, Rajoy made it clear that his preferred partner is and wants to offer Sanchez form a government of “grand coalition”, something the PSOE officially rejected.

That formula, which is invited to join the Liberal Party Citizens, which would give it greater stability but is the most difficult to achieve because the refusal Sanchez has the support of his party.

The second option to shuffle the Conservative leader, and the most viable is that the PSOE refrain his investiture. For now the Socialist leader also rejects this option, but within his party there is a division in this regard.

On July 9 the Federal Committee of the PSOE -maximum body direction- set by the position of the Socialists will meet. Socialists are expected to ratify that in no case will support Rajoy, but may leave open a door to not hinder his inauguration.

To convince the Conservatives say they are willing to even talk about the labor reform approved by the government of Rajoy, which Sanchez wants derogar- and constitutional reform, said Thursday according to one of the deputy secretaries of PP, Javier Maroto.

Sanchez does not appear before the press since Sunday, when he assessed the electoral results of the PSOE, which were the worst in history but was allowed to keep the “hegemony of the left”, to avoid the predicted overtaking the leftist coalition Unidos Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, who came third with 71 seats.

While the Socialist leader was not explicit in rejecting the possibility that his party refrain at an investiture of Rajoy, he said he would put their votes and seats for change, which is a

veto Rajoy .

Instead, the spokesman for the Electoral Committee of his party, Antonio Hernando, clearly said that the PSOE will not support Rajoy or abstain, and recommended the PP leader seek support in their “ideological kindred” .

Rajoy could complete the majority needed for re-election, 176 deputies, adding to its 137 32 with the liberal Citizens, who remained in fourth place, 5 the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) and one of Canary Coalition.

With this sum would be a deputy of the absolute majority and in case of need one abstention second vote to be elected. That vote would be on the socialist side, although he could give Pedro Quevedo, the number two in the socialist list by Las Palmas, which belongs to the party New Canaria.

While it has an agreement with the PSOE and the PP ruled out support, Quevedo said could negotiate abstention.

For that, Rajoy also needs a favorable vote of Citizens and the PNV, because otherwise you still need total abstention of the PSOE.

The leader of Citizens, Albert Rivera, still claims that will not support a government of the PP if there is no feedback, if Rajoy continues to lead, but insists he wants to talk about “content and reforms” if others parties waive put the “chairs” ahead.

However, the spokesman for Citizens in Congress, Juan Carlos Girauta said Thursday that his party could reach an agreement to invest Rajoy at least “medium term”, ie two years, then submit his mandate to a “matter of trust,” a motion.

In an interview with TVE, the Spanish public television Girauta beyond reiterated that his party will need a table between the three Constitutionalist forces -PP, PSOE and citizens as an agreement covering the liberals and the PNV is “unnatural”.

In the same way, the Basque nationalists ask the PSOE “to get wet,” because neither are neither supporting nor “letting” Rajoy. “He would have to change a lot,” said deputy PNV, Aitor Esteban.

Meanwhile, in the negotiations that began Rajoy, the leftist coalition Unidos Podemos is what clearly was offside, as it went from the expectation of leading a government alternative to PP coalition, as indicated surveys, to virtually remain in opposition and no margin to press for an option to unseat conservative La Moncloa.

The leftist coalition looks inward by the failure of the coalition with the United Left (IU), which resulted in the loss of more than a million votes but obtained the same deputies who in December.


13 suspects arrested for organizing the slaughter in Turkey – LaRed21 (Press release) (Registration)



the delayed would be linked to the terrorist group “Islamic State”. Three of those arrested are foreigners, clarify the Turkish authorities. The arrests were made during a search operation in 16 different locations in multiple districts and neighborhoods of Istanbul


the research carried out by special teams of the Turkish government unveiled Thursday some action elements of how the attack was prepared

. according to the newspaper Yeni Safak ‘, the three attackers entered Turkey on 25 May. They rented an apartment in the district of Aksaray, Istanbul area known to be host to a significant number of Arab population. That could allow them to spend more unnoticed while preparing the carnage, adds the local press.

In the slaughter of Atatürk participated

up to eight individuals and three suicide bombers, one is Uzbek, other Kyrgyz and the third Dagestan. One of these suspects was arrested, and four more are in search and seizure. Security forces believe was a Chechen citizen named Ahmet Çatayev, who organized the coordinated attack on the airport terminal attack.

This information could be confirmed because the man left his passport at an address in the central district Fatih, identified as a place of residence or meeting of the attackers. The house was reinforced with double steel door and suspected terrorists, who rented about three months ago, they installed an air conditioning system to avoid having to open the windows to avoid leaving fingerprints or traces. The Turkish authorities Thursday unveiled last Saturday shot dead Turkish soldiers in two Syrian border trying to enter Turkey with explosive vests. Both they have been linked to Islamic State.


King Philip VI shows solidarity with the victims of ISTANBUL – The Time

Pamplona / Berlin

King Felipe VI of Spain today expressed his “heartfelt and deep solidarity” with Turkey after the “terrorist slaughter” from Istanbul, which caused 41 deaths and over 200 wounded.

“terrorism, which always condemn only deserves contempt and disgust,” he said at an event in Pamplona, ​​in northern Spain.

the monarch appealed for “unity of all” to end such actions and called for “unwavering support” for victims and their families.

messages of solidarity with Turkey were repeated in groups, institutions and Spanish parties.

the head of the caretaker government, Mariano Rajoy condemned the attack shortly occur. “Barbarism will not impose long as we are united,” he said on Twitter. The Executive confirmed today that no Spanish citizens among the victims.

consternation in Germany

The German Interior Minister Thomas de

Maiziere, was said today shocked by the terrorist attack in Tuesday night at the airport in Istanbul, which killed at least 36 dead and 147 wounded.

“terrorism has again shown its ugly face and has started the lives of innocent people,” said the minister in Berlin. “I am very shocked by the cowardly and brutal attack at Istanbul airport.”


New Plan To present BCN Urban World – The Game Daily (press release) (blog)

The Planning Commission of Tarragona will meet on Thursday to give its initial Recreativo urban master plan and Tourist Center Vilaseca and Salou popularly known as BCN World- approval. Although not revealed for now any details, it is clear that is lowered very significantly space for casinos.

Convergència convinced Esquerra Republicana to take forward the tourism project which will be located next to Port Aventura, which accumulated almost a year of delays, so had generated uncertainty among investors interested, as Melco Asian group and the American Hard Rock.

the approval urban planning, will allow holding the contest to award the final licenses expected three casinos that will launch in the future complex of leisure and entertainment.

the agreement between Convergència and Esquerra involves important technical changes draft. Check the buildable area is reduced. It will increase from one million to 750,000 square meters. This also means that there are fewer areas dedicated to casinos, namely half. The towers will not exceed 75 meters in height compared to 90 the first project.

The story of BCN World began to take shape in the first term of Artur Mas as president of the Generalitat of Catalonia (2010-2012 ). Initially the Government and the community of Madrid Eurovegas installation vied in the state, a project that finally ended discarded.

Then, the Government promoted a redesign of the project and sought new investors. Thus he was born BCN World, where casinos were also a very important component of the complex.

Finally, the new project in the presence of casinos will be greatly reduced, but not yet finalized. In the urban plan initially approved tomorrow, the space for residential, tourist and commercial uses will be implemented, and how will the buildings to be built.

In the morning, the project will be presented in the consortium which was formed two decades ago when it was installed Port Aventura,

which brings together the Government and the municipalities of Salou and Vila-Seca.

in the afternoon, the plan was initially approved by the Planning Commission Tarragona, and then open the deadline for submissions. Sources from the Catalan government reported that final approval could take place in November.

Miquel Iceta, first secretary of the PSC (Partit Socialist Party of Catalonia), forced this morning the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, to advance announcement release, expected to make just four days after the holding of general elections.

construction of the complex is the focus of a deep division in Tarragona, in which CDC (Democratic Convergence de Catalunya) and PSC (Partit Socialist Party of Catalonia) were positioned in favor to blurriness of ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) and the opposition of the CUP (Popular Unity Candidates). In the end, the Republicans took over the project if a downsizing was assumed. Melco, who gave up one of the two prelicencias available to it, paved the way, as the resort is limited to a maximum of three casinos, if Peralada Group, the only Catalan investor remains in the project.

“the work has been done and has been done well,” said Puigdemont, who thanked the support of the PSC and announced that it is scheduled to report “tomorrow morning” approval of the PDU (Urban Development Master Plan) .


The opposition criticized the “inaction” of the government in its first year of legislature – The Farad

This Wednesday, June 29, continues the debate on the State of the Region. In the evening shift’s turn to reply to the opposition, which responds to the speech that President Miguel Angel Revilla has offered in the mornings, and analyzing the first year of government.

“Inactivity” that’s the word that have most used so far the opposition parties. Shifts half an hour with the order from least to most deputies, citizens and we have accused the government of PRC-PSOE has done “little or nothing” during this year.

 Ruben Gomez, deputy Citizens.

Ruben Gomez, deputy Citizen

“Their inaction is glaringly”. he has criticized the spokesman for Citizens, Ruben Gomez, who has said that the government is “an engine two-time whose only priority is to find excuses and no solution” that only knows how to manage “in good times” and “spend as if there were no tomorrow. “

Gómez has highlighted the two rhythms with those working both sides of the Government, to the extent that Revilla had to keep quiet to contradict statements or decisions of several of his advisers, was the change of lawyer Javier Noriega case Racing.

he also pointed to Podemos, who complains that gave him “a blank check” in approving budgets “in exchange for a sobao” in reference to hosting Revilla to Pablo Iglesias in the campaign of 20-D. Budgets that Citizen has criticized that “swollen” and “are continuistas” the former PP government.


Meanwhile, Podemos, which could be called the external partner because it was their votes that allowed the investiture of Revilla, has been a little softer with government measures although it has criticized other, especially in economic policy .

 Veronica Ordonez, Podemos deputy.

Veronica Ordonez, deputy Podemos

the spokesman purples. Veronica Ordonez, has shown support for the Government’s decision to appeal the judgment annulling its decision to return the health card to illegal immigrants, and also put his hand in his performance with the contract Valdecilla, although they have criticized his “inactivity” because we had to be who published the details of this public opinion.

Less friendly is shown with other aspects in this first year in office. Ordonez has described the situation of Cantabria as “a disaster” and has especially

criticized the s epair Sodercan of the Ministry of Industry, which in full on Tuesday has again requested to return to its original source.

“your lack of economic and industrial policy is robbing us of the future,” he criticized the deputy of Podemos, recalling that “the lack of investment in technology and lack of economic policy is which he has forced to migrate to our best educated young people “.

Something that in his opinion has not imported the Government to” preferred to put Salvador Blanco to lead the public company that should boost investment in R & d + i in Cantabria even knowing the multiple irregularities in its management and recidivism “. In the plenary on Tuesday the opposition demanded the resignation of White but the government has not taken effect.


 Ignacio Diego, president of the PP Cantabria.

Ignacio Diego, president of the PP Cantabria .

the last party that has spoken has been the Popular party, in words of its president in Cantabria, Ignacio Diego. Popular have argued that it has nothing to do with the Cantabria who left his government in 2015 which found them in 2011, and have claimed “milestones” in its stage of government.

Diego wanted to boast neutrality assuming that there are social realities at national and international level that affect the region, but has insisted that, if he continue the policies that they applied, would have continued the road to recovery. “You approved by my government an Industrial Plan and Innovation Plan have”, has clarified, asking “not despise them just because they are from the Popular Party government.”

Former President Diego has reprimanded him Revilla that simply expect that solutions will come from outside, from the national government or the European institutions. But what you think is the biggest problem for the government, “symptoms of his old government” that “falls into the same vices” earlier that year, is the lack of coordination and lack of planning product absence of joint political project.

“the main one is the bicefalia that prevents coordinated action and policy planning from the perspective of mainstreaming” diagnosed, reproaching that “have not signed a programmatic agreement in his coalition” but “is a compact chairs”



Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Biosphere Reserves: tools to improve the living conditions – UN. Mexico Information Center (press release)

Photo courtesy of: UNESCO
e6f9eb028d.jpg (June 28, 2016) .- the Programme on Man and the Biosphere UNESCO, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Colombia Development, organized a two-day workshop on “Products and Services Biosphere Reserves, tools to improve living conditions” in Bogotá, Colombia, which was opened by the Vice-Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr Paul Vieira Samper, on 22 June 2016.
the workshop, which was attended by over 40 representatives of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Panama and Peru related to the field of biosphere reserves aimed to generate an exchange of experiences on sustainable economic activities and best practices that are being made in various biosphere reserves.

from a didactic and interactive exponents presented the steps that followed, the challenges they have encountered along the way and socio-economic benefits and sustainable development has been achieved through the promotion of products and services of its biosphere reserves.

the Manager of the World Biosphere reserve La Palma (Spain), Antonio San Blas Álvarez, explained through various exhibitions, how, after more than 10 years of work, this biosphere reserve has achieved become a sustainable region, enhanced by the use of the trademark “Biosphere Reserve” in their food products, handicrafts and companies.

the Executive Director of the Foundation Amazonia alive, Mr. Roldán Rojas, presented meanwhile how a country could move from planting coca to cocoa and become the fifth biosphere reserve of Peru.

Ms. June Marie Mow, international consultant, spoke about the products and services that were offered in the Biosphere Reserve Seaflower in Colombia and the Mayor of the

Municipality of Hijuelas in Chile, Ms. Veronica Rossat, he presented the work being done by the municipality as part of the Biosphere Reserve Campana -. Penuelas, and how this international designation was an instrument to defend their environmental heritage and local economic development of the area

workshop was developed under the Project BRESEP “Biosphere Reserves as a tool for the management of coastal areas and islands in the South Pacific Oriental”, which also held its fourth meeting on 23 and 24 June, where he met the five participating countries – Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru -. and the representative of the Flemish Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, who financed this project

the objective of this project is to create and strengthen existing biosphere reserves in coastal areas and islands of the eastern South Pacific, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru. The project also aims to promote biosphere reserves as tools for innovative projects to add value to local socio-economic activities; and raise awareness and build capacity of stakeholders in the area.

During the fourth meeting, the five countries discussed the various advances in each of the countries and the twinning project between Biosphere Reserve Colón (Galapagos) in Ecuador and Archipelago Juan Fernandez Chile, and the creation of a transboundary biosphere reserve between Ecuador and Peru, the second transboundary biosphere reserve in the region.

with information UNESCO


Apicarán survey failed to explain why surveys –

God does not play dice with the universe.  the devil does with polls

God does not play dice with the universe. The devil does with surveys

Photo property: Internet

“No one knows why the result was not the one who gave the polls. And neither do we. “

That said one of the leaders of Podemos, Pablo Echenique, after the failure of his party in the recent Spanish elections.

I read in The World.

in that diary I also read that we “has commissioned a survey to find out why has plummeted in that way”, ie, to explain why the election results did not match the polls that predicted a much better performance of that left party.

That is, will the leaders of Podemos, many respected scholars, a survey to understand why it failed the polls.

That is absurd ? No way. It is, rather, the only sensible thing they can do.

Of course, not only apply to a survey, but made many other analyzes based on political science. But the survey will be critical in the diagnosis.

So, surveys, often fail, should be used to understand why it failed the polls. No other

This is something like what Popper called the fundamental problem of the theory of chance.

“The most important application of the theory of probability in what we can call events- events, or ‘random’ or ‘random’. These are characterized apparently by a peculiar kind of incalculability that predisposes one to believe infructuosas- -after many attempts that all rational prediction methods are known to fail when those present: we have something like suspicion that is not a scientist who could predict them, but only a prophet. And yet, just this incalculability is what

makes us conclude that it is possible to apply to such events calculating probabilities “.

As the result of an election no one can know with accuracy in advance, then They have developed probabilistic methods, surveys, to try to have a more or less accurate picture of what will happen idea.

But as an electoral process is quite complex and hazardous, surveys may fail. And fail.

They failed to Mexico this year. They failed in the UK. They failed in Spain. Fail everywhere.

Front random’re helpless. What Poincare said. Chance is merely the measure of human ignorance

As in chaos theory, in elections anything that changes, however small change, you can return impossible prediction.

pollsters and politicians who hire them corresponds analyze why their surveys fail. But to make the best analysis, as absurd as it seems, have to apply many more surveys.

The survey is a tool that should not be dismissed just because it is sometimes imprecise, especially if there is no other more effective to replace it.

Does God Play dice with the universe? It is assumed that Einstein said no. But presumably also that Bohr corrected him. Stop telling God what to do

Apparently, in the elections, if not the pollsters, it is the devil who plays dice with forecasts.


Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima: ‘The challenge of architecture is to understand the rural world’ – Platform Architecture

Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima: ‘The challenge of architecture is to understand the rural world’

 Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima: 'The current  challenge & # xed, or architecture est &  # XE1; in understanding the rural world ', Rem  Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima. Image & # xA9;  Miguel de Guzman & # XE1; n
Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima. Image © Miguel de Guzman

Today was begun ‘Architecture: Climate Change’., the fourth version of the International Congress organized by the Architecture and Society Foundation in Pamplona, ​​Spain the inaugural session was by architect Rem Koolhaas, who after making a geopolitical analysis of the European situation, called on architects to stop ignoring the rural world as a field of operation:

We think of methodologies for a view which sooner or later we will have to take charge.

Koolhaas recalled that cities only account for 2% of the planet’s surface. “we have to look beyond, we have focused too much on the development of urban environment, forgetting field a bit. We are beginning to study it, and although there is knowledge, it is out of our radars, “he said.

  Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima Image & #  xA9;. Miguel de Guzman & # XE1; n
Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima. Image © Miguel de Guzman

The founder of OMA and author of works such as CCTV Headquarters or the Prada Foundation in Milan said:

the rural world exists in our lives, not as reality but rather as a myth [...] the field is changing even faster than the cities.

the Dutch architect said the challenges facing the rural world for architecture, but also for the digital age, “will bring consequences, some tremendous”. He said he did not face these challenges is not the way. “Being sentimental will anchor us to the past, we will do no harm.” The future is said, to intervene in “bare spaces, semi abandoned, sparsely populated, sometimes poorly connected”.

Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima. Image © Miguel de Guzman

Recalling that “our profession has to do with the design but also with politics, “Koolhaas said:

the architecture does not have to be related only with the beauty and aesthetics, but rather with the political action [...] to me have never interested me both forms and being able to intervene in society.

on the other hand, the architect noted another trend, according to which increasingly large robotic industrial spaces are designed, no longer thought in people if not in mechanized processes

this edition of the Congress is entitled “Architecture: Climate Change”., the axis will reflect on the changing trends that are transforming the way we understand and practice architecture with the aim of contributing to a more sustainable world.

Other architects who give lectures and round tables in the Baluarte-Palacio de Congresos and auditorium of Pamplona are Louisa Hutton, Jean-Philippe Vassal, Iñaki Abalos, Renata Sentkiewicz, Dietmar Eberle or Winy Maas.

  Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima. Image & #  xA9; Miguel de Guzman & # XE1; n
Rem Koolhaas in #CambioDeClima. Image © Miguel de Guzman

the next meeting is a continuation of the path taken in 2010 with the first International Congress of Architecture, which, biennial appointment that was republished in 2012 and 2014 to become a reference was also held in Pamplona international as a space for reflection on the direction taken by the profession following the economic crisis.

in previous editions, the discussion focused on the necessary austerity in recent years, solidarity based on the aspects that shares the profession to overcome the crisis and the proposal to renounce the superfluous and claim what is necessary in the discipline. those three previous appointments have brought together the best international representation of architecture, including plurals and diverse voices from five continents.

in 2010, the meeting was attended by three Pritzker prize, Renzo Piano, Jacques Herzog and Glenn Murcutt. In 2012 the event was inaugurated by Norman Foster and included the participation of two other Pritzker, Rafael Moneo and Eduardo Souto de Moura awards. And 2014 brought together figures such as Dominique Perrault or also Pritzker prize, Alvaro Siza.

Architecture and Society Foundation was founded in 2008 Hand Francisco Mangado with the aim of bringing architecture to the public as an element that determines our life in society.

with a clear cultural vocation and analytical and proven national and international projection, Architecture and society Foundation opens architecture to other disciplines to better respond to social concerns that we live in our time as sustainable development, international cooperation and integrated planning.


Revilla: “This is a region crushed by government public investment” – The Farad

During the debate on the State of the Region of this first year of government, the president of Cantabria Miguel Angel Revilla has focused the first part of his speech to criticize the “brutal fall” of public investments by the Ministry of Public Works in the region.

“This is a region crushed by public investment the government in the last four years”, said Revilla, blaming this part of the economic situation in the region, claiming that by 2017 there only 70 million budgeted for Cantabria. “We are a peaceful, supportive region not want to leave, we pay taxes, we are free when corruption … What have we done to have this treatment?” He lamented the president.

 Miguel Angel Revilla in the debate of State of  the Region.

Miguel Angel Revilla in the debate of State of the Region.

Revilla, the morning of Wednesday is speaking time to expose his speech and that will be answered by the opposition this afternoon, has listed the projects and investments that autonomy demands of the state, especially in historical claims. “Essential for economic and social development of Cantabria projects. Do not ask impossible but realistic and possible investments despite the difficulties we live “has clarified the president claimed the train of high performance between Palencia and Santander or railway integration.


Revilla has also blamed the economic situation to the situation that received the previous government. “The Government of the People’s Party champion of the fight against the debt and the deficit was proclaimed, but left us a tapped region”, he assured, referring to the letter received by the Minister Sota upon arrival at the Ministry of Economy in which the minister Montoro urged him to balance the deficit with measures that would have been delayed by the election.

This speech ‘inheritance received’ has expanded referring to unforeseen expenses have had to take this year, as the wages of vaccines Hepatitis C or the cost of the works of Valdecilla. It has therefore ensured that the Budgets adopted its government in late 2015, “we are the ones who would have liked.”

Regarding employment, Revilla has again accused the PP of municipal contracts in February 2015 already criticized because it ensured that they were designed to reduce unemployment just before the regional elections. “Have Up botched” has reprimanded Revilla, who has criticized the cost has led to the region 28 million euros instead of the 14 that would initially cost “because Europe has withdrawn half the investment because not they followed the appropriate criteria “.

Also has listed European programs or houses workshop municipalities as measures taken for the unemployed in the region. “This month Cantabria grow year on year for the first time this year, approximately 1,200 people but no trick,” announced, estimating that in June there will be 3,000 fewer unemployed.

The president has referred to the industrial estate the region, ensuring that the government expects a “hopeful fall” in the “ change of trend in the evolution of industrial activity” that says that is perceived as other indicators, as the demand for productive land.

the president also highlighted the reopening of companies Sniace and Greyco, and improvements in the industry with flags in factories Forgings, Gerdau-Sidenor and Talleres Martinez.

Revilla also sees good forecasts of a rise in tourism, centered Lebaniego Jubilee Year 2017, and trade and services sector. He also stressed that the Cantabrian Institute of Finance (ICAF) enabled credit lines to companies and guarantees amounting to 5 million euros; which

together with the resumption of dialogue “completely broken and abandoned in the previous legislature” it believes “is a major step forward for economic development”.

However, criticized the particularly bad situation of farmers Cantabrians. “This can not, the Government of Spain to intervene in Europe,” has criticized, asking to be given to milk a minimum price, “ great concern” that ensures sharing government and livestock.


in health Revilla Wednesday left two key holders. First, focusing on the contract public-private Hospital Valdecilla, which the president of Cantabria said that “we will at all times ensure strict compliance by the company awarded “.

this Revilla has made clear it will not attempt to reverse the contract even though” we do not agree with the privatization service He conducted by the previous government “, because trying to overthrow the contract would be” extraordinarily complex from a legal point of view and excessively costly “.

in addition, Revilla has announced that the government will appeal the sentence to be lying the health card granting illegal immigrants, the central government had removed. “We assume the resolution but do not share at all. We disagree and the government will appeal that decision “announced the president. “And while it is resolved in the courts, we will continue providing assistance under the same conditions to all. We believe that the protection of health is a universal right, without exceptions. There can be barriers to accessibility anyone to health “.


The president ended the speech of two and a half hours duration noting that “the main achievement” of this year has been “changing priorities over the previous government, which has been substantial.”

Revilla has positively assessed the need for the PRC government -PSOE to carry covenants given agreement governing minority. “We have opened wide the Government to everyone, and our parliamentary groups negotiate, listen, dialogue, a pact,” he has said, stressing that “we trying to govern impulse and recommendations from groups that support us promptly.”

therefore thanked the parties have offered specific support as citizens and, above all, Podemos, whose complicity has sought to especially thank you for your support in budgeting. “We have included many things from them that the Cantabrians citizens will thank you,” he asserted.

Revilla has clarified that, although the opposition “is logical that things look otherwise” all are aware of the difficulties currently. “And so there you can do very little” so that values ​​its list of priorities.


In the Popular Party spokesman opinion Parliament, Van Den Eynde Eduardo, Revilla intervention can be summed up with one word: “disappointment”. “It has confused the debate, this was not a second debate of investiture”, has clarified the popular, it believes that “talk about the future of the measures of what is going to do when we’re doing is a balance of management for the first year of legislature I think not applicable “.

However, Van Den Eynde not shown surprised that the president of Cantabria” had already announced that the balance was very poor, little good had to say about the first year and indeed has not been referred to it at all but again has returned us to sell smoke “



was sentenced to 14 years in prison to an agent of the Metropolitan for abusing his daughter – DiarioNCO (blog)

they sentenced to 14 years in prison to an agent of the Metropolitan for abusing their daughter

the officer was convicted of” sexual abuse against a minor aggravated by the bond “and” corruption of minors “. However, it will not be done yet effective for maneuvering the defense.

The Court oral Criminal No. 13 sentenced to 14 years in prison police Metropolitan David Antonio Coronel for sexually abusing his daughter since she was 9 years old.

the judges felt guilty Colonel of the crimes of “abuse sexual against a minor aggravated by the link “and” corruption of minors “

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the mother of the victim and president NGO Viva Network, Carina Barni, spoke with SN Online and said that they had asked for a sentence of 20 years, but they were also “satisfied”.

However, Carina he explained that an appeal filed by the defense of the police, it will not be effective until it

is ratified by the Court of Cassation.

the woman said her daughter, who is now 16 years old, is ” confused “because” while the father was played by the Justice and found guilty, it is still not in jail. “

the judges ruled the conviction was Enrique Gamboa, Adolfo Calvete and Diego Leif Guardio.


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“I do not want a threesome is not a fad and I’m not promiscuous” – Hipertextual

“When I came out of the closet, the response of my environment was diverse and surprising. My straight friends raised me if it was a phase. Homosexuals questioned relatives saying he had not yet accepted she was a lesbian.” Who talks like that is Violet (fictitious name), a bisexual young chatting with Hipertextual to mark the Pride Day LGBT .

“being bisexual does not mean you have twice as many opportunities and I want to shoot everything that moves”

bisexuality remains one earrings collective issues. This sexual orientation is defined by “sexual, emotional and / or romantic attraction to people of more than one gender and / or sex, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way or with the same intensity.” “But that does not mean you have twice as many opportunities or want me to shoot everything that moves,” says Violet. Statements like this denote the biphobia suffering these people, a double rejection not only one type of LGTBfobia, but also come from within the community itself lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

Year of Visibility Bisexual in Diversity

“not that I’m confused, but I can draw and I can fall in love with people of both sexes. But I do not care meat or fish, as is usually repeated around a derogatory manner, “said the girl. Discrimination against bisexual is a concern also in Spain, where organizations such as the FELGTB and COGAM Commemorate 2016 as Year bisexuality , in order to inform, banish misconceptions and, above all, give visibility.

“the stigmatization of bisexuals not only involves their discrimination, but also to relate this guidance practices that have little or nothing to do “

” I have come to ask if my bisexuality is the result of a traumatic relationship with a man. or if by having that sexual orientation’m more promiscuous, “laments Violet. The stigmatization of bisexuals not only brings discrimination , but also to relate this sexual orientation practices that have little or nothing to do with it. “I do not have to like group sex. Not for the fact of being with my partner (wife), I plantearme a threesome,” he says Violeta reviewing some of the statements that have come to listen. The FELGTB lists several examples of biphobia on its website. Among others, highlights the denial of the existence of this sexual orientation, considered as a “phase” or “confusion” and the definition from homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Despite strong growth homophobia in countries like Spain, the struggle of the LGBT collective has made great advances in the rights of homosexual couples. But there is still a long way to go. Give accurate information and visibility to

bisexuality or transsexuality, another historically discriminated orientations, is one of the main demands of the Pride , held today June 28 worldwide. One of the people who have taken a step forward revealing his bisexuality is the youtuber Dulceida , which explained in a video with more than one million copies maintaining a relationship with another girl.

“bisexual people may suffer from homophobia to be identified as gay and biphobia to be invisible or considered armarizadas homosexuals,” said Amanda Rodriguez , spokesman for the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals , on the occasion of May 17, International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Since the organization concerning the LGBT community in Spain, argue that “biphobia suffering women and bisexual men is the result of both the ignorance of its existence as the stereotypes that still presents”. Cases like Violeta are not isolated episodes, but showing the ignorance that exists today regarding this sexual orientation.

The thought that “we are all born bisexual “invisibiliza this reality tantamount to denying its existence

Decalogue of the Year Visibility Bisexual in Diversity produced by the FELGTB, also reject the myth that “ all born bisexual “. The reason is that, in his view, these kinds of thoughts bisexual invisible reality tantamount to denying its existence, as downplays the specific needs of bisexual people. For fear of these prejudices, bisexuals out less closet gay people in their family and work environment. This is what has led to define this sexuality as “invisible”, “excluded” or “silent”.

Among the claims that will be heard during the celebration of Pride 2016, include the request for a Equality Act LGTBI or universal decriminalization of any sexual orientation or gender identity. According to Amnesty International, 73 states and territories punishable by the death penalty consensual sex between same sex. Combat all forms of LGTBfobia, also affecting bisexuals remains a struggle for equality. Both trail route and both way to go yet …


They marched through public policies for diversity – The

June 29, 2016 – 00:00 the LGBT community called the law of gender identity and meet comprehensive sex education in schools.

spaces for diversity in the provincial government, outside the Bureau of Diversity, to address issues of the LGBT community.

Horses he stressed that not yet been received by mayor Gustavo Saenz to know the reasons for the removal directions. He also mentioned the delay is in the Senate to discuss the project by the trans employment quota. “A month that the project is in the House and yet we can not meet with them to explain why we asked this law does,” said the leader.

Orders for compliance the law of gender identity, 26743, respect for human rights beyond sexual orientation and a secular state that allows enact comprehensive sex education in schools also were heard.


Malvina Gareca, the women’s organization Mumalá was with her little son to the march. He told The Tribune : “sumo me because this is a way to give support to the colleagues I come with my son and think you have to educate children with other values, gender equity and. respecting gender diversity. ” Tania Kiriaco, the Observatory of Violence against Women, said: “Being here is to accompany the trans companion operator to prevent violence and to have a society that respects human rights, which are of all people”. Liliana Martinez of Jezer (Youth for Reproductive and Sexual Education) group, said: “We should all support the march”

