VALENCIA, 30 JUN. (AVAN) .- The rector of Students and Social Action of the Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Martir ?? ?? (UCV), Asuncion Gandia, has awarded two grants for collaboration to each of the 14 diocesan schools have stage school.
The event, held in the boardroom of the Rectorate, has with the participation of Rafael Cerdá Capuz, diocesan delegate of teaching and founding president of the diocesan schools San Vicente Martir ?? ??, as well as some directors of the Valencian schools that have benefited from these scholarships, as they have indicated today the AVAN news agency sources UCV.
The aid is aimed at students of diocesan schools with the best academic records, who will pursue graduate studies at the UCV course 2016-2017, they have been added.
In this type of grant the student performs 320 hours of collaborative work in a service or department of the university as libraries, practices, laboratories or service of physical activity and sport, among many others. Thus, scholarship students will benefit from a discount of 50 percent of the payment of university education that apply, depending on the degree you will take.
Initiative Monsignor Escudero
the initiative comes at the behest of Vice Chancellor and auxiliary bishop of Valencia, Monsignor Esteban Escudero, ?? to strengthen relations with diocesan schools and aims to financially help students with good academic records but with economic needs, in order they can continue their university studies ??, as reported by the rector Asuncion Gandia.
to benefit from scholarships collaboration is essential that the student is officially enrolled in a degree of the UCV. Thus, the previous year’s academic performance will be assessed, disposable income in the household, a threshold set at 8,000 euros per capita income and the favorable report ?? department head after a personal interview with the applicant to scholarship, as well as the necessary skills for each service ??.
?? Some scholarships that students arrive simple and popular neighborhoods ??
Rafael Cerdá, diocesan delegate of education, expressed his gratitude to the UCV and asserted that ?? is a very important
on the other hand, stressed that Cerdá this action represents a new impetus ?? ?? in the alliance between the UCV and diocesan schools. ?? An alliance that the founder himself University, Cardinal Agustin Garcia Gasco, asked from the outset, and that means the natural continuity to an education that provide the capabilities and means for these students to serve society in ?? future, added the president of the San Vicente Martyr Foundation.
schools will benefit from this aid are the Annunciation, Our Lady of Fatima, St. John Bosco, and San Roque, in the city of Valencia ; D. José Lluch, Alboraia; San Roque de Alcoi; Nuestra Señora del Socorro, Benetusser; San Bartolome, Godella; Francisco Llopis Latorre, Llíria; St. James the Apostle, Moncada; San Cristobal, Picassent; Assumption, Riba-Roja; and Claret, Xativa.
More information and how to formalize the request
To formalize the application for these scholarships, students who aspire to it should perform the procedures established for collaboration grants in the secretariats of the different locations of the UCV. (AVAN)
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