Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mounting opposition to drug use but increases the … –

Mounting opposition to drug use but increases the … –

Police National is seized in Madrid the biggest stash of the drug MDMA found in Spain

70% of the Spanish population 15 to 65 years believes that “we must fight for a society without drugs” and over 60% say they are “very hazardous substances should neither be proved”. However, for the first time a majority of people are in favor of allowing the sale of cannabis to adults (52.1%), compared with 44.4% holding that the prohibition of sale or supply of any of the ways must be kept .

These are some of the main conclusions research ‘The social perception of the drug problems in Spain 2014 ‘, conducted by the FAD with funding from the Government Delegation for the National Drug Plan that was presented Thursday Madrid with the CEO of the FAD, Ignacio Calderón , the government delegate for the National Plan Drugs, Francis Assisi Babín, and technical director of the FAD, Eusebio Megías.

The study addresses how has changed the social perception of drug consumption among Spaniards 15-65 years and their position against them in the past two decades, established by comparison with the two previous studies by the FAD in 1999 and 2004.

According to the FAD, in the evolution of the general perception of drug use has been a significant increase in the percentages of the most belligerent positions, while the conviction that although drugs are avoided there can many problems decreases.

It also increases who stress the danger of drugs or who doubt they can control the problems they cause, although some increase is also observed in attitudes rather rare, are less problematic for the presence of drugs, and point out its practical functionality and convenience of experimentation.

Overall, the study concludes that the Spanish society in 2014 is positioned in terms of confrontation and opposition to drugs much more decisively than in 2004 and close to what happened in 1999 and that the process of normalization of substances has been reversed.

Cannabis, except

This general trend of increased of the belligerent posture of confrontation against drugs, cannabis is a clear exception. According to research, more than half of the Spanish population aged 15 to 65 years is in favor of allowing cannabis to adults. By contrast, the 42.5% would forbid and sanction even in private.

With regard to partnerships and cannabis clubs, the view majority (28.2%) is of those who say it is a “good initiative, which allows controlled and responsible consumption”, followed by indicating that does not bother them (22.2%) and those who do not know (19.7%).

Fourth and Fifth prohibitionist positions are located. 21.4% think it should be banned because “encourage consumption” (13.1%) or “because they are a legal mockery” (8.3%). Finally, 6.8% say they have formed an opinion.

Requirement of preventive measures

91.2% of the population Spanish notes education on drugs in school as a prevention measure more important. We continue supporting families to strengthen the educational work with the children (86.5%) and advertising campaigns, thirdly, considered as very or fairly important by 77.5% of respondents.

After the educational measures include strict control measures. 72.9% felt very or fairly important police and customs control and 70.3% advocates tougher laws against drugs. These control measures have grown in valuation over 20 percentage points since 2004.

Of major form (86%), Spanish society advocates the need and requirement of maintaining the specialized care resources compared to 2% who think that could go integrating services and standardized, and something similar happens with drug plans resources: 60.2% believe it should be reinforced, and only 2.1% should go substituting the general plans of health <. / p>

Regarding the legal substances , a majority of 61% considered very appropriate restrictive laws snuff consumption and 55.3% the consumption and sale of alcohol. By contrast, 21.4% believe that should be smooth (16.9%) and even abolish (4.5%) laws relating to snuff, and 11.9% say the same about the laws regarding consumption control and alcohol sales



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